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Text 15



tāṅhā śune loke kahe anyonye bāt
eka sannyāsī āsi’ dekhi’ jagannātha
tāṅhā śune loke kahe anyonye bāt
eka sannyāsī āsi’ dekhi’ jagannātha



tāṅhā — at that place; śune — they hear; loke — the people in general; kahe — talk; anyonye — among themselves; bāt — topics; eka — one; sannyāsī — mendicant; āsi’ — coming there; dekhi’ — seeing; jagannātha — the Deity of Lord Jagannātha.

tāṅhā — tam; śune — slyší; loke — lidi; kahe — mluví; anyonye — mezi sebou; bāt — témata; eka — jeden; sannyāsī — potulný mnich; āsi' — jak tam přišel; dekhi' — jak uviděl; jagannātha — Božstvo Pána Jagannātha.



There the devotees heard the people talking about a mendicant who had come to Jagannātha Purī and seen the Deity of Jagannātha.

Tam oddaní slyšeli, jak lidé mluví o potulném mnichovi, který přišel do Džagannáth Purí a zhlédl Božstvo Jagannātha.