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Chapter Six


Finding the Cure for Today’s Social Ills

Duhovna rješenja za materijalne probleme

Crime: Why and What to Do?

Kriminal: zašto i što učiniti?

In this July 1975 interview, Chicago Police Department media relations man Lt. David Mozee asks about curbing the upward-spiraling U.S. crime rate. Śrīla Prabhupāda replies, “If human beings are not given the facility to learn about God, then they remain on the level of cats and dogs. You cannot have peace in a society of cats and dogs.… The thief and murderer already know the law, yet they still commit violent crimes due to their unclean hearts. So our process is to cleanse the heart.”

U ovom razgovoru s poručnikom Davidom Mozeeom, policijskim službenikom za odnose s javnošću u Chicagu, Śrīla Prabhupāda kaže: “Ako se ljudskim bićima ne pruži prilika da uče o Bogu, ostat će na razini mačaka i pasa. Stoga u društvu mačaka i pasa ne može vladati mir… Kradljivac i ubojica već poznaju zakon, ali zbog nečista srca ipak čine nasilna krivična djela. Naš proces služi pročišćenju srca.

Lieutenant Mozee: I understand you have some ideas that could help us in our efforts to prevent crime. I’d be very interested to hear them.

Poručnik Mozee: Mislim da imate neke ideje koje bi nam mogle pomoći u sprječavanju kriminala. Volio bih ih čuti.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: The difference between a pious man and a criminal is that one is pure in heart and the other is dirty. This dirt is like a disease in the form of uncontrollable lust and greed in the heart of the criminal. Today people in general are in this diseased condition, and thus crime is very widespread. When the people become purified of these dirty things, crime will disappear. The simplest process of purification is to assemble in congregation and chant the holy names of God. This is called saṅkīrtana and is the basis of our Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. So, if you want to stop crime, then you must gather as many people as possible for mass saṅkīrtana. This congregational chanting of the holy name of God will dissipate all the dirty things in everyone’s heart. Then there will be no more crime.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Za razliku od pobožna čovjeka, čije je srce čisto, kriminalac ima nečisto srce. Ta je prljavština poput bolesti u srcu kriminalca koja poprima oblike neobuzdane požude i pohlepe. Kriminal je vrlo raširen jer danas veliki broj ljudi boluje od te bolesti. Kad ljudi očiste srce od te prljavštine, kriminal će nestati. Okupiti mnoštvo ljudi i navesti ih da pjevaju Božja sveta imena najjednostavniji je proces pročišćenja. To se zove saṅkīrtana i temelj je našeg pokreta za svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. Prema tomu, ako želite spriječiti kriminal, morate okupiti što više ljudi za masovnu saṅkīrtanu. Skupno pjevanje Božjeg svetog imena svima će očistiti srca od sve prljavštine. Onda više neće biti kriminala.

Lieutenant Mozee: Do you have any feelings about crime here in the United States as opposed to the crime in your own country of India?

Poručnik Mozee: Smatrate li da postoji razlika između kriminala u Sjedinjenim Državama i u vašoj zemlji, Indiji?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: What is your definition of crime?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Kako glasi vaša definicija kriminala?

Lieutenant Mozee: Any trampling on the rights of one person by another person.

Poručnik Mozee: Svako ugrožavanje prava jedne osobe od strane druge osobe.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes. Our definition is the same. In the Upaniṣads it is said, īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam: “Everything belongs to God.” So, everyone has the right to utilize whatever is allotted to him by God, but one may not encroach upon others’ property. If one does so, he becomes a criminal. Actually the first crime is that you Americans are thinking this land of America is yours. Although two hundred years ago it was not yours, you have come from other parts of the world and claimed it as your land. Actually it is God’s land, and therefore it belongs to everyone, since everyone is a child of God. But the vast majority of people have no conception of God. Practically speaking, everyone is godless. Therefore they should be educated to love God. In America, your government has a slogan, “In God we trust.” Is that correct?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da. Naša je definicija ista. U Upaniṣadama je rečeno, īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam: „Sve pripada Bogu.“ Svatko ima pravo koristiti ono što mu je Bog dodijelio, ali ne smije prisvajati tuđu imovinu. Ako to učini, postaje kriminalac. Vi Amerikanci mislite da je Amerika vaša zemlja i to je prvo kazneno djelo. Iako prije dvjesto godina nije bila vaša, došli ste iz drugih dijelova svijeta i proglasili je svojom zemljom. Ustvari, to je Božja zemlja, zato pripada svima jer su svi Božja djeca, ali većina ljudi nema nikakvu predodžbu o Bogu. Gotovo su svi bezbožni. Zato ih trebamo poučiti da vole Boga. U Americi, vaša vlada ima izreku „U Boga vjerujemo“. Je li to istina?

Lieutenant Mozee: Yes.

Poručnik Mozee: Da.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: But where is the education about God? To trust is very good, but simple trust will not endure unless it is backed up with scientific knowledge of God. One may know that he has a father, but unless he knows who his father is, his knowledge is imperfect. And that education in the science of God is lacking.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ali gdje je naobrazba o Bogu? Dobro je vjerovati, ali sama vjera neće potrajati ako se ne temelji na znanstvenim spoznajama o Bogu. Možemo znati da imamo oca, ali ako ne znamo tko nam je otac, naše je znanje nesavršeno. Ta naobrazba o znanosti o Bogu nedostaje.

Lieutenant Mozee: Do you feel that it’s lacking only here in the United States?

Poručnik Mozee: Mislite li da nedostaje samo ovdje, u Sjedinjenim Državama?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No. Everywhere. The age we live in is called Kali-yuga, the age of forgetting God. It is an age of misunderstanding and quarrel, and the people’s hearts are filled with dirty things. But God is so powerful that if we chant His holy name we become purified, just as my disciples have become purified of their bad habits. Our movement is based on this principle of chanting the holy name of God. We give everyone the opportunity, without any distinction. They can come to our temple, chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, take a little prasāda* as refreshment, and gradually become purified. So if the governmental authorities give us some facilities, then we can hold mass saṅkīrtana. Then, without a doubt, the whole society will change.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne. Svuda. Doba u kojem živimo naziva se Kali-yuga, doba zaboravljanja Boga. To je doba nerazumijevanja i svađe, a srca ljudi puna su prljavštine. Bog je tako moćan da se pjevanjem Njegova svetog imena pročišćavamo. Tako su se moji učenici očistili od loših navika. Naš se pokret temelji na načelu pjevanja Božjeg svetog imena. Svakome pružamo jednaku priliku. Ljudi mogu doći u naš hram, pjevati mantru Hare Kṛṣṇa, pojesti malo prasādama* radi osvježenja i postupno se pročistiti. Ako nam vladini autoriteti pruže pogodnosti, možemo održavati masovne saṅkīrtane. Onda će se cijelo društvo nedvojbeno promijeniti.

Lieutenant Mozee: If I understand you correctly, sir, you are saying that we should emphasize a return to religious principles.

Poručnik Mozee: Ako vas pravilno razumijem, gospodine, kažete da trebamo naglašavati vraćanje religijskim načelima.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Certainly. Without religious principles what is the difference between a dog and a man? Man can understand religion, but a dog cannot. That is the difference. So if human society remains on the level of dogs and cats, how can you expect a peaceful society? If you bring a dozen dogs and put them together in a room, will it be possible to keep them peaceful? Similarly, if human society is filled with men whose mentality is on the level of dogs, how can you expect peace?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Svakako. Osim po religijskim načelima, po čemu se razlikuju pas i čovjek? Čovjek može shvatiti religiju, ali pas ne može. To je razlika. Ostane li ljudsko društvo na razini mačaka i pasa, kako možete očekivati mirno društvo? Ako dovedemo desetak pasa u neku prostoriju, hoćete li uspjeti održati mir u toj prostoriji? Slično tomu, ako je ljudsko društvo puno ljudi s mentalitetom na razini pasa, kako možete očekivati mir?

Lieutenant Mozee: If some of my questions sound disrespectful, it is only because I do not completely understand your religious beliefs. I mean no disrespect whatsoever.

Poručnik Mozee: Ako neka od mojih pitanja zvuče neuljudno, to je samo zato što ne razumijem u potpunosti vaša religijska uvjerenja. Ne želim biti neuljudan.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, it is not a question of my religious beliefs. I am simply pointing out the distinction between human life and animal life. Animals cannot possibly learn anything about God, but human beings can. However, if human beings are not given the facility to learn about God, then they remain on the level of cats and dogs. You cannot have peace in a society of cats and dogs. Therefore, it is the duty of the governmental authorities to see that people are taught how to become God conscious. Otherwise, there will be trouble, because without God consciousness there is no difference between a dog and a man: the dog eats, we eat; the dog sleeps, we sleep; a dog has sex, we have sex; a dog tries to defend itself, and we also try to defend ourselves. These are the common factors. The only difference is that a dog cannot be instructed about his relationship with God, but a man can.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, to nije pitanje mojih religijskih uvjerenja. Ja samo ukazujem na razliku između ljudskog i životinjskog postojanja. Životinje ne mogu ništa naučiti o Bogu, ali ljudska bića mogu. Međutim, ako se ljudskim bićima ne pruži prilika da uče o Bogu, ostat će na razini mačaka i pasa. U društvu mačaka i pasa ne može vladati mir. Zato je vlada dužna urediti da ljudi nauče kako će postati svjesni Boga, inače će biti nevolja. Bez svijesti o Bogu, čovjek se ne razlikuje od psa. Pas jede i mi jedemo; pas spava i mi spavamo; pas se razmnožava i mi se razmnožavamo; pas se brani i mi se branimo. Po tome smo jednaki. Psa ne možemo poučiti o njegovu odnosu s Bogom, ali čovjeka možemo. Po tome se razlikujemo.

Lieutenant Mozee: Wouldn’t peace be a precursor to a return to religion? Must we not first have peace?

Poručnik Mozee: Zar mir ne bi trebao biti preteča povratka religiji? Zar ne bismo prvo trebali imati mir?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, no, that is the difficulty. At the present moment, no one actually knows the meaning of religion. Religion means to abide by the laws of God, just as good citizenship means to abide by the laws of the government. Because no one has any understanding of God, no one knows the laws of God or the meaning of religion. This is the present status of people in today’s society. They are forgetting religion, taking it to be a kind of faith. Faith may be blind faith. Faith is not the real description of religion. Religion means the laws given by God, and anyone who follows those laws is religious, whether a Christian, a Hindu, or a Muslim.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, ne, u tome je problem. U današnje vrijeme nitko ne zna značenje religije. Religija znači poštovati Božje zakone, kao što dobar građanin poštuje zakone vlade. Budući da nitko ništa ne zna o Bogu, nitko ne poznaje ni Božje zakone ni značenje religije. Takvi su ljudi u današnjem društvu. Zaboravljaju religiju smatrajući je vrstom vjere. Vjera može biti slijepa. Vjera nije točan izraz za religiju. Religiju čine zakoni koje je dao Bog, a svatko tko ih slijedi religiozan je, bez obzira na to je li kršćanin, hinduist ili musliman.

Lieutenant Mozee: With all due respect, isn’t it true that in India, where religious customs have been followed for centuries upon centuries, we are seeing not a return to but a drawing away from spiritual life?

Poručnik Mozee: Uza sve dužno poštovanje, zar nije istina da u Indiji, gdje se religijski običaji stoljećima slijede, umjesto povratka duhovnom životu, primjećujemo udaljavanje od njega?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, but it is due only to bad leadership. Otherwise, the vast majority of the Indian people are fully conscious of God, and they try to follow the laws of God. Here in the West, even big college professors do not believe in God or in life after death. But in India, even the poorest man believes in God and in a next life. He knows that if he commits sins he will suffer and if he acts piously he will enjoy. To this day, if there is a disagreement between two villagers, they will go to the temple to settle it, because everyone knows that the opposite parties will hesitate to speak lies before the Deities. So in most respects, India is still eighty percent religious. That is the special privilege of taking birth in India, and the special responsibility also. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu has said:

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, ali to je posljedica lošeg vodstva. Velika je većina Indijaca potpuno svjesna Boga i nastoji slijediti Božje zakone. Ovdje, na zapadu, čak ni veliki sveučilišni profesori ne vjeruju u Boga ili život poslije smrti, ali u Indiji čak i najsiromašniji čovjek vjeruje u Boga i sljedeći život. Zna da će, ako čini grešna djela, patiti, a ako djeluje pobožno, da će uživati. Sve do danas, izbije li spor između dva seljaka, oni odlaze u hram kako bi ga riješili jer svatko zna da će protivnička strana oklijevati da laže pred Božanstvima. Stoga je Indija još uvijek 80% religiozna. To je posebna povlastica rođenja u Indiji, ali i posebna odgovornost. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu rekao je:

bhārata-bhūmite haila manuṣya-janma yāra
janma sārthaka kari’ kara para-upakāra
bhārata-bhūmite haila manuṣya-janma yāra
janma sārthaka kari’ kara para-upakāra

[Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi 9.41]

[Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi 9.41]

Anyone who has taken birth in India should make his life perfect by becoming Kṛṣṇa conscious. Then he should distribute Kṛṣṇa consciousness all over the world.

Onaj tko se rodio u Indiji treba postati svjestan Kṛṣṇe i tako dostići savršenstvo života. Potom treba širiti svjesnost Kṛṣṇe diljem svijeta.

Lieutenant Mozee: Sir, there is a Christian parable that says it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to come before the throne of God. Do you think the wealth of the United States and other Western countries is a block to spiritual faith?

Poručnik Mozee: Gospodine, u kršćanstvu postoji moralna pouka koja glasi: lakše je devi proći kroz iglene uši, nego bogatašu ući u Božje carstvo. Mislite li da je bogatstvo Sjedinjenih Država i drugih zapadnih zemalja zapreka duhovnom vjerovanju?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes. Too much wealth is a block. Kṛṣṇa states in the Bhagavad-gītā [2.44]:

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da. Preveliko je bogatstvo zapreka. Kṛṣṇa kaže u Bhagavad-gīti (2.44):

vyavasāyātmikā buddhiḥ
samādhau na vidhīyate
vyavasāyātmikā buddhiḥ
samādhau na vidhīyate

If one is materially very opulent, he forgets God. Therefore too much material wealth is a disqualification for understanding God. Although there is no absolute law that only the poor man can understand God, generally if one is extraordinarily rich, his only ambition is to acquire money, and it is difficult for him to understand spiritual teachings.

Ako je tko s materijalnog stajališta vrlo bogat, obično zaboravlja Boga. Zato je preveliko materijalno bogatstvo diskvalifikacija za razumijevanje Boga. Premda ne postoji apsolutan zakon prema kojem samo siromah može spoznati Boga, događa se da jako bogati ljudi samo žele zgrtati novac i teško shvaćaju duhovne pouke.

Lieutenant Mozee: In America, those who belong to the Christian faith also believe these things. I don’t see any vast differences between the spiritual beliefs of one religious group and another.

Poručnik Mozee: U Americi pripadnici kršćanske vjere također vjeruju u to. Ne vidim veliku razliku između duhovnih vjerovanja raznih religioznih skupina.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, the essence of all religion is the same. Our proposal is that whatever religious system one follows, he should try to understand God and love Him. If you are a Christian, we do not say, “That is no good; you must become like us.” Our proposition is that whether you are a Christian, Muslim, or Hindu, simply try to understand God and love Him.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, bit je svih religija ista. Predlažemo da pokušate shvatiti i voljeti Boga, bez obzira na to koji religijski sustav slijedite. Ako ste kršćanin, mi ne kažemo: „To nije dobro, morate postati kao mi“, nego predlažemo da jednostavno pokušate shvatiti i voljeti Boga, bez obzira na to jeste li kršćanin, musliman ili hinduist.

Lieutenant Mozee: If I could return to my original purpose for coming, might I ask what advice you could give to assist us in reducing crime? I recognize that the first and foremost way would be a return to God, as you say – there’s no doubt about that – but is there something that we could immediately do to diminish this spreading criminal mentality?

Poručnik Mozee: Ako se mogu vratiti na prvobitnu namjeru mog posjeta, mogu li vas upitati za savjet koji bi nam pomogao u suzbijanju kriminala? Priznajem da bi prvi i najbolji način bio povratak Bogu, kao što kažete, u to nema sumnje, no ima li nešto što bismo odmah mogli učiniti kako bismo smanjili širenje kriminalnog mentaliteta?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes. As I’ve already outlined in the beginning of our talk, you should give us the facility to chant the holy name of God and distribute prasāda. Then there will be a tremendous change in the population. I came alone from India, and now I have many followers. What did I do? I asked them to sit down and chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, and afterward I distributed a little prasāda. If this is done on a mass scale, the entire society will become very pleasing. This is a fact.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da. Kao što sam već rekao na početku našeg razgovora, trebate nam omogućiti da pjevamo Božje sveto ime i dijelimo prasādam. Onda će se ljudi jako promijeniti. Došao sam iz Indije sam, a sada imam mnogo sljedbenika. Što sam učinio? Zamolio sam ih da sjednu i pjevaju mantru Hare Kṛṣṇa i potom im razdijelio malo prasādama. Kad bi se to masovno činilo, cijelo bi društvo postalo vrlo ugodno. To je činjenica.

Lieutenant Mozee: Would you want to start the program in an area of affluence or an area of poverty?

Poručnik Mozee: Želite li započeti program u bogatom ili siromašnom kraju?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: We do not draw such distinctions. Any place easily available to all kinds of men would be very suitable to hold saṅkīrtana. There is no restriction that only the poor men need the benefit but the rich do not. Everyone needs to be purified. Do you think criminality exists only in the poorer section of society?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Mi ne dijelimo ljude na taj način. Bilo koji prostor lako dostupan pučanstvu prikladan je za saṅkīrtanu. Ne postoji ograničenje zbog kojeg je samo siromasima potrebna dobrobit, a bogatašima nije. Svatko se treba pročistiti. Mislite li da kriminal postoji samo u siromašnijim slojevima društva?

Lieutenant Mozee: No. But I meant to ask whether there would be more of a beneficial influence – more of a strengthening of the community – if the program were held in a poorer area rather than an affluent area.

Poručnik Mozee: Ne, ali sam htio upitati bi li učinak bio bolji, bi li se društvo više osnažilo, kad bi se program održavao u siromašnom kraju, a ne u bogatom.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Our treatment is for the spiritually diseased person. When a person is afflicted with a disease, there are no distinctions between a poor man and a rich man. They are both admitted to the same hospital. Just as the hospital should be in a place where both the poor man and the rich man can easily come, the location of the saṅkīrtana facility should be easily accessible to all. Since everyone is materially infected, everyone should be able to take advantage.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Svim duhovno bolesnim osobama nudimo liječenje. Kad netko oboli, nema nikakve razlike između siromaha i bogataša. Obojica se primaju u istu bolnicu. Kao što bolnica treba biti na mjestu kojem mogu lako prići i siromasi i bogataši, tako i mjesto održavanja saṅkīrtane treba biti svima lako dostupno. Svi su zaraženi, stoga pružimo priliku svima.

The difficulty is that the rich man thinks he’s perfectly healthy, although he’s the most diseased of all. But as a policeman, you well know that there’s criminality among rich men and poor men alike. So our chanting process is for everyone, because it cleanses the heart, regardless of the man’s opulence or poverty. The only way to permanently change the criminal habit is to change the heart of the criminal. As you well know, many thieves are arrested numerous times and put into jail. Although they know that if they commit theft they will go to jail, still they are forced to steal because of their unclean hearts. Therefore without cleansing the heart of the criminal, you cannot stop crime simply by more stringent law enforcement. The thief and the murderer already know the law, yet they still commit violent crimes, due to their unclean hearts. So our process is to cleanse the heart. Then all the troubles of this material world will be solved.

Problem je što bogat čovjek misli da je savršeno zdrav, iako je puno bolesniji od svih, ali kao policajac dobro znate da je kriminal podjednako raširen i među siromasima i među bogatašima. Prema tomu, naš proces pjevanja namijenjen je svima jer pročišćava srce, bez obzira na bogatstvo ili siromaštvo. Sklonost kriminalu može se trajno ukloniti samo ako kriminalcu promijenimo srce. Kao što vam je poznato, brojni su lopovi mnogo puta bili uhićeni i pritvoreni. Iako znaju da će otići u zatvor ako počine krađu, prisiljeni su krasti zbog svog nečista srca. Prema tomu, ako kriminalcu ne pročistite srce, nećete spriječiti kriminal isključivo strožim zakonskim mjerama. Kradljivac i ubojica već poznaju zakon, ali zbog nečista srca ipak čine nasilna krivična djela. Naš proces služi pročišćenju srca, a s time će se okončati sve nevolje ovoga materijalnog svijeta.

Lieutenant Mozee: That’s a very difficult task, sir.

Poručnik Mozee: Gospodine, to je vrlo težak zadatak,.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: It is not difficult. Simply invite everyone: “Come, chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, dance, and take sumptuous prasāda.” What is the difficulty? We are doing this at our centers, and people are coming. But because we have very little money, we can hold saṅkīrtana only on a small scale. We invite everyone, and gradually people are coming to our centers and becoming devotees. If the government would give us a large facility, however, we could expand unlimitedly. And the problem is big; otherwise why are there national news articles asking what to do? No civil state wants this criminality. That’s a fact. But the leaders do not know how to stop it. If they listen to us, however, we can give them the answer. Why crime? Because people are godless. And what to do? Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa and take prasāda. If you like, you can adopt this process of saṅkīrtana. Otherwise, we will continue conducting it on a small scale. We are just like a poor medical man with a small private practice who could open a big hospital if he were given the facility. The government is the executor. If they take our advice and adopt the process of saṅkīrtana, then the problem of crime will be solved.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Nije težak. Trebate jednostavno pozvati svakoga: „Dođite, pjevajte mantru Hare Kṛṣṇa, plešite i obilno se gostite prasādamom.“ U čemu je problem? Mi to činimo u našim centrima i ljudi dolaze, ali zato što nemamo puno sredstava, održavamo saṅkīrtanu samo u užim krugovima. Pozivamo svakoga, a ljudi postupno dolaze u naše centre i postaju bhakte. Međutim, kad bi nam vlada pružila veće pogodnosti, mogli bismo se neograničeno širiti. Problem je velik. Zašto se inače u novinskim člancima postavlja pitanje što poduzeti? Nijedna država ne želi kriminal. To je činjenica, ali vođe ne znaju kako će ga spriječiti. Međutim, kad bi nas saslušali, mogli bismo im odgovoriti. Zašto postoji kriminal? Kriminal postoji jer su ljudi bezbožni. Što se može učiniti? Pjevajte Hare Kṛṣṇa i blagujte prasādam. Ako želite, možete prihvatiti ovaj proces saṅkīrtane. Inače, mi ćemo ga nastaviti u užim krugovima. Mi smo kao siromašni liječnik s malom privatnom ordinacijom koji bi mogao otvoriti veliku bolnicu kad bi mu se pružila povoljna prilika. Vlada je izvršitelj. Kad bi prihvatila naš savjet i usvojila proces saṅkīrtane, problem kriminaliteta bio bi riješen.

Lieutenant Mozee: There are many Christian organizations in the United States that give the holy communion. Why doesn’t this work? Why is this not cleansing the heart?

Poručnik Mozee: U Sjedinjenim Državama postoji puno kršćanskih organizacija koje daju svetu pričest. Zašto to ne djeluje? Zašto to ne pročišćava srce?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To speak frankly, I find it difficult to find even one real Christian. The so-called Christians do not abide by the Bible’s order. One of the ten commandments in the Bible is, “Thou shalt not kill.” But where is that Christian who does not kill by eating the flesh of the cow? The process of chanting the Lord’s holy name and distributing prasāda will be effective if carried out by persons who are actually practicing religion. My disciples are trained to strictly follow religious principles, and therefore their chanting of the holy name of God is different from others’. Theirs is not simply a rubber-stamped position. They have realized the purifying power of the holy name through practice.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Iskreno govoreći, smatram da je teško naći čak i jednog pravog kršćanina. Takozvani kršćani ne slijede naredbe Biblije. Jedna od deset zapovijedi u Bibliji glasi „ne ubij“, ali koji kršćanin ne ubija jedući kravlje meso? Proces pjevanja Gospodinova svetog imena i dijeljenja prasādama bit će djelotvoran ako ga provode oni koji žive religiozno. Svoje učenike poučavam da strogo slijede religijska načela, zato nije isto kad oni pjevaju Božje sveto ime i kad netko drugi to čini. Njihov položaj nije puka formalnost jer su pjevajući sveto ime i sami osjetili njegovu pročišćavajuću moć.

Lieutenant Mozee: Sir, isn’t the difficulty that although a small circle of priests and devotees may follow the religious principles, those on the fringe deviate and cause trouble? For example, assume that the Hare Kṛṣṇa movement grows to gigantic proportions, as Christianity has. Wouldn’t you then have a problem with people on the fringe of the movement who professed to be followers but were actually not?

Poručnik Mozee: Gospodine, zar nije problem u tome što se samo uzak krug svećenika i bhakta pridržava religijskih načela, dok osobe na rubu pokreta zastranjuju i uzrokuju nevolje? Na primjer, pretpostavimo da pokret Hare Kṛṣṇa poprimi ogromne razmjere kao kršćanstvo. Zar ne biste imali problema s ljudima na rubu pokreta koji bi tvrdili da su sljedbenici iako to ustvari nisu?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That possibility is always there, but all I am saying is that if you are not a true Christian, then your preaching will not be effective. And because we are strictly following religious principles, our preaching will be effective in spreading God consciousness and alleviating the problem of crime.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ta mogućnost uvijek postoji, ali samo tvrdim da ako niste pravi kršćanin, vaše propovijedanje neće biti djelotvorno. Budući da mi strogo slijedimo religijska načela, naše će propovijedanje biti djelotvorno u širenju svijesti o Bogu i smanjenju problema kriminala.

Lieutenant Mozee: Sir, let me thank you for your time. I will deliver this tape recording to my superiors. Hopefully, it will be effective, as you are effective.

Poručnik Mozee: Gospodine, dopustite mi da vam se zahvalim na vremenu koje ste mi posvetili. Predat ću snimak ovog razgovora svojim pretpostavljenima. Nadam se da će biti jednako djelotvoran kao vi.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Thank you very much.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Puno vam hvala.

Can We Keep Society From Going to the Dogs?

Ljudsko ili životinjsko društvo?

Śrīla Prabhupāda speaks out to India’s Bhavan’s Journal: “A dog comes when there are some eatables; I say ‘Hut!’ and he goes away. But again he comes – he has no memory. So when our memory of God is reducing, that means that our human qualities are reducing.… There is no religion, simply a dog’s race. The dog is running on four legs and you are running on four wheels – that’s all. And you think that the four-wheel race is advancement of civilization!”

U jednom razgovoru za indijski Bhavan’s Journal, u kolovozu 1976. godine, Śrīla Prabhupāda kaže: Ljudski potencijal trebamo iskoristiti za duhovni napredak, a ne za nadmetanje sa psima. Svetac nije prezauzet poput psa. Ljudi danas misle da pravi život znači oponašati pse, ali pravi je život duhovni napredak. Pas trči unaokolo na četiri noge, a vi jurite na četiri automobilska kotača. Je li to napredak?

Interviewer: The first question is this: Is the influence of religion on the wane? And if so, does this factor account for the increase in corruption and the widespread deterioration of moral values?

Novinar: Prvo bih vas upitao opada li utjecaj religije? Ako je tako, objašnjava li to porast korupcije i opći nestanak moralnih vrijednosti?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, religion is on the wane. This is predicted in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam [12.2.1]:

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, religija nestaje. To je pretkazano u Śrīmad-Bhāgavatamu (12.2.1):

tataś cānu-dinaṁ dharmaḥ
satyaṁ śaucaṁ kṣamā dayā
kālena balinā rājan
naṅkṣyaty āyur balaṁ smṛtiḥ
tataś cānu-dinaṁ dharmaḥ
satyaṁ śaucaṁ kṣamā dayā
kālena balinā rājan
naṅkṣyaty āyur balaṁ smṛtiḥ

“In the Kali-yuga [the present age of quarrel and hypocrisy] the following things will diminish: religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, mercy, duration of life, bodily strength, and memory.”

„U Kali-yugi [sadašnjem dobu svađe i licemjerja] smanjit će se religija, istinoljubivost, čistoća, samilost, životni vijek, tjelesna snaga i pamćenje.“

These are human assets, which make the human being distinct from the animal. But these things will decline. There will be no mercy, there will be no truthfulness, memory will be short, and the duration of life will be cut short. Similarly, religion will vanish. That means that gradually we will come to the platform of animals.

Ljudsko se biće razlikuje od životinje po ovim odlikama, ali one će postupno nestati. Neće biti milostivosti i istinoljubivosti, pamćenje će biti slabo, životni vijek će se smanjiti, a religija nestati. To znači da ćemo se postupno srozati do razine životinja.

Interviewer: Religion will vanish? We’ll become animals?

Novinar: Religija će nestati? Postat ćemo životinje?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Especially when there is no religion, it is simply animal life. Any common man can distinguish that the dog does not understand what religion is. The dog is also a living being, but he is not interested in understanding the Bhagavad-gītā or the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. He is not interested. That is the distinction between man and dog: the animal is not interested.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Gdje god nema religije, to je jednostavno životinjski život. Svaki običan čovjek uviđa da pas ne shvaća što je religija. Pas je također živo biće, ali ne želi shvatiti Bhagavad-gītu ili Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Ne zanima ga. To je razlika između čovjeka i psa: životinja nije zainteresirana.

So when the human beings become uninterested in religious things, then they are animals. And how can there be happiness or peace in animal society? They want to keep people like animals, and they are making a United Nations. How is it possible? United animals, society for united animals? These things are going on.

Kad se ljudska bića prestanu zanimati za religiju, postaju životinje. Kako u životinjskom društvu može vladati mir i sreća? Žele držati ljude kao životinje, a osnivaju Ujedinjene narode. Kako je to moguće? Ujedinjene životinje, društvo ujedinjenih životinja? To se zbiva.

Interviewer: Do you see any hopeful signs?

Novinar: Vidite li neke znakove koji pružaju nadu?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: At least they have detected that religion is declining. That is good. “Declining” means they are going to be animals. In logic it is said that man is a rational animal. When the rationality is missing, then he is simply an animal, not a human being. In human society either you become Christian, Muhammadan, Hindu, or Buddhist; it doesn’t matter. There must be some system of religion. Human society without religion is animal society. This is a plain fact. Why are people so unhappy now? Because there is no religion. They are neglecting religion.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Otkrili su barem da religija nestaje. To je dobro. Nestaje znači da će postati životinje. U logici se kaže da je čovjek razumna životinja. Kad nema razuma, onda je obična životinja, a ne ljudsko biće. Nije važno jeste li kršćanin, musliman, hinduist ili budist, ali u ljudskom društvu mora postojati bar nekakav sustav religije. Ljudsko društvo bez religije životinjsko je društvo. To je činjenica. Zašto su danas ljudi tako nesretni? Zato što nema religije. Zanemaruju religiju.

One gentleman has written me that Tolstoy once said, “Unless dynamite is put underneath the church, there cannot be any peace.” Even now the Russian government is very strictly against God consciousness because they think that religion has spoiled the whole social atmosphere.

Jedan mi je gospodin pisao da je Tolstoj jednom rekao: „Sve dok ne stave dinamit ispod crkve, neće biti mira.“ Čak se i danas ruska vlada oštro protivi svijesti o Bogu jer misle da će religija uništiti atmosferu u cijelome društvu.

Interviewer: It seems there could be some truth in that.

Novinar: Čini se da ima neke istine u tome.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: The religious system might have been misused, but that does not mean that religion should be avoided. Real religion should be taken. It does not mean that because religion has not been properly executed by the so-called priests, religion should be rejected. If my eye is giving me some trouble on account of a cataract, it does not mean that the eye should be plucked out. The cataract should be removed. That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Religija se može zlorabiti, ali to ne znači da je treba izbjegavati. Trebamo prihvatiti pravu religiju. Ako takozvani svećenici nisu pravilno slijedili sustav religije, to ne znači da religiju trebamo odbaciti. Zadaje li mi oko nevolje zbog mrene, to ne znači da ga trebam iskopati. Trebam ukloniti mrenu. To je svjesnost Kṛṣṇe.

Interviewer: I think history shows that many people have misused religion. Isn’t that a fact?

Novinar: Povijest nam pokazuje da su brojni ljudi zlorabili religiju. Zar to nije istina?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: These people have no conception of God, and they are preaching religion. What is religion? Dharmaṁ tu sākṣād bhagavat-praṇītam: “The path of religion is directly enunciated by the Supreme Lord.” They have no conception of God – they do not know what God is – and they are professing some religion. How long can it go on artificially? It will deteriorate.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ti ljudi nemaju nikakvu predodžbu o Bogu, a propovijedaju religiju. Što je religija? Dharmaṁ tu sākṣād bhagavat-praṇītam. „Put religije objavljuje sam Svevišnji Gospodin.“ Nemaju pojma o Bogu, ne znaju što je Bog, ali ispovijedaju neku religiju. Dokle će se to na umjetan način održavati? Propast će.

That has become the present condition. They have no idea of God, so how will they know what is the order of God? Religion means the order of God. For example, law means the order of the state. If there is no state, then where is the order? We have a clear conception of God – Kṛṣṇa. He is giving His order, and we accept it. It is clear religion. If there is no God, no conception of God, no order of God, then where is religion? If there is no government, then where is the law?

Takvo je sadašnje stanje. Nemaju pojma o Bogu; kako onda mogu znati što Bog naređuje? Religija znači Božja naredba. Na primjer, zakon je naredba države. Ako nema države, gdje je naredba? Mi imamo jasnu predodžbu o Bogu, Kṛṣṇi. On izdaje naredbu, a mi je prihvaćamo. To je jasna religija. Ako nema Boga, nema predodžbe o Bogu, nema Božje naredbe, gdje je onda religija? Ako nema vlade, gdje je onda zakon?

Interviewer: Well, there wouldn’t be any law. It would be an outlaw society.

Novinar: Ne bi bilo nikakvog zakona. To bi bilo društvo odmetnika.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Outlaw – everyone is an outlaw, manufacturing his own concocted system of religion. That is going on.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Svi su odmetnici, izmišljaju vlastite sustave religije. To se zbiva.

Just ask – in any religious system, what is their conception of God? Can anyone tell clearly? No one can tell. But we shall immediately say,

Samo ih pitajte, bilo koji religijski sustav, kako zamišljaju Boga? Može li itko jasno reći? Nitko ne može, ali mi ćemo odmah reći:

veṇuṁ kvaṇantam aravinda-dalāyatākṣam
barhāvataṁsam asitāmbuda-sundarāṅgam
govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi
veṇuṁ kvaṇantam aravinda-dalāyatākṣam
barhāvataṁsam asitāmbuda-sundarāṅgam
govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi

“I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept in playing on His flute, whose blooming eyes are like lotus petals, whose head is bedecked with a peacock’s feather, whose figure of beauty is tinged with the hue of blue clouds, and whose unique loveliness charms millions of Cupids.” [Brahma-saṁhitā 5.30] Immediately we can give a description of God.

„Obožavam Govindu, prvobitnog Gospodina, koji vješto svira Svoju flautu, čije oči nalikuju laticama rascvjetana lotosa, čiju glavu krasi paunovo pero, čiji je predivan lik boje plavoga oblaka i čija jedinstvena ljepota očarava milijune Kupida.“ (Brahma-saṁhitā 5.30) Odmah možemo opisati Boga.

If there is no idea of God, then what kind of religion is that?

Ako ne postoji nikakva predodžba o Bogu, kakva je onda to religija?

Interviewer: I don’t know.

Novinar: Ne znam.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: It is bogus. People have no conception of God, and therefore they have no understanding of religion. That is the decline, and because religion is declining, the human beings are becoming more and more like animals.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To je lažna religija. Ljudi nemaju nikakvu predodžbu o Bogu, zato ne shvaćaju religiju. Religija nestaje, a ljudska bića zbog toga sve više nalikuju na životinje.

“Animal” means that one has no memory. A dog comes when there are some eatables; I say “Hut!” and he goes away. But again he comes – he has no memory. So when our memory of God is reducing, that means that our human qualities are reducing. In the Kali-yuga these human qualities will be reduced. That means that people are becoming like cats and dogs.

„Životinja“ znači da ljudi ne pamte. Pas prilazi čim vidi hranu; ja mu kažem „kuš“ i on odlazi, ali ponovno se vraća jer ne pamti. Što se manje sjećamo Boga, to više gubimo ljudske odlike. Ljudske će se odlike smanjiti u Kali-yugi. To znači da su ljudi sve više nalik na mačke i pse.

Interviewer: Here’s the second question: “The traditional charge against Vedic culture is that it is fatalistic, that it makes people slaves to the belief in predestination, and that it therefore inhibits progress. How far is this charge true?”

Novinar: Drugo pitanje glasi: „Vedsku kulturu obično optužuju da je fatalistička, da pretvara ljude u robove vjerovanja u sudbinu i da zbog toga sprječava napredak. Koliko je ta optužba istinita?“

Śrīla Prabhupāda: What is that progress? Is a dog’s jumping progress? Is that progress? A dog is running here and there on four legs and you are running here and there on the four wheels of the automobile. Is that progress? That is not the Vedic system. According to the Vedic system, the human being has a certain amount of energy, and since the human being has better consciousness than the animals, the energy of the human beings is more valuable than the energy of the animals.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Što je napredak? Je li pseće skakanje napredak? Je li to napredak? Pas trči unaokolo na četiri noge, a vi jurite na četiri automobilska kotača. Je li to napredak? To nije vedski sustav. Prema vedskom sustavu, ljudsko biće posjeduje određeni potencijal. Budući da je čovjekova svijest razvijenija, potencijal ljudskih bića dragocjeniji je od potencijala životinja.

Interviewer: Probably no one would dispute that the human being has more freedom or, I suppose, responsibility than the animals.

Novinar: Vjerojatno nitko ne bi osporio da ljudsko biće ima više slobode ili, pretpostavljam, veću odgovornost od životinja.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: So human energy should be utilized for spiritual advancement, not that the energy should be employed to compete with the dog. The saintly person is not busy like the dog. Today people think that “dog-ness” is life, but actual life is spiritual progress. Therefore, the Vedic literature says:

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ljudski potencijal trebamo iskoristiti za duhovni napredak, a ne za nadmetanje sa psima. Svetac nije prezauzet poput psa. Ljudi danas misle da pravi život znači oponašati pse, ali pravi je život duhovni napredak. Zato vedski spisi izjavljuju:

tasyaiva hetoḥ prayateta kovido
na labhyate yad bhramatām upary adhaḥ
tal labhyate duḥkha-vad anyataḥ sukhaṁ
kālena sarvatra gabhīra-raṁhasā
tasyaiva hetoḥ prayateta kovido
na labhyate yad bhramatām upary adhaḥ
tal labhyate duḥkha-vad anyataḥ sukhaṁ
kālena sarvatra gabhīra-raṁhasā

“Persons who are actually intelligent and philosophically inclined should endeavor only for that purposeful end which is not obtainable even by wandering from the topmost planet [Brahmaloka] down to the lowest planet [Pātāla]. As far as happiness derived from sense enjoyment is concerned, it can be obtained automatically in the course of time, just as in the course of time we obtain miseries, even though we do not desire them.” [Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.5.18]

„Oni koji su doista inteligentni i skloni filozofskom promišljanju trebaju težiti samo za tim krajnjim ciljem koji se ne dostiže čak ni obilaženjem svih planeta, od najviše (Brahmaloke) do najniže (Pātāle). Što se tiče zadovoljstva koje potječe od osjetilnog uživanja, automatski ga možemo steći tijekom vremena kao što tijekom vremena prolazimo kroz nevolje iako ih ne želimo.“ (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.5.18)

Interviewer: Could you explain that a little further?

Novinar: Možete li to još malo objasniti?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: The human being should exert his energy for that thing that he did not get in many, many lives. In many, many lives the soul has been in the forms of dogs, or demigods, or cats, birds, beasts, and many others. There are 8,400,000 different types of bodies. So this transmigration of the soul is going on. The business in every case is sense gratification.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ljudsko biće treba iskoristiti svoj potencijal za stjecanje onoga što mu nije pošlo za rukom u bezbroj prošlih života. U brojnim životima duša je prebivala u oblicima pasa, polubogova, mačaka, ptica, zvijeri i raznim drugim oblicima. Postoji 8 400 000 različitih vrsta tijela. Tako se duša seli. U svakom se slučaju bavi ugađanjem osjetilima.

Interviewer: Which means?

Novinar: Što to znači?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: For example, the dog is busy for sense gratification: where is food, where is shelter, where is a female, where is defense? The man is also doing the same business in different ways. This business is going on life after life. Even a small insect is trying for the same thing. Birds, beasts, fish – everywhere the same struggle is going on. Where is food, where is sex, where is shelter, and how to defend? The Vedic literature says that these things we have done for many, many lives, and that if we don’t get out of this struggle for existence, we will have to do them again for many, many lives.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Na primjer, pas je prezauzet zadovoljavanjem osjetila: gdje je hrana, gdje je sklonište, gdje je ženka, gdje je zaštita? Čovjek isto tako postupa, na drukčiji način, i to se nastavlja život za životom. Čak i mali kukac teži za istim. Ptice, zvijeri, ribe, svuda se odvija ista borba. Gdje je hrana, gdje je seks, gdje je sklonište, kako ću se obraniti? Vedski spisi izjavljuju da smo ovo činili već životima, a ako se ne izbavimo iz kruga borbe za opstanak, ponovno ćemo se životima baviti time.

Interviewer: I’m beginning to see.

Novinar: Počinjem shvaćati.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, so these things should be stopped. Therefore, Prahlāda Mahārāja makes this statement:

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, to trebamo okončati. Zato Prahlāda Mahārāja izjavljuje:

sukham aindriyakaṁ daityā
deha-yogena dehinām
sarvatra labhyate daivād
yathā duḥkham ayatnataḥ
sukham aindriyakaṁ daityā
deha-yogena dehinām
sarvatra labhyate daivād
yathā duḥkham ayatnataḥ

“My dear friends born of demoniac families, the happiness perceived with reference to the sense objects by contact with the body can be obtained in any form of life, according to one’s past fruitive activities. Such happiness is automatically obtained without endeavor, just as we obtain distress.” [Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.6.3]

„Dragi moji prijatelji rođeni u demonskim obiteljima, zadovoljstvo koje nastaje pri dodiru tijela s predmetima osjetila dostupno je u bilo kojem obliku života i ovisi o vašem prošlom plodonosnom djelovanju. Takvo zadovoljstvo, kao i nevolje, dolazi samo po sebi.“ (Bhag. 7.6.3)

A dog has a body, and I have a body. So, my sex pleasure and the dog’s sex pleasure – there is no difference. The pleasure derived out of sex is the same. A dog is not afraid of having sex pleasure on the street before everyone, and we hide it. That’s all. People are thinking that to have sex pleasure in a nice apartment is advanced. However, that is not advanced. And they are making a dog’s race for this so-called advancement. People do not know that according to whatever kind of body one has acquired, the pleasure is already stored up.

Pas ima tijelo i ja imam tijelo, stoga se moj i njegov spolni užitak nimalo ne razlikuju. Zadovoljstvo koje potječe od seksa jednako je. Pas se ne plaši uživati u seksu na ulici pred svima, a mi to skrivamo. To je sve. Ljudi misle da je spolno uživanje u lijepom stanu znak napretka. Međutim, to nije napredak. Utrkuju se poput pasa nebi li „napredovali“. Ljudi ne znaju da je zadovoljstvo već predodređeno jer ovisi o vrsti tijela koje smo dobili.

Interviewer: What do you mean, “the pleasure is already stored up”?

Novinar: Kako to mislite, „zadovoljstvo je predodređeno“?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That is called destiny. A pig has got a certain type of body, and his eatable is the stool. You cannot change it. The pig will not like to eat halvah [a dessert made of sweetened, buttery toasted grains]. It is not possible. Because he has a particular type of body, he must eat like that. Can any scientist improve the standard of living of the pig?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To se naziva sudbina. Svinja je dobila određenu vrstu tijela i njezina je hrana izmet. To ne možete promijeniti. Svinja ne voli jesti halavu (slatkiš od griza pržena na maslacu). To nije moguće. Budući da ima određenu vrstu tijela, mora jesti ono što joj je određeno. Može li bilo koji znanstvenik poboljšati životni standard svinje?

Interviewer: I doubt it.

Novinar: Sumnjam.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Therefore, Prahlāda Mahārāja says that it is already stored up. The pleasure is basically the same, but a little different according to the body. The uncivilized man in the jungle is having the same thing.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Zato je Prahlāda Mahārāja rekao da je zadovoljstvo predodređeno. U suštini je isto, s malim razlikama, ovisno o tijelu. Neciviliziran čovjek u prašumi uživa u istom.

Now people are thinking that civilization means constructing skyscraper buildings. But Vedic civilization says, No, that is not advancement. The real advancement of human life is self-realization, how much you have realized your self. Not that you have constructed skyscraper buildings.

Ljudi danas misle da se civilizacijski standard ogleda u izgradnji nebodera, ali prema vedskoj civilizaciji to nije napredak. Pravi napredak ljudskog života leži u samospoznaji, koliko ste spoznali svoje jastvo, ne u izgradnji nebodera.

Interviewer: But wouldn’t what you’re saying make sense to most people?

Novinar: Zar ovo što govorite nije razumljivo za većinu ljudi?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Sometimes people misunderstand. In a high court, a judge is sitting soberly, apparently doing nothing, and he is getting a high salary. Someone else is thinking, “I am working so hard in the same court, rubber-stamping and not getting one tenth the salary of the judge.” He is thinking, “I am so busy, working so hard, and I am not getting as good a salary as the man who is just sitting on the bench.” The situation is like that: the Vedic civilization is meant for self-realization, not for a dog’s race.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ljudi to katkada pogrešno shvate. U vrhovnom sudu, sudac mirno sjedi, naizgled ne radi ništa i prima veliku plaću. Netko drugi može misliti: „Naporno radim u istom sudu, udaram žigove, a ne dobivam ni desetinu sudčeve plaće.“ Misli: „Tako sam zaposlen, teško radim, a ne dobivam istu plaću kao čovjek koji samo sjedi.“ Situacija je sljedeća: vedska civilizacija služi za dostizanje samospoznaje, a ne za utrkivanje pasa.

Interviewer: Still, isn’t it usually considered honorable to work hard, to struggle, and eventually “get ahead” in life?

Novinar: Ipak, zar se obično ne smatra časnim naporno raditi, boriti se i na kraju „uspjeti“ u životu?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: The karmīs, fruitive workers, have been described in the Bhagavad-gītā as mūḍhas, asses. Why are they compared to the asses? Because the ass works very hard with loads on his back, and in return his master gives him only a little morsel of grass. He stands at the door of the washerman and eats grass while again the washerman loads his back. He doesn’t have the sense to think, “If I go out of the cottage of the washerman, I can get grass anywhere. Why am I carrying so much?”

Śrīla PrabhupādaKarmīji, koristoljubivi radnici, opisani su u Bhagavad-gīti kao mūḍhe, magarci. Zašto se uspoređuju s magarcima? Zato što se i magarac muči noseći teret na leđima, a gospodar mu zauzvrat daje malo trave. Stoji pred peračevim vratima i jede travu dok ga perač ponovno ne natovari. Nema razuma da pomisli: „Ako odem odavde, iz peračeve kolibe, naći ću travu bilo gdje. Zašto bih nosio toliki teret?“

Interviewer: That brings to mind some people I know.

Novinar: To me podsjeća na neke ljude koje poznajem.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: The fruitive worker is like that. He is very busy in the office, and if you want to see him he will say, “I am very busy.” So what is the result of your being so busy? He takes two pieces of toast and one cup of tea. And for this purpose you are so busy? He does not know why he is busy. In the account books he will find that the balance was one million dollars and now it has become two million. He is satisfied with that, but he will take only two pieces of toast and one cup of tea, and still he will work very hard. That is what is meant by karmī. Asses – they work like asses, without any aim in life.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Koristoljubivi je radnik takav. U uredu je vrlo zaposlen i ako ga želite vidjeti, reći će: „Jako sam zauzet.“ Što je rezultat te zauzetosti? Jede dvije kriške prepečenog kruha i šalicu čaja. Zbog toga je tako zauzet? On ne zna zašto je zauzet. Iz bankovnih izvoda vidi da na tekućem računu sada ima dva milijuna dolara, umjesto jednog, i zadovoljan je s tim, ali jest će samo dvije kriške prepečenog kruha i šalicu čaja, a potom nastaviti naporno raditi. To je značenje riječi karmī. Magarci. Rade poput magaraca, bez ikakva cilja u životu.

But Vedic civilization is different. The accusation is not correct – people in Vedic civilization are not at all lazy. They are busy for a higher subject matter. Prahlāda Mahārāja stresses that this busy-ness is so important that it should begin from one’s very childhood. Kaumāra ācaret prājñaḥ: one should not lose a second’s time. That is Vedic civilization. The asses see, “These men are not working like I am” – like dogs and asses – and they consider that we are escaping. Yes, escaping your fruitless endeavor. The Vedic civilization is meant for self-realization.

Vedska je civilizacija nešto posve drugo. Optužba nije točna, u vedskoj civilizaciji ljudi nisu nimalo lijeni. Zaokupljeni su dostizanjem uzvišenijih ciljeva. Prahlāda Mahārāja ističe da je takvo djelovanje toliko važno da s time valja početi od samog djetinjstva. Kaumāra ācaret prājñaḥ: ne smijemo gubiti ni sekundu. To je vedska civilizacija. Magarci vide: „Ovi ljudi ne rade kao mi“, kao psi i magarci, i smatraju da bježimo. Da, izbjegavamo uzaludan trud. Vedska civilizacija služi za dostizanje samospoznaje.

Interviewer: Could you give us more of an idea what the Vedic civilization is like?

Novinar: Možete li nam nešto više reći o vedskoj civilizaciji?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: The Vedic civilization begins from the varṇāśrama system. In the varṇāśrama system there is this arrangement: brāhmaṇas [intellectuals, advisors], kṣatriyas [administrators], vaiśyas [merchants, farmers], śūdras [workers], brahmacārīs [celibate students], gṛhasthas [householders], vānaprasthas [retired married people], and sannyāsīs [renounced monks].

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Vedska civilizacija počinje sa sustavom varṇāśrame. U sustavu varṇāśrame ljudi se dijele na brāhmaṇe (intelektualce, savjetnike), kṣatriye (upravitelje), vaiśye (trgovce, zemljoradnike), śūdre (radnike), brahmacārīje (učenike u celibatu), gṛhasthe (obiteljske ljude), vānaprasthe (one koji su se povukli iz obiteljskog života) i sannyāsīje (odvojene monahe).

The ultimate goal is that Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Lord, should be worshiped. So if you worship Kṛṣṇa, then you fulfill all your occupational duties, either as a brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya, śūdra, brahmacārī, anything. Take to it immediately – take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness. This is so important.

Krajnji je cilj obožavanje Kṛṣṇe, Svevišnjeg Gospodina. Ako obožavate Kṛṣṇu, ispunjavate sve svoje propisane dužnosti kao brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya, śūdra, brahmacārī ili bilo tko drugi. Odmah se posvetite svjesnosti Kṛṣṇe. To je tako važno.

Interviewer: If people really knew about a lifestyle that was more natural, more fulfilling, what would be the problem? They actually would, as you say, take to it.

Novinar: Kad bi ljudi znali za način života koji je prirodniji, ispunjeniji, u čemu bi bio problem? Oni bi ga, kao što kažete, prihvatili.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: But they do not know, and therefore there is no religion, simply a dog’s race. The dog is running on four legs, and you are running on four wheels – that’s all. And you think that the four-wheel race is the advancement of civilization.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ali ne znaju, zato ni nema religije. Samo pseća utrka. Pas trči na četiri noge, a vi jurite na četiri kotača, to je sve. I pritom mislite da je utrka na četiri kotača napredak civilizacije.

Therefore, modern civilization is practically said to do nothing. Whatever is obtainable by destiny you will get, wherever you are. Rather, take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness. The example is given by Prahlāda Mahārāja that you do not want anything distasteful and yet it comes upon you. Similarly, even if you do not want the happiness for which you are destined, it will come upon you. You should not waste your energy for material happiness. You cannot get more material happiness than you are destined.

Zato se za suvremenu civilizaciju kaže da praktično ne čini ništa. Gdje god se nalazili, dobit ćete sve što vam je suđeno. Radije prihvatite svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. Prahlāda Mahārāja navodi sljedeći primjer. Stalno smo izloženi neugodnostima iako ih ne želimo. Slično tomu, čak i kad ne bismo željeli sreću koja nam je suđena, ona bi nas snašla. Ne trebate trošiti energiju na materijalnu sreću. Ne možete biti materijalno sretniji više nego što vam je suđeno.

Interviewer: How can you be so sure of that?

Novinar: Kako možete biti sigurni u to?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: How shall I believe it? Because you get some distressful condition, although you do not want it. For instance, President Kennedy died by the hand of his own countryman. Who wanted it and why did it come? He was a great man, he was protected by so many, and still he was destined to be killed. Who can protect you?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Zašto vjerujem u to? Zato što nas nevolje snalaze iako ih ne želimo. Predsjednik Kennedy umro je od ruke vlastitog zemljaka. Tko je to želio i zašto je došlo do toga? Bio je znamenit, mnoštvo ga je ljudi štitilo, a ipak mu je bilo suđeno da ga ubiju. Tko vas može zaštititi?

So if the distressful condition comes upon me by destiny, then the opposite position – happiness – will also come. Why shall I waste my time for this rectification? Let me use my energy for Kṛṣṇa consciousness. That is intelligent. You cannot check your destiny. Everyone will experience a certain amount of happiness and a certain amount of distress. No one is enjoying uninterrupted happiness. That is not possible.

Ako po sudbini zapadam u nevolje, doći će i suprotno stanje, sreća. Zašto bismo trošili vrijeme na ispravljanje toga? Iskoristimo svoju energiju za svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. To je inteligentno. Ne možemo spriječiti sudbinu. Svatko će doživjeti određenu količinu sreće i određenu količinu nesreće. Nitko ne uživa u neprekidnoj sreći.

Just as you cannot check your distress, so you cannot check your happiness. It will come automatically. So don’t waste your time for these things. Rather, you should utilize your time for advancing in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Kao što ne možete spriječiti nesreću, ne možete spriječiti ni sreću. Doći će sama. Zato nemojte trošiti svoje vrijeme na te stvari. Iskoristite vrijeme za napredovanje u svjesnosti Kṛṣṇe.

Interviewer: Would a Kṛṣṇa conscious person not try for progress?

Novinar: Zar osoba svjesna Kṛṣṇe ne bi pokušala napredovati?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: The thing is that if you try for progress vainly, then what is the use of that? If it is a fact that you cannot change your destiny, then what is the use of trying? We will be satisfied with the amount of happiness and distress for which we are destined.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ako uzaludno nastojite napredovati, koja je korist od toga? Ako ne možete promijeniti svoju sudbinu, koja je korist od nastojanja? Bit ćemo zadovoljni sa srećom i nesrećom koje su nam suđene.

Vedic civilization is meant for realization of God. That is the point. You’ll still find in India that during important festivals many millions of people are coming to take bath in the Ganges because they are interested in how to become liberated. They are not lazy. They are going thousands of miles, two thousand miles away, to take bath in the Ganges. They are not lazy, but they are not busy in the dog’s race. Rather, they are busy right from their childhood trying to become self-realized. Kaumāra ācaret prājño dharmān bhāgavatān iha. They are so busy that they want to begin the business from their very childhood. So it is the wrong conception to think that they are lazy.

Vedska je civilizacija namijenjena spoznavanju Boga. To je bitno. U Indiji ćete još uvijek za vrijeme značajnih festivala vidjeti milijune ljudi kako se kupaju u Gangi jer žele oslobođenje. Nisu lijeni. Prelaze tisuće kilometara kako bi se okupali u Gangi. Nisu lijeni, ali nisu zauzeti psećom utrkom. Od samog djetinjstva teže samospoznaji. Kaumāra ācaret prājño dharmān bhāgavatān iha. Toliko su vrijedni da žele početi od samog djetinjstva, stoga nije točno da su lijeni.

Interviewer: Then the question may be raised that if destiny cannot be checked, then why not let every newborn child simply run around like an animal, and whatever is destined to happen to him will happen?

Novinar: Ako se sudbina ne može spriječiti, zašto ne bismo novorođenu djecu pustili da trče naokolo poput životinja? Kako im je suđeno, tako će im biti.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, the advantage is that you can train him spiritually. Therefore it is said, tasyaiva hetoḥ prayateta kovidaḥ: you should engage your energy for self-realization. Ahaituky apratihatā: devotional service, Kṛṣṇa consciousness, cannot be checked. Just as material destiny cannot be checked, your advancement in spiritual life cannot be checked if you endeavor for it.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, prednost je u tome što im možete pružiti duhovni odgoj. Zato je rečeno: tasyaiva hetoḥ prayateta kovidaḥ, svoju energiju trebate upotrijebiti za dostizanje samospoznaje. Ahaituky apratihatā: ništa ne može omesti posvećeno služenje, svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. Kao što ne možete spriječiti materijalnu sudbinu, ništa ne može spriječiti ni vaš napredak u duhovnom životu, ako za njim težite.

Actually, Kṛṣṇa will change destiny – but only for His devotee. He says, ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi: “I shall give you all protection from all reactions of sinful activities.” [Bhagavad-gītā 18.66]

Ustvari, Kṛṣṇa će promijeniti sudbinu, ali samo za Svoga bhaktu. On kaže ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi: „Zaštitit ću te od svih posljedica grijeha.“ (Bhagavad-gītā 18.66)

For instance, if one is condemned by the law court to be hanged, no one can check it. Even the same judge who has given this verdict cannot check it. But if the defendant begs for the mercy of the king, who is above all the laws, then the king can check it.

Na primjer, ako sud nekoga osudi na vješanje, nitko to ne može spriječiti, čak ni sudac koji je donio presudu, ali ako se optuženik za milost obrati kralju, koji je iznad svih zakona, kralj može spriječiti vješanje.

Therefore, our business is to surrender to Kṛṣṇa. If we artificially want to be happier by economic development, that is not possible. So many men are working so hard, but does it mean that everyone will become a Henry Ford or a Rockefeller? Everyone is trying his best. Mr. Ford’s destiny was to become a rich man, but does it mean that every other man who has worked as hard as Ford will become a rich man like Ford? No. This is practical. You cannot change your destiny simply by working hard like an ass or a dog. But you can utilize that energy for improving your Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Zato se trebamo predati Kṛṣṇi. Ako na umjetan način želimo postati sretniji zahvaljujući gospodarskom razvoju, to neće biti moguće. Mnoštvo ljudi naporno radi, svi se trude najbolje što mogu, ali znači li to da će svatko postati Henry Ford ili Rockefeller? Gospodinu Fordu bilo je suđeno da postane bogat, ali to ne znači da će svatko tko naporno radi kao Ford postati bogat kao on. Ne. To je praktično. Ne možete promijeniti sudbinu jednostavno radeći teško poput magarca ili psa, ali možete iskoristiti tu energiju za razvijanje vaše svjesnosti Kṛṣṇe.

Interviewer: Exactly what is Kṛṣṇa consciousness? Could you tell us more?

Novinar: Što je ustvari svjesnost Kṛṣṇe? Možete li nam nešto više reći?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Love of God – that is Kṛṣṇa consciousness. If you have not learned to love God, then what is the meaning of your religion? When you are actually on the platform of love of God, you understand your relationship with God – “I am part and parcel of God.” Then you extend your love to the animal also. If you actually love God, then your love for the insect is also there. You understand, “This insect has a different body, but he is also part and parcel of my father; therefore, he is my brother.” Then you cannot maintain a slaughterhouse. If you maintain a slaughterhouse and disobey the order of Christ, “Thou shalt not kill,” and you proclaim yourself Christian or Hindu, that is not religion. Then it is simply a waste of time – because you do not understand God; you have no love for God, and you are labeling yourself under some sect, but there is no real religion. That is going on all over the world.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ljubav prema Bogu, to je svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. Ako niste naučili voljeti Boga, što je smisao vaše religije? Na razini ljubavi prema Bogu shvaćate svoj odnos s Bogom: „Ja sam sastavni djelić Boga“. Onda širite svoju ljubav i na životinje. Ako doista volite Boga, osjećate ljubav i prema kukcima. Razumijete: „Ovaj kukac ima drukčije tijelo, ali je također sastavni djelić mog oca; on mi je brat.“ Prema tomu, ne smijete održavati klaonice. Ako održavate klaonice i kršite Kristovu naredbu „ne ubij“, a proglašavate se kršćaninom ili hinduistom, to nije religija. To je samo gubitak vremena jer ne razumijete Boga, ne volite Boga. Proglašavate se pripadnikom neke sekte, ali to nije religija. To se događa u cijelom svijetu.

Interviewer: How can we cure the situation?

Novinar: Kako možemo popraviti situaciju?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If you do not accept that Kṛṣṇa is the supreme entity, then try to understand. That is education: there is someone supreme; Kṛṣṇa is not Indian; He is God. The sun rises first in India, but that does not mean that the sun is Indian; similarly, although Kṛṣṇa appeared in India, now He has come to the Western countries through this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Kṛṣṇa je Svevišnja Božanska Osoba. Ako ne prihvaćate da je Kṛṣṇa Vrhovno Biće, onda to pokušajte shvatiti. To je naobrazba: postoji Vrhovna Osoba. Kṛṣṇa nije Indijac; On je Bog. Sunce prvo izlazi u Indiji, ali to ne znači da je indijsko. Slično tomu, iako se Kṛṣṇa pojavio u Indiji, sada je došao na zapad kroz ovaj pokret za svjesnost Kṛṣṇe.

The Supreme Welfare Work

Najbolji dobrotvorni rad

Śrīla Prabhupāda exchanges letters with the Secretary of the Andhra Pradesh Relief Fund Committee of Hyderabad, India: “… if you want to perform relief work simply by collecting funds, I think that will not be successful. You have to please the supreme authority, and that is the way to success. For example, due to the performance of saṅkīrtana [congregational chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa] here, the rain has begun to fall after a drought of two years.”

Slijedi Śrīla Prabhupādina razmjena pisama s tajnikom Odbora za novčanu pomoć Andhra Pradeshu u Hyderabadu, u Indiji: Ako želite pomoći ljudima samo tako što prikupljate novčana sredstva, mislim da nećete biti uspješni. Morate zadovoljiti vrhovni autoritet. To je put prema uspjehu. Primjerice, zbog izvođenja saṅkīrtane [skupnog pjevanja mantre Hare Kṛṣṇa], ovdje je nakon dvogodišnje suše počela padati kiša.

Revered Swamiji:

Poštovani Swamiji,

The residents of the twin cities are happy to have this opportunity to meet you and your esteemed followers. You may be aware that due to inadequate rainfall during the last two years and its complete failure this year, more than half of our state [Andhra Pradesh, a state in southern India] is in the grip of a serious drought. With a view to supplement governmental efforts to combat this evil, a Central Voluntary Organization of citizens drawn from various walks of life has been set up. The members of this organization surveyed the areas affected by drought. The situation is pathetic. There are villages where drinking water is not available for miles. Due to scarcity of fodder, the cattle owners are parting with their cattle for a nominal price. Many of the stray cattle are dying away due to unavailability of fodder and water. The food problem is also very serious. Due to high prices of food grains on the open market, purchase of grains at market prices is beyond the reach of poor villagers, with the result that at least five to six million people are hardly having one meal a day. There are many who are on the verge of starvation. The entire situation is most pathetic and heartrending.

Stanovnici dva grada prijatelja sretni su što imaju priliku upoznati Vas i Vaše cijenjene učenike. Možda Vam je poznato da je zbog nedovoljno padavina tijekom posljednje dvije godine i potpune suše u ovoj godini više od pola naše države [južnoindijska država Andhra Pradesh] pogođeno sušom. Sa željom da se pomogne vladi u otklanjanju ovog zla, osnovana je Središnja dobrovoljna organizacija građana različitih svjetonazora. Članovi ove organizacije obišli su područja pogođena sušom. Stanje je jadno. U nekim se selima do pitke vode pješači kilometrima. Zbog nestašice stočne hrane, stoka se prodaje po neznatnoj cijeni. Puno zalutale stoke umire zbog nedostatka hrane i vode. Prehrana je također vrlo ozbiljan problem. Previsoka tržišna cijena žitarica nadilazi kupovnu moć siromašnih seljaka, što ima za posljedicu da pet do šest milijuna ljudi ima jedva jedan obrok dnevno. Mnogi su na rubu gladi. Čitava je situacija dirljiva i bolna.

We therefore appeal to your revered self to consider how your Society could best come to the rescue of these millions of souls who are in unimaginable distress. The Committee would like to suggest that members of your Society appeal to the bhaktas [devotees] attending your discourses to contribute their mite to the Andhra Pradesh Relief Fund.

Zato Vas s poštovanjem molimo da razmislite kako bi vaše društvo moglo najbolje pomoći milijunima ovih duša koje nezamislivo pate. Odbor bi želio predložiti da članovi vašeg društva zamole poklonike koji dolaze na Vaša predavanja da pridonesu Zakladi za pomoć Andhra Pradeshu.

The Committee is prepared to send some of its representatives along with members of your Society wherever you wish to distribute prasāda to the hungry millions in the state.

Odbor je spreman poslati svoje predstavnike s članovima vašeg društva gdje god želite dijeliti prasādu milijunima gladnih u državi.

As mānava-sevā is mādhava-sevā [“Service to man is service to God”], the Committee is confident that even a little effort by your gracious Society will go a long way in mitigating the sufferings of hundreds and thousands of people.

Budući da je mānava-sevā mādhava-sevā [„Služba za čovjeka je služba za Boga“], odbor je uvjeren da će čak i mali napor vašeg milostivog društva uvelike ublažiti patnje stotine tisuća ljudi.

Yours ever in the service of the Lord,
T. L. Katidia, Secretary
Andhra Pradesh Relief Fund Committee
Hyderabad, India

Uvijek Vaš u Gospodinovoj službi,
T. L. Katidia, tajnik
Odbor za pomoć Andhra Pradeshu
Hyderabad, Indija

My dear Mr. Katidia:

Dragi gospodine Katidia,

Please accept my greetings. With reference to your letter and your personal interview, I beg to inform you that without pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, no one can become happy. Unfortunately people do not know who God is and how to make Him happy. Our Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is therefore meant to present the Supreme Personality of Godhead directly to the people. As stated in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Seventh Canto, sixth chapter: tuṣṭe ca tatra kim alabhyam ananta ādye/ kiṁ tair guṇa-vyatikarād iha ye sva-siddhāḥ.

Molim Vas primite moje pozdrave. Glede Vašeg pisma i razgovora, dopustite mi da Vas obavijestim da nitko ne može postati sretan ako ne zadovolji Svevišnju Božansku Osobu. Na žalost, ljudi ne znaju tko je Bog i kako Ga mogu usrećiti. Zato naš pokret za svjesnost Kṛṣṇe ljudima izravno predstavlja Svevišnju Božansku Osobu. U šestom poglavlju sedmog pjevanja Śrīmad-hāgavatama rečeno je: tuṣṭe ca tatra kim alabhyam ananta ādye / kiṁ tair guṇa-vyatikarād iha ye sva-siddhāḥ.

The idea stated in this verse is that by pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we please everyone, and there is no question of scarcity. Because people do not know this secret of success, they are making their own independent plans to be happy. However, it is not possible to achieve happiness in this way. On your letterhead I find many important men in this country who are interested in relieving the sufferings of the people, but they should know for certain that without pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead all their attempts will be futile. A diseased man cannot live simply on the strength of the help of an expert physician and medicine. If this were so, then no rich man would ever die. One must be favored by Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

U ovom je stihu izražena misao da zadovoljavanjem Svevišnje Božanske Osobe zadovoljavamo svakoga i nema govora o nestašici. Ljudi ne znaju ovu tajnu uspjeha, zato prave vlastite neovisne planove za sreću. Međutim, na taj način nije moguće naći sreću. Iz zaglavlja vašeg pisma vidio sam da brojne ugledne osobe ove zemlje žele pomoći ljudima koji pate, ali trebaju znati da će svi njihovi pokušaji biti uzaludni ako ne zadovolje Svevišnju Božansku Osobu. Bolestan čovjek ne može živjeti samo od pomoći stručnog liječnika i lijekova. Kad bi bilo tako, nijedan bogataš ne bi nikada umro. Moramo osvojiti naklonost Kṛṣṇe, Svevišnje Božanske Osobe.

Therefore if you want to perform relief work simply by collecting funds, I think that it will not be successful. You have to please the supreme authority, and that is the way to success. For example, due to the performance of saṅkīrtana here, the rain has begun to fall after a drought of two years. The last time we performed a Hare Kṛṣṇa Festival in Delhi, there was imminent danger of Pakistan’s declaring war, and when a newspaper man approached me for my opinion, I said there must be fighting because the other party was aggressive. However, because of our saṅkīrtana movement, India emerged victorious. Similarly, when we held a festival in Calcutta, the Naxalite [Communist] movement stopped. These are facts. Through the saṅkīrtana movement we can not only get all facilities for living, but also at the end can go back home, back to Godhead. Those who are of a demoniac nature cannot understand this, but it is a fact.

Prema tomu, ako želite pomoći ljudima samo tako što prikupljate novčana sredstava, mislim da nećete biti uspješni. Morate zadovoljiti vrhovni autoritet. To je put prema uspjehu. Primjerice, zbog izvođenja saṅkīrtane, ovdje je nakon dvogodišnje suše počela padati kiša. Kad smo posljednji put održali festival Hare Kṛṣṇa u Delhiju, prijetila je opasnost da Pakistan objavi rat, a kada mi se jedan novinar obratio za mišljenje, rekao sam mu da mora doći do rata jer je druga strana agresivna. Međutim, zbog našeg pokreta saṅkīrtane, Indija je odnijela pobjedu. Slično tomu, kad smo održali festival u Calcutti, komunistički pokret [Naxalite] bio je zaustavljen. To su činjenice. Zahvaljujući pokretu saṅkīrtane možemo dobiti ne samo sve pogodnosti za život, već se na kraju možemo vratiti kući, Bogu. Osobe demonske prirode ne mogu to shvatiti, ali to je činjenica.

I therefore request you, as leading members of society, to join this movement. There is no loss on anyone’s part for chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, but the gain is great. According to Bhagavad-gītā [3.21], what is accepted by leading men is also accepted by common men:

Zato vas molim da se, kao vodeći članovi društva, pridružite ovom pokretu. Pjevanjem mantre Hare Kṛṣṇa ništa ne možete izgubiti, a dobrobit je velika. Prema Bhagavad-gīti (3.21), sve što prihvate vođe, obični ljudi slijede:

yad yad ācarati śreṣṭhas
tat tad evetaro janaḥ
sa yat pramāṇaṁ kurute
lokas tad anuvartate
yad yad ācarati śreṣṭhas
tat tad evetaro janaḥ
sa yat pramāṇaṁ kurute
lokas tad anuvartate

“Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow in his footsteps. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.”

„Sve što znamenit čovjek učini, obični ljudi slijede. Kakav god primjer postavi svojim uzornim djelovanjem, čitav ga svijet slijedi.“

The saṅkīrtana movement of Kṛṣṇa consciousness is very important. Therefore, through you I wish to appeal to all the leading men of India to accept this movement very seriously and give us all facility to spread this movement throughout the world. Then there will be a very happy condition, not only in India but all over the world.

Pokret saṅkīrtane, svjesnosti Kṛṣṇe, vrlo je važan. Zato želim preko Vas zamoliti sve vodeće ljude Indije da vrlo ozbiljno prihvate ovaj pokret i pruže nam sve pogodnosti za širenje ovog pokreta u cijelom svijetu. Tada će zavladati sreća, ne samo u Indiji, već i u čitavom svijetu.

Hoping this will meet you in good health,
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

U nadi da Vas je ovo pismo zateklo u dobrom zdravlju,
Vaš vječni dobronamjernik
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Declaring Our Dependence on God

Deklaracija o ovisnosti o Bogu

In a conversation with the Back to Godhead staff, Śrīla Prabhupāda discusses the American Revolution: “The Americans say they trust in God. But without the science of God, that trust is simply fictitious. First take the science of God very seriously; then put your trust in Him.… They’re manufacturing their own way of governing. And that is their defect. They will never be successful.… There will always be revolutions – one after another. There will be no peace.”

U razgovoru s urednicima Back to Godheada Śrīla Prabhupāda rasvjetljuje ideale Američke revolucije: Amerikanci kažu da vjeruju u Boga, ali bez znanosti o Bogu, njihovo je vjerovanje puka maštarija. Prvo ozbiljno proučite znanost o Bogu, a onda vjerujte u Njega… Izmišljaju vlastiti način vladanja i tu griješe. Nikada neće uspjeti. Nesavršeni su, a nastave li izmišljati vlastite načine i sredstva, ostat će nesavršeni. Stalno će izbijati revolucije, jedna za drugom. Neće biti mira.

Back to Godhead: Thomas Jefferson put the basic philosophy of the American Revolution into the Declaration of Independence. The important men of the day who signed this document agreed that there are certain very obvious or self-evident truths, the first of which is that all men are created equal. By this they meant that all men are equal before the law and have an equal opportunity to be protected by the law.

Back to Godhead: Thomas Jefferson uvrstio je osnovnu filozofiju američke revolucije u Deklaraciju o neovisnosti. Važni ljudi tog vremena koji su potpisali taj dokument složili su se da postoje određene, vrlo jasne ili očigledne istine od kojih je prva da su svi ljudi stvoreni jednaki. Time se mislilo da su svi ljudi jednaki pred zakonom i imaju jednako pravo na zakonsku zaštitu.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, in that sense men are, as you say, created equal.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, u tom smislu, kao što kažete, ljudi su stvoreni jednaki.

BTG: Another point in the Declaration of Independence is that all men are endowed by God with certain natural rights that cannot be taken away from them. These are the rights of life, liberty, and …

BTG: U Deklaraciji o neovisnosti također je rečeno da je Bog svim ljudima dao određena prirodna prava koja im se ne mogu oduzeti. To su prava na život, slobodu i…

Śrīla Prabhupāda: But animals also have the right to life. Why don’t animals also have the right to live? The rabbits, for instance, are living in their own way in the forest. Why does the government allow hunters to go and shoot them?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Životinje također imaju pravo na život. Zašto i životinje ne bi imale pravo na život? Zečevi, na primjer, žive u šumi. Zašto vlada dozvoljava lovcima da pucaju na njih?

BTG: They were simply talking about human beings.

BTG: Oni su govorili samo o ljudskim bićima.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Then they have no real philosophy. The narrow idea that my family or my brother is good, and that I can kill all others, is criminal. Suppose that for my family’s sake I kill your father. Is that philosophy? Real philosophy is suhṛdaṁ sarva-bhūtānām: friendliness to all living entities. Certainly this applies to human beings, but even if you unnecessarily kill one animal, I shall immediately protest, “What nonsense are you doing?”

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Onda nemaju pravu filozofiju. Shvaćanje da su moja obitelj ili brat dobri, a da svakog drugog mogu ubiti ograničeno je i zločinačko. Pretpostavimo da zbog moje obitelji ubijem vašeg oca. Je li to filozofija? Prava je filozofija suhṛdaṁ sarva-bhūtānām, prijateljstvo prema svim živim bićima. To se zacijelo odnosi na ljudska bića, ali ako nepotrebno ubijete čak i jednu životinju, odmah ću se usprotiviti: „Kakve to gluposti radiš?“

BTG: The founders of America said that another natural right is the right to liberty, or freedom – freedom in the sense that the government doesn’t have the right to tell you what kind of job you have to do.

BTG: Osnivači Amerike rekli su da je drugo prirodno pravo, pravo na slobodu. To znači da vlada nema pravo reći kojim se poslom ljudi moraju baviti.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: If the government is not perfect, it should not be allowed to tell people what to do. But if the government is perfect, then it can.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ako vlada nije savršena, ne bi joj se smjelo dopustiti da govori ljudima što moraju raditi, ali ako je savršena, onda može.

BTG: The third natural right they mentioned was that every human being has the right to pursue happiness.

BTG: Treće prirodno pravo glasi da svako ljudsko biće ima pravo tragati za srećom.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes. But your standard of happiness may be different from my standard. You may like to eat meat; I hate it. How can your standard of happiness be equal to mine?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, ali vaš standard sreće može se razlikovati od mog. Vi možda volite jesti meso, ali ja ga mrzim. Kako vaš standard sreće može biti jednak mome?

BTG: So should everyone be free to try to achieve whatever standard of happiness he wants?

BTG: Treba li svatko imati pravo da pokuša dostići standard sreće koji želi?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, the standard of happiness should be prescribed according to the qualities of the person. You must divide the whole society into four groups: those with brāhmaṇa qualities, those with kṣatriya qualities, those with vaiśya qualities, and those with śūdra qualities.* Everyone should have good facility to work according to his natural qualities.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, standard sreće treba biti propisan u skladu s odlikama pojedinca. Čitavo društvo morate podijeliti na četiri grupe: ljude s odlikama brāhmaṇe, ljude s odlikama kṣatriye, ljude s odlikama vaiśye i ljude s odlikama śūdre.* Svakome treba omogućiti da djeluje u skladu sa svojim prirodnim odlikama.

You cannot engage a bull in the business of a horse, nor can you engage a horse in the business of a bull. Today practically everyone is getting a college education. But what is taught at these colleges? Mostly technical knowledge, which is śūdra education. Real higher education means learning Vedic wisdom. This is meant for the brāhmaṇas. Alone, śūdra education leads to a chaotic condition. Everyone should be tested to find out which education he is suited for. Some śūdras may be given technical education, but most śūdras should work on the farms. Because everyone is coming to the cities to get an education, thinking, “We can get more money,” the agriculture is being neglected. Now there is scarcity because no one is engaged in producing nice foodstuffs. All these anomalies have been caused by bad government. It is the duty of the government to see that everyone is engaged according to his natural qualities. Then people will be happy.

Bika ne možete uposliti kao konja, niti konja možete uposliti kao bika. Danas gotovo svatko ima fakultetsku naobrazbu, ali što se uči na fakultetima? Uglavnom tehničko znanje, ali to je naobrazba za śūdre. Prava, viša naobrazba podrazumijeva proučavanje vedske mudrosti. Ona je namijenjena brāhmaṇama. Sama naobrazba za śūdre vodi u kaos. Svakoga se treba ispitati i utvrditi kakva mu izobrazba odgovara. Nekim se śūdrama treba pružiti tehnička izobrazba, ali većina śūdra treba raditi na poljoprivrednim dobrima. Svi dolaze u grad na školovanje misleći: „Tako ćemo zaraditi više“, zato se poljoprivreda zanemaruje. Danas vlada nestašica jer nitko ne proizvodi dobru hranu. Sve te anomalije uzrokuje loša vlada. Vlada je dužna pobrinuti se da svi rade u skladu sa svojim prirodnim odlikama. Onda će ljudi biti sretni.

BTG: So if the government artificially puts all men into one class, then there can’t be happiness.

BTG: Ako vlada na umjetan način svrstava sve ljude u jedan stalež, tada neće biti sreće.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, that is unnatural and will cause chaos.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, to je neprirodno i uzrokovat će kaos.

BTG: America’s founding fathers didn’t like classes, because they’d had such bad experience with them. Before the revolution, Americans had been ruled by monarchs, but the monarchs would always become tyrannical and unjust.

BTG: Osnivači Amerike nisu voljeli staleže jer su imali loše iskustvo s njima. Prije revolucije Amerikanci su bili pod vlašću kraljeva koji su redovito bili samovoljni i nepravedni.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Because they weren’t trained to be saintly monarchs. In Vedic civilization, boys were trained from the very beginning of life as first-class brahmacārīs [celibate students]. They went to the gurukula, the school of the spiritual master, and learned self-control, cleanliness, truthfulness, and many other saintly qualities. The best of them were later fit to rule the country.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Zato što ih nisu obrazovali kao svete kraljeve. U vedskoj civilizaciji dječake se od samog početka života obrazovalo kao prvorazredne brahmacārīje (učenike u celibatu). Išli su u gurukulu, školu duhovnog učitelja, i učili vladati sobom, biti čisti i istinoljubivi, njegovali puno drugih svetačkih odlika. Najbolji od njih poslije su bili sposobni vladati zemljom.

The American Revolution has no special significance. The point is that when people become unhappy, they revolt. That was done in America, that was done in France, and that was done in Russia.

Američka revolucija nema poseban značaj. Ljudi se pobune kad postanu nesretni. To se dogodilo u Americi, Francuskoj i Rusiji.

BTG: The American revolutionaries said that if a government fails to rule the people properly, then the people have the right to dissolve that government.

BTG: Američki revolucionari tvrdili su da narod ima pravo raspustiti vladu ako ne upravlja pravilno narodom.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes. Just as in Nixon’s case: they pulled him down. But if they replace Nixon with another Nixon, then what is the value? They must know how to replace Nixon with a saintly leader. Because people do not have that training and that culture, they will go on electing one Nixon after another and never become happy.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, kao u slučaju Nixona; svrgnuli su ga. Ali ako zamijene jednog Nixona drugim, kakva je korist od toga? Moraju znati kako zamijeniti Nixona za svetog vođu. Budući da nemaju tu naobrazbu i kulturu, nastavit će birati jednog Nixona za drugim i nikad neće biti sretni.

People can be happy. The formula for happiness is there in the Bhagavad-gītā. The first thing they must know is that the land belongs to God. Why do Americans claim that the land belongs to them? When the first settlers went to America, they said, “This land belongs to God; therefore we have a right to live here.” So why are they now not allowing others to settle on the land? What is their philosophy? There are so many overpopulated countries. The American government should let those people go to America and should give them facility to cultivate the land and produce grains. Why are they not doing that? They have taken others’ property by force, and by force they are checking others from going there. What is the philosophy behind this?

Ljudi bi mogli postati sretni. Formula za sreću nalazi se u Bhagavad-gīti. Kao prvo, moraju znati da zemlja pripada Bogu. Zašto Amerikanci tvrde da zemlja pripada njima? Kad su prvi doseljenici došli u Ameriku, rekli su: „Ova zemlja pripada Bogu, zato imamo pravo ovdje živjeti.“ Zašto sada ne dopuštaju drugima da nasele tu istu zemlju? Što je njihova filozofija? Ima puno prenapučenih zemalja. Američka vlada treba dopustiti tim ljudima da dođu u Ameriku te im omogućiti da obrađuju zemlju i uzgajaju žitarice. Zašto to ne čine? Silom su uzeli tuđe posjede i silom sprječavaju useljavanje drugih. Koja filozofija stoji iza toga?

BTG: There is no philosophy.

BTG: Nikakva filozofija.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Roguism is their philosophy. They take the property by force, and then they make a law that no one can take another’s property by force. So they are thieves. They cannot restrict God’s property from being occupied by God’s sons. America and the other countries in the United Nations should agree that wherever there is enough land, it may be utilized by the human society for producing food. The government can say, “All right, you are overpopulated. Your people can come here. We will give them land, and they can produce food.” We would see a wonderful result. But will they do that? No. Then what is their philosophy? Roguism. “I will take the land by force, and then I won’t allow others to come here.”

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Nitkovluk je njihova filozofija. Silom oduzimaju posjed, a potom donose zakon po kojem nitko ne može silom oduzeti tuđi posjed. Stoga su lopovi. Ne smiju sprječavati Božje sinove da naseljavaju Božje posjede. Amerika i druge države u Ujedinjenim narodima trebaju se dogovoriti da ljudsko društvo može koristiti svako slobodno zemljište za proizvodnju hrane. Vlada treba reći: „U redu, prenapučeni ste. Vaši ljudi mogu doći ovdje. Dat ćemo im zemlju na kojoj mogu proizvoditi hranu.“ Rezultat bi bio čudesan, ali hoće li oni to učiniti? Ne. Što je onda njihova filozofija? Nitkovluk. „Silom ću uzeti zemlju, a onda ću zabraniti drugima da dođu.“

BTG: One American motto is “One nation under God.”

BTG: Američki moto glasi: „Jedan narod pod Božjim vodstvom“.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, that is Kṛṣṇa consciousness. There should be one nation under God, and one world government under God as well. Everything belongs to God, and we are all His sons. That philosophy is wanted.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, to je svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. Treba biti jedan narod i jedna svjetska vlada pod Božjim vodstvom. Sve pripada Bogu i svi smo mi Njegovi sinovi. To je poželjna filozofija.

BTG: But in America people are very much afraid of a central government because they think that whenever there’s a strong government there will always be tyranny.

BTG: U Americi se ljudi boje centralizirane vlasti jer misle da jaka vlada uvijek podrazumijeva okrutnu samovolju.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: If the leaders are properly trained, there cannot be tyranny.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ako su vođe pravilno obrazovani, neće biti okrutne samovolje.

BTG: But one of the premises of the American system of government is that if a leader has too much power, he will inevitably become corrupt.

BTG: Ako vođa ima previše ovlasti, neizbježno će se iskvariti. To je jedna od postavki američkog sustava vladanja.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: You have to train him in such a way that he cannot become corrupt!

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Morate ga obrazovati na takav način da se ne može iskvariti!

BTG: What is that training process?

BTG: Od čega se sastoji ta naobrazba?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That training is varṇāśrama-dharma.* Divide the society according to quality and train people in the principle that everything belongs to God and should be used in the service of God. Then there really can be “one nation under God.”

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To je varṇāśrama-dharma.* Podijelite društvo prema osobinama pojedinaca i obrazujte ljude po načelu da sve pripada Bogu te da se sve treba iskoristiti za služenje Bogu. Tada će moto „Jedan narod pod Božjim vodstvom“ postati stvarnost.

BTG: But if society is divided into different groups, won’t there be envy?

BTG: Kad bismo društvo podijelili na različite skupine, zar ne bi bilo zavisti?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, no. Just as in my body there are different parts that work together, so the society can have different parts working for the same goal. My hand is different from my leg. But when I tell the hand, “Bring a glass of water,” the leg will help. The leg is required, and the hand is required.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, ne. Kao što se moje tijelo sastoji od različitih dijelova koji surađuju, tako se društvo može sastojati od različitih cjelina koje rade na ostvarenju istog cilja. Moja se ruka razlikuje od moje noge, ali kada naredim ruci: „Donesi čašu vode“, noga će pomoći. Dakle, potrebne su nam i noga i ruka.

BTG: But in the Western world we have a working class and a capitalist class, and there is always warfare going on between the two.

BTG: U zapadnom svijetu imamo radnike i kapitaliste, ali stalno se sukobljavaju.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes. The capitalist class is required, and the working class is also required.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da. Potreban je i stalež kapitalista i stalež radnika.

BTG: But they are fighting.

BTG: Ali oni se sukobljavaju.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Because they are not trained; they have no common cause. The hand and the leg work differently, but the common cause is to maintain the body. So if you find out the common cause for both the capitalists and the workers, then there will be no fighting. But if you do not know the common cause, then there will always be fighting.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Zato što nisu obrazovani, nemaju zajednički cilj. Ruka i noga obavljaju različite funkcije, ali zajednički je cilj održavanje tijela. Ako kapitalistima i radnicima pronađete zajednički cilj, neće se sukobljavati, no ako ne znate što je zajednički cilj, uvijek će biti sukoba.

BTG: Revolution?

BTG: Revolucije?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da.

BTG: Then the most important thing is to find the common cause that people can unite on?

BTG: Znači li to da je najvažnije pronaći zajednički cilj koji može ujediniti ljude?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, just like in our Kṛṣṇa conscious society you come to consult me about every activity, because I can give you the common cause. Otherwise, there will be fighting. The government should be very expert to know the aim of life – the common cause – and they should train the people to work for the common cause. Then they will be happy and peaceful. But if people simply elect rascals like Nixon, they will never find a common cause. Any rascal can secure votes by some arrangement, and then he becomes the head of the government. The candidates are bribing, they are cheating, they are making propaganda to win votes. Somehow or other they get votes and capture the prime post. This system is bad.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, kao što me u našem društvu za svjesnost Kṛṣṇe pitate za savjet u vezi sa svime što radite, jer vam mogu zadati zajednički cilj. Inače bi bilo sukoba. Vlada treba dobro poznavati cilj života, zajednički cilj, i obrazovati ljude da rade za zajednički cilj. Onda će biti sretni i smireni, ali ako biraju nitkove poput Nixona, nikada neće otkriti zajednički cilj. Svaki nitkov može na neki način osvojiti glasove i postati predsjednik vlade. Kandidati podmićuju, varaju i šire propagandu kako bi dobili glasove. Na ovaj ili onaj način, osvajaju glasove i dobivaju položaj. Taj je sustav loš.

BTG: So if we don’t choose our leaders by popular election, how will society be governed?

BTG: Ako se vođe ne izabiru na državnim izborima, kako će se vladati društvom?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: You require brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas, and śūdras. Just as when you want to construct a building, you require engineers. You don’t want sweepers. Isn’t that so? What will the sweeper do? No, there must be engineers. So if you follow the division of varṇāśrama, only kṣatriyas are allowed to govern. And for the legislative assembly – the senators – only qualified brāhmaṇas. Now the butcher is in the legislative assembly. What does he know about making laws? He is a butcher, but by winning votes he becomes a senator. At the present moment, by the principle of vox populi, a butcher goes to the legislature. So everything depends on training. In our Kṛṣṇa conscious society, we’re actually doing that, but in the case of politics, they forget it. There cannot be just one class. That is foolishness, because we have to engage different classes of men in different activities. If we do not know the art, then we will fail, because unless there is a division of work, there will be havoc. We have discussed all the responsibilities of the king in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. The different classes in society should cooperate exactly as the different parts of the body do. Although each part is meant for a different purpose, they all work for one cause: to maintain the body properly.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Potrebni su vam brāhmaṇe, kṣatriye, vaiśye i śūdre. Kao kad želite izgraditi zgradu, potrebni su vam inženjeri, a ne čistačice. Zar nije tako? Što čistačica može učiniti? Ne, morate imati inženjera. Stoga, ako prihvatite podjelu na varṇe i āśrame, samo je kṣatriyama dopušteno vladati, a zastupnici u zakonodavnom tijelu mogu biti samo kvalificirani brāhmaṇe. Danas u zakonodavnim tijelima sjede mesari. Što oni znaju o donošenju zakona? Mesari su, a osvajanjem glasova postaju zastupnici. Po načelu vox populi danas se mesar bira u zakonodavno tijelo. Stoga sve ovisi o naobrazbi. U našem društvu za svjesnost Kṛṣṇe mi postupamo tako, obrazujemo ih, ali kad je politika u pitanju, na to se zaboravlja. Ne smije postojati samo jedan stalež. To je ludost jer ljude iz različitih staleža moramo zadužiti za različite poslove. Ako ne znamo kako to učiniti, nećemo uspjeti jer će bez podjele rada u društvu vladati kaos. U Śrīmad-Bhāgavatamu objasnili smo koje su sve odgovornosti kralja. Različiti staleži u društvu trebaju surađivati kao dijelovi tijela. Iako svaka cjelina igra različitu ulogu, sve imaju jedan cilj: pravilno održavanje tijela.

BTG: What is the actual duty of the government?

BTG: Što je prava dužnost vlade?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To understand what God wants and to see that society works toward that aim. Then people will be happy. But if the people work in the wrong direction, how can they be happy? The government’s duty is to see that they are working in the right direction. The right direction is to know God and to act according to His instructions. But if the leaders themselves do not believe in the supremacy of God, and if they do not know what God wants to do, or what He wants us to do, then how can there be good government? The leaders are misled, and they are misleading others. That is the chaotic condition in the world today.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Shvatiti što Bog želi i pobrinuti se da društvo napreduje prema tom cilju. Ljudi će biti sretni, ali ako pogrešno usmjeravaju svoja nastojanja, kako mogu biti sretni? Vlada je dužna pobrinuti se da svi napreduju prema pravom cilju. Pravi je cilj spoznaja Boga i djelovanje u skladu s Njegovim uputama, ali ako sami vođe ne vjeruju u vrhovnu vlast Boga i ne znaju što Bog želi učiniti ili što želi da mi učinimo, kako onda mogu imati dobru vladu? Vođe su zavedeni i zavode druge. To je kaotično stanje u današnjem svijetu.

BTG: In the United States there has traditionally been the separation of church and state.

BTG: U Sjedinjenim Državama crkva i država tradicionalno su odvojeni.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: I am not talking about the church. Church or no church – that is not the point. The main thing is that the leaders have to accept that there is a supreme controller. How can they deny it? Everything in nature is going on under the Supreme Lord’s control. The leaders cannot control nature, so why don’t they accept a supreme controller? That is the defect in society. In every respect, the leaders are feeling that there must be a supreme controller, and yet they are still denying Him.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne govorim o crkvi. S crkvom ili bez crkve, to nije bitno. Glavno je da vođe moraju prihvatiti postojanje vrhovnog upravitelja. Kako to mogu poreći? Sve u prirodi se odvija pod upravom Svevišnjeg Gospodina. Vođe ne mogu upravljati prirodom; zašto onda ne prihvate vrhovnog upravitelja? To je nedostatak u društvu. U svakom pogledu, vođe su svjesni da mora postojati vrhovni upravitelj, ali Ga ipak poriču.

BTG: But suppose the government is atheistic …

BTG: Pretpostavimo da je vlada ateistička…

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Then there cannot be good government. The Americans say they trust in God. But without the science of God, that trust is simply fictitious. First take the science of God very seriously, then put your trust in Him. They do not know what God is, but we do. We actually trust in God.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Onda ne može biti dobra. Amerikanci kažu da vjeruju u Boga, ali bez znanosti o Bogu, njihovo je vjerovanje puka maštarija. Prvo ozbiljno proučite znanost o Bogu, a onda vjerujte u Njega. Ne znaju što je Bog, ali mi znamo. Mi istinski vjerujemo u Boga.

They’re manufacturing their own way of governing. And that is their defect. They will never be successful. They are imperfect, and if they go on manufacturing their own ways and means, they will remain imperfect. There will always be revolutions – one after another. There will be no peace.

Izmišljaju vlastiti način vladanja i tu griješe. Nikada neće uspjeti. Nesavršeni su, a nastave li izmišljati vlastite načine i sredstva, ostat će nesavršeni. Stalno će izbijati revolucije, jedna za drugom. Neće biti mira.

BTG: Who determines the regulative principles of religion that people should follow?

BTG: Tko određuje regulativna načela religije koja bi ljudi trebali slijediti?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: God. God is perfect. He does that. According to the Vedic version, God is the leader of all living entities (nityo nityānāṁ cetanaś cetanānām). We are different from Him because He is all-perfect and we are not. We are very small. We have the qualities of God, but in very small quantity. Therefore we have only a little knowledge – that’s all. With a little knowledge you can manufacture a 747 airplane, but you cannot manufacture a mosquito. God has created the mosquito’s body, which is also an “airplane.” And that is the difference between God and us: we have knowledge, but it is not as perfect as God’s. So the leaders of the government have to consult God; then they will rule perfectly.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Bog. Bog je savršen. On određuje. Prema vedskom shvaćanju, Bog je vođa svih živih bića (nityo nityānāṁ cetanaś cetanānām). Mi se razlikujemo od Njega jer je On svesavršen, a mi nismo. Vrlo smo mali. Posjedujemo Božje odlike, ali u vrlo maloj mjeri. Zato jako malo znamo, to je sve. S ograničenim znanjem možete stvoriti avion Boeing 747, ali ne možete stvoriti komarca. Bog je stvorio tijelo komarca, koje je također „avion“. To je razlika između Boga i nas; i mi znamo nešto, ali naše znanje nije jednako savršeno kao Božje. Zato vođe vlade trebaju prihvatiti Božje savjete; onda će vladati savršeno.

BTG: Has God also devised the most perfect government?

BTG: Je li onda Bog stvorio i najsavršeniju vladu?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Oh, yes. The kṣatriyas ruled the government in Vedic times. When there was a war, the king was the first to fight. Just like your George Washington: he fought when there was a war. But what kind of president is ruling now? When there is a war, he sits very securely and telephones orders. He’s not fit to be president. When there is war, the president should be the first to come forward and lead the battle.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: O, da. U vedsko vrijeme kṣatriye su upravljali vladom. Kad bi došlo do rata, kralj se prvi borio. Primjerice, vaš George Washington borio se u ratu. A kakvi predsjednici vladaju danas? Kad izbije rat, sjede na sigurnom mjestu i telefonom izdaju naredbe. Nisu dostojni položaja predsjednika. U ratu, predsjednik treba prvi istupiti i voditi bitku.

BTG: But if man is small and imperfect, how can he execute God’s perfect orders for a perfect government?

BTG: Međutim, ako je čovjek malen i nesavršen, kako će izvršavati savršene Božje naredbe i stvoriti savršenu vladu?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Although you may be imperfect, because you are carrying out my order, you’re becoming perfect. You have accepted me as your leader, and I accept God as my leader. In this way society can be governed perfectly.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Premda ste nesavršeni, izvršavajući moju naredbu postajete savršeni. Prihvatili ste me kao svog vođu, a ja prihvaćam Boga kao svog vođu. Na taj način možete savršeno vladati društvom.

BTG: So good government means first of all to accept the Supreme Being as the real ruler of the government?

BTG: Znači li to da dobra vlada prije svega treba prihvatiti Vrhovno Biće kao pravog upravitelja vlade?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: You cannot directly accept the Supreme Being. You must accept the servants of the Supreme Being – the brāhmaṇas or Vaiṣṇavas [devotees of the Lord] – as your guides. The government men are kṣatriyas – the second class. The kṣatriyas should take advice from the brāhmaṇas or Vaiṣṇavas and make laws accordingly. The vaiśyas should carry out the kṣatriyas’ orders in practice. And the śūdras should work under these three orders. Then society will be perfect.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne možete neposredno prihvatiti Vrhovno Biće. Morate prihvatiti sluge Vrhovnog Bića, brāhmaṇe ili vaiṣṇave (Gospodinove bhakte), kao svoje vođe. Članovi vlade ustvari su kṣatriye, drugorazredni. Kṣatriye trebaju prihvaćati savjete brāhmaṇa i vaiṣṇava te u skladu s njima donositi zakone. Vaiśye trebaju izvršavati naredbe kṣatriya, a śūdre trebaju raditi pod vodstvom tri navedena staleža. Onda će društvo biti savršeno.

The Peace Formula

Formula za mir

“The earth is the property of God, but we, the living entities, especially the so-called civilized human beings, are claiming God’s property as our own, under both an individual and collective false conception. If you want peace, you have to remove this false conception from your mind and from the world.”

Zemlja je Božje vlasništvo, ali mi, živa bića, osobito takozvana civilizirana ljudska bića, pod utjecajem individualnih i kolektivnih zabluda prisvajamo Božje vlasništvo. Ako želite mir, morate odstraniti tu zabludu iz svoga uma i svijeta.

The great mistake of modern civilization is to encroach upon others’ property as though it were one’s own and to thereby create an unnecessary disturbance of the laws of nature. These laws are very strong. No living entity can violate them. Only one who is Kṛṣṇa conscious can easily overcome the stringency of the laws of nature and thus become happy and peaceful in the world.

Suvremena civilizacija griješi jer poseže za tuđom imovinom. Smatrajući je svojom, nepotrebno remeti zakone prirode. Ti su zakoni jako strogi. Nijedno ih živo biće ne može kršiti. Samo će onaj tko je svjestan Kṛṣṇe lako nadići stroge zakone prirode te tako postati sretan i miran u ovome svijetu.

As a state is protected by the department of law and order, so the state of Universe, of which this earth is only an insignificant fragment, is protected by the laws of nature. This material nature is one of the different potencies of God, who is the ultimate proprietor of everything that be. This earth is, therefore, the property of God, but we, the living entities, especially the so-called civilized human beings, are claiming God’s property as our own, under both an individual and collective false conception. If you want peace, you have to remove this false conception from your mind and from the world. This false claim of proprietorship by the human race on earth is partly or wholly the cause of all disturbances of peace on earth.

Kao što državu štiti ministarstvo reda i zakona, državu svemira, čiji je Zemlja beznačajan dio, štite zakoni prirode. Materijalna je priroda jedna od mnogih energija Boga koji je prvobitni vlasnik svega što postoji. Zemlja je Božje vlasništvo, ali mi, živa bića, osobito takozvana civilizirana ljudska bića, pod utjecajem individualnih i kolektivnih zabluda prisvajamo Božje vlasništvo. Ako želite mir, morate odstraniti tu zabludu iz svoga uma i svijeta. Ljudska rasa na Zemlji lažno svojata tuđe vlasništvo, stoga je, djelomično ili u cijelosti, uzrok nemira na Zemlji.

Foolish and so-called civilized men are claiming proprietary rights on the property of God because they have now become godless. You cannot be happy and peaceful in a godless society. In the Bhagavad-gītā Lord Kṛṣṇa says that He is the factual enjoyer of all activities of the living entities, that He is the Supreme Lord of all universes, and that He is the well-wishing friend of all beings. When the people of the world know this as the formula for peace, it is then and there that peace will prevail.

Budalasti, navodno civilizirani ljudi prisvajaju Božju imovinu jer su postali bezbožni. Ne možete biti sretni i spokojni u bezbožnom društvu. U Bhagavad-gīti Gospodin Kṛṣṇa izjavljuje da je pravi uživatelj svih djelatnosti živih bića, vrhovni gospodar svih svemira i dobronamjeran prijatelj svih živih bića. Kada ljudi u svijetu shvate da je to formula za mir, mir će i zavladati.

Therefore, if you want peace at all, you will have to change your consciousness into Kṛṣṇa consciousness, both individually and collectively, by the simple process of chanting the holy name of God. This is a standard and recognized process for achieving peace in the world. We therefore recommend that everyone become Kṛṣṇa conscious by chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare.

Zato, želite li mir, morat ćete preobraziti svoju svijest u svjesnost Kṛṣṇe, i individualno i kolektivno, jednostavnim procesom pjevanja Božjega svetog imena. To je standardan, priznat proces za ostvarivanje mira u svijetu. Stoga svakome savjetujemo da postane svjestan Kṛṣṇe pjevajući Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare / Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare.

This is practical, simple, and sublime. Four hundred and eighty years ago this formula was introduced in India by Lord Śrī Caitanya, and now it is available in your country. Take to this simple process of chanting as above mentioned, realize your factual position by reading the Bhagavad-gītā As It Is, and reestablish your lost relationship with Kṛṣṇa, God. Peace and prosperity will be the immediate worldwide result.

Taj je proces praktičan, jednostavan i uzvišen. Uveo ga je Gospodin Śrī Caitanya prije 480 godina u Indiji, a sada je dostupan u vašoj zemlji. Prihvatite ovaj jednostavan proces pjevanja, spoznajte svoj istinski položaj čitajući Bhagavad-gītu kakva jest i ponovno uspostavite svoj zaboravljeni odnos s Kṛṣṇom, Bogom. Ako to učinite, cijelim će svijetom odmah zavladati mir i blagostanje.

Spiritual Communism

Duhovni komunizam

During his visit to the Soviet Union, Śrīla Prabhupāda talks with Professor Grigoriy Kotovsky, head of the India Department at the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences: “Whether you surrender to monarchy, aristocracy, or dictatorship, you have to surrender; that is a fact. Without surrender there is no life. It is not possible. So we are educating people to surrender to the Supreme, wherefrom you get all protection.… Any other surrender you have to change by revolution. But when you come to Kṛṣṇa, then it is sufficient. You are satisfied.”

Za vrijeme posjeta Sovjetskom Savezu, u razgovoru s profesorom Grigorijem Kotovskim, nadstojnikom odjela za indologiju Sovjetske akademije znanosti, Śrīla Prabhupāda kaže: „Bilo da se predate monarhiji, demokraciji, aristokraciji ili diktaturi, morate se predati; to je činjenica. Bez predaje nema života. To nije moguće. Zato obrazujemo ljude da se predaju Svevišnjem koji će ih štititi u svim okolnostima.“

Śrīla Prabhupāda: The other day I was reading the paper, Moscow News. There was a Communist congress, and the President declared, “We are ready to take others’ experience to improve.” So I think the Vedic concept of socialism or communism will much improve the idea of communism. For example, in a socialistic state the idea is that no one should starve; everyone must have his food. Similarly, in the Vedic concept of gṛhastha [householder] life it is recommended that a householder see that even a lizard or a snake living in his house should not starve. Even these lower creatures should be given food, and certainly all humans should. It is recommended that the gṛhastha, before taking his lunch, should stand on the road and declare, “If anyone is still hungry, please come! Food is ready!” If there is no response, then the proprietor of the household takes his lunch. Modern society takes the people as a whole as the proprietor of a certain state, but the Vedic conception is īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam – everything is owned by īśa, the supreme controller. Tena tyaktena bhuñjīthāḥ – you may enjoy what is allotted to you by Him. Mā gṛdhaḥ kasya svid dhanam: but do not encroach upon others’ property. This is the Īśopaniṣad – Veda. The same idea is explained in the different Purāṇas. There are many good concepts in the Vedic literature about communism. So I thought that these ideas should be distributed to your most thoughtful men. Therefore I was anxious to speak.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Nekidan sam čitao Moscow News. Na kongresu komunista predsjednik je izjavio: „Spremni smo prihvatiti iskustva drugih kako bismo poboljšali stanje.“ Mislim da će vedsko shvaćanje socijalizma ili komunizma uvelike poboljšati komunističku ideju. Na primjer, u socijalističkoj državi nitko ne bi trebao gladovati; svi moraju imati dovoljno hrane. Slično tomu, prema vedskom poimanju obiteljskog (gṛhastha) života, obiteljski se čovjek treba pobrinuti da čak ni gušter ili zmija koji žive u njegovoj kući ne gladuju. Čak i tim nižim stvorenjima treba dati hranu, a da ne govorimo o ljudskim bićima. Gṛhasthi se preporučuje da prije ručka izađe na ulicu i vikne: „Ako je netko gladan, neka dođe! Jelo je gotovo!“ Ako se nitko ne odazove, može sam ručati. U suvremenom društvu narod se smatra vlasnikom države, ali prema vedskom poimanju, īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam, vlasnik je svega vrhovni upravitelj, īśa. Tena tyaktena bhuñjīthāḥ, možeš uživati u onome što ti je On dodijelio. Mā gṛdhaḥ kasya svid dhanam, ali ne prisvajaj tuđu imovinu. To je Īśopaniṣad, Veda. Ista je ideja objašnjena u raznim Purāṇama. U vedskoj književnosti ima puno dobrih ideja o komunizmu. Mislio sam da bi ih trebalo izložiti vašim najmisaonijim ljudima. Zbog toga sam želio razgovarati.

Prof. Kotovsky: It is interesting that here in our country there is now great interest in the history of old, old thought. From this point of view, our Institute translated into Russian and published many literary monuments of great Indian culture. You will be interested to discover that we published some of the Purāṇas and parts of the Rāmāyaṇa. There are volumes in Russian of Mahābhārata and also a second edition of Mahābhārata, translated in full. We have also published the full translation of Manu-smṛti with Sanskrit commentaries. Interest in these publications was so great that they sold out in a week. They are now completely out of stock. It was impossible to get them in the book market after a month. There is great interest among reading people here in Moscow and the U.S.S.R. toward ancient Vedic culture, and from this point of view we published many such books.

Prof. Kotovski: Zanimljivo je da u našoj zemlji sada vlada veliko zanimanje za povijest drevne misli. Naš je institut preveo na ruski jezik i objavio brojna značajna književna djela velike indijske kulture. Sigurno će vas zanimati da smo objavili neke Purāṇe i dijelove Rāmāyaṇe. Na ruskom je jeziku objavljeno više svezaka Mahābhārate i drugo, cjelokupno izdanje Mahābhārate. Također smo izdali cjeloviti prijevod Manu-smṛtija sa sanskrtskim komentarima. Ta su izdanja pobudila takvo zanimanje da su se rasprodala za tjedan dana. Sada su potpuno rasprodana. Nestala su s tržišta za mjesec dana. U Moskvi i Sovjetskom Savezu među čitateljima vlada veliko zanimanje za drevnu vedsku kulturu, zbog toga smo objavili puno takvih knjiga.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Among these Purāṇas, the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is called the Mahā-purāṇa.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Među Purāṇama, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam naziva se Mahā-Purāṇa.

Prof. Kotovsky: Mahā-purāṇa.

Prof. KotovskiMahā-Purāṇa.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes. We have translated the full text – first we present the original Sanskrit text, its transliteration, the English equivalent for each word, then the translation, and then a purport, or explanation of the verse. In this way, there are eighteen thousand verses in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. We are translating everything literally. You can see. Each and every verse is being done like that for the whole Bhāgavata Purāṇa. The opinion of the ācāryas, the great saintly sages who are the preachers of the Bhāgavata philosophy, is nigama-kalpa-taror galitaṁ phalam: this is the ripened fruit of the Vedic desire tree [Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.1.3]. It is accepted by all the Indian scholars, and Lord Caitanya especially preached this Bhāgavatam. So we have the complete Bhāgavatam in its English translation. If you want to see it, I can show you.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da. Preveli smo cijeli tekst. Prvo navodimo izvornu strofu na sanskrtu, potom transliteraciju, engleske sinonime, prijevod i na kraju je tumačenje, objašnjenje strofe. Śrīmad-hāgavatam ima osamnaest tisuća strofa. Prevodimo doslovno sve, od riječi do riječi. Možete i sami vidjeti. Svaku smo strofu Bhāgavata Purāṇe preveli na taj način. Prema mišljenju ācārya, velikih svetih mudraca koji propovijedaju filozofiju Bhāgavate, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam je nigama-kalpa-taror galitaṁ phalam, zreo plod vedskog drveta želja (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.1.3). Prihvaćaju ga svi indijski učenjaci, a Gospodin je Caitanya posebno propovijedao Bhāgavatam. Mi imamo cjelokupni Bhāgavatam u engleskom prijevodu. Ako ga želite vidjeti, mogu vam ga pokazati.

Prof. Kotovsky: It seems to me that in the Moscow and Leningrad libraries we have nearly all the major texts of ancient Indian culture, beginning from the Vedas, the original texts in Sanskrit. For instance, in the Leningrad branch of our Institute there are six or eight editions of Manu-smṛti. This Institute was founded in Imperial Russia in Leningrad, so in Leningrad we now have a branch of our Institute dealing mainly with the history of Asiatic culture. You will find here an account of what is being translated and what studies are being done on the history of Indian religion and also the state of Indian religion, Hinduism, in Hindu India today.

Prof. Kotovski: Čini mi se da u moskovskim i lenjingradskim knjižnicama imamo gotovo sve važnije tekstove drevne indijske kulture, počev od Veda, izvornih tekstova na sanskrtu. Na primjer, u lenjingradskom ogranku našeg instituta postoji šest ili osam izdanja Manu-smṛtija. Taj je institut osnovan u vrijeme carske Rusije u Lenjingradu, zato se danas ogranak našeg instituta u Lenjingradu uglavnom bavi poviješću azijske kulture. Ondje ćete naći popis svih prijevoda i studija o povijesti indijske religije, ali i o statusu indijske religije, hinduizma, u današnjoj hinduističkoj Indiji.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Hinduism is a very complex topic.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Hinduizam je vrlo složena tema.

Prof. Kotovsky: Oh, yes. [They laugh.] Really, to my understanding, it is not a religion, from the European point of view; it is a way of life – religion, philosophy, a way of life, whatever you want

Prof. Kotovski: O, da. [Smiju se.] Po mom shvaćanju, to nije religija s europske točke gledišta; to je način života – religija, filozofija, način života, što god želite.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: This word “Hindu” is not a Sanskrit word. It was given by the Muhammadans. You know that there is a river, Indus, which in Sanskrit is called Sindhu. The Muhammadans pronounce s as h. Instead of Sindhu, they made it Hindu. So “Hindu” is a term that is not found in the Sanskrit dictionary, but it has come into use. But the real cultural institution is called varṇāśrama. There are four varṇas [social divisions] – brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya, and śūdra – and four āśramas [spiritual divisions] – brahmacārī, gṛhastha, vānaprastha, and sannyāsa. According to the Vedic concept of life, unless people take to this system or institution of four varṇas and four āśramas, actually they do not become civilized human beings. One has to take this process of four divisions of social orders and four divisions of spiritual orders; that is called varṇāśrama. India’s culture is based on this age-old Vedic system.

Śrīla PrabhupādaHindu nije sanskrtska riječ. Potječe od muslimana. Kao što znate, rijeka Indus na sanskritu se naziva Sindhu. Muslimani izgovaraju s kao h, stoga su riječ sindhu pretvorili u hindu. Iako se ukorijenio, izraz hindu nećete naći u sanskrtskom rječniku. Prava kulturna institucija naziva se varṇāśrama. Postoje četiri varṇe (društvena staleža) – brāhmaṇe, kṣatriye, vaiśye i śūdre – i četiri āśrame (duhovna reda) – brahmacarya, gṛhastha, vānaprastha i sannyāsa. Prema vedskom svjetonazoru, ljudi koji ne prihvaćaju ovaj sustav četiri varṇe i četiri āśrame nisu civilizirana ljudska bića. Moramo prihvatiti ovu podjelu društva na četiri staleža i četiri duhovna reda; to se naziva varṇāśrama. Indijska se kultura temelji na tom drevnom vedskom sustavu.

Prof. Kotovsky: Varṇāśrama.

Prof. KotovskiVarṇāśrami.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Varṇāśrama. And in the Bhagavad-gītā – perhaps you have read the Bhagavad-gītā?

Śrīla PrabhupādaVarṇāśrami. I u Bhagavad-gīti… Jeste li pročitali Bhagavad-gītu?

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes.

Prof. Kotovski: Da.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: There, in the Bhagavad-gītā [4.13], is the statement cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭam: this system was created by Viṣṇu [God]. So since varṇāśrama is a creation of the Supreme, it cannot be changed. It is prevalent everywhere. It is like the sun. The sun is a creation of the Supreme. The sunshine is there in America, in Russia, and in India – everywhere. Similarly, this varṇāśrama system is prevalent everywhere in some form or another. Take, for example, the brāhmaṇas, the most intelligent class of men. They are the brains of the society. The kṣatriyas are the administrative class; then the vaiśyas are the productive class, and the śūdras are the worker class. These four classes of men are prevalent everywhere under different names. Because it is created by the original creator, so it is prevalent everywhere, varṇāśrama-dharma.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: U Bhagavad-gīti (4.13) rečeno je: cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭam, ovaj je sustav stvorio Viṣṇu (Bog). Budući da je tvorevina Svevišnjeg, varṇāśrama se ne može promijeniti. Svuda je prisutna, poput sunca. Sunce je tvorevina Svevišnjeg. Obasjava svojom svjetlošću Ameriku, Rusiju, Indiju, sve. Slično tomu, sustav varṇāśrama postoji svuda, u ovom ili onom obliku. Uzmimo, na primjer, brāhmaṇe, stalež najinteligentnijih ljudi. Oni su glava društva. Kṣatriye su administrativni stalež, vaiśye proizvodni stalež, a śūdre radnički stalež. Ova su četiri staleža, pod drukčijim imenima, svuda prisutna. Varṇāśrama-dharmu stvorio je prvobitni Stvoritelj, zato je prisutna svuda.

Prof. Kotovsky: It is interesting that in the opinion of some European and old Russian scholars, this varṇāśrama system is a later creation, and if you would read the old texts of Vedic literature, you would find a much more simple and agrarian society. It is the opinion of these scholars that the varṇāśrama system was introduced in Indian society in the late age of the Vedic era but not from the beginning. And if you would analyze the old texts, you would find that in the old classical India it was not so prevalent.

Prof. Kotovski: Zanimljivo je da je prema mišljenju nekih europskih i starih ruskih učenjaka sustav varṇāśrama kasnija tvorevina. Kad biste čitali stare tekstove vedske književnosti, naišli biste na opise puno jednostavnijeg, zemljoradničkog društva. Ti učenjaci smatraju da je sustav varṇāśrama uveden u indijsko društvo u kasnom razdoblju vedske ere, a ne u početku. Kad biste analizirali stare tekstove, otkrili biste da ga nije bilo u staroj, klasičnoj Indiji.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: As far as we are concerned, it is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gītā. Cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭam. The Bhagavad-gītā was spoken five thousand years ago, and in the Bhagavad-gītā it is said, “This system of the Bhagavad-gītā was spoken by Me to the sun-god.” So if you take an estimation of that period, it comes to forty million years ago. Can the European scholars trace back history five thousand years? Can they go back forty million years? We have evidence that this varṇāśrama system has been current at least five thousand years. The varṇāśrama system is also mentioned in the Viṣṇu Purāṇa [3.8.9]. Varṇāśramācāravatā puruṣeṇa paraḥ pumān. That is stated in the Viṣṇu Purāṇa. Varṇāśrama-dharma is not a phenomenon of a historical period calculated in the modern age. It is natural. In the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam the comparison is given that just as in the body there are four divisions – the brain division, the arms division, the belly division, and the leg division – so by nature’s way these four divisions are existing in the social body. There exists a class of men who are considered the brain, a class of men who are considered the arms of the state, a class of men who are called the productive class, and so on. There is no need of tracing history; it is naturally existing from the day of creation.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Što se nas tiče, on je spomenut u Bhagavad-gīti. Cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭam. Bhagavad-gītā izgovorena je prije pet tisuća godina, a u njoj je rečeno: „Ja sam izložio Bhagavad-gītu bogu Sunca.“ Prema gruboj procjeni, to razdoblje obuhvaća četrdeset milijuna godina. Mogu li europski učenjaci utvrditi povijesne događaje koji su se zbili prije pet tisuća godina? Mogu li utvrditi što se zbilo prije četrdeset milijuna godina? Imamo dokaze o postojanju sustava varṇāśrama u posljednjih pet tisuća godina. On se spominje i u Viṣṇu-Purāṇi (3.8.9). Varṇāśramācāravatā puruṣeṇa paraḥ pumān. To je rečeno u Viṣṇu-Purāṇi. Fenomen varṇāśrama-dharme ne pripada povijesnom razdoblju koje je utvrđeno u suvremenom dobu. On je prirodan. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam uspoređuje podjelu društva na četiri staleža s podjelom tijela na mozak, ruke, trbuh i noge. U društvu postoji stalež ljudi koji se smatraju mozgom, stalež ljudi koji se smatraju rukama države, stalež ljudi koji se smatraju proizvodnim staležom i tako dalje. Nema potrebe za utvrđivanjem povijesnih korijena varṇāśrame jer ona prirodno postoji od početka kreacije.

Prof. Kotovsky: You have said that in any society there are four divisions, but they are not so easy to distinguish. For instance, one can group together different social classes and professional groups into four divisions in any society; there is no difficulty. The only difficulty is, for instance, in the socialistic society – in our country and other socialist societies – how you can distinguish the productive group from the workers.

Prof. Kotovski: Rekli ste da u svakom društvu postoje četiri staleža, ali nije ih tako lako razlikovati. Na primjer, različiti društveni slojevi i struke mogu se lako svrstati u četiri staleža u bilo kojem društvu. Jedini problem vidim, recimo, u socijalističkom društvu – u našoj zemlji i drugim socijalističkim društvima – kako razlikovati proizvodnu grupu od radnika.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: For example, we belong to the intellectual class of men. This is a division.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Na primjer, mi pripadamo intelektualnom staležu ljudi. To je jedan stalež.

Prof. Kotovsky: Intelligent class, brāhmaṇas. And you can also put together all the intelligentsia in that department.

Prof. Kotovski: Intelektualni stalež, brāhmaṇe. U njega možete svrstati svu inteligenciju.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da.

Prof. Kotovsky: And then the administrative class.

Prof. Kotovski: Zatim slijedi administrativni stalež.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da.

Prof. Kotovsky: But who are the vaiśyas and śūdras? That is the difficulty. Because all others are workers – factory workers, collective farm workers, and so on. So from this point of view there is a great distinction, in my opinion, between socialist society and all societies preceding socialism, because in modern Western society you can group all social and professional classes in these particular class divisions – brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas, and śūdras: intellectuals, productive class, owners of the productive system (factory owners, for instance), and menial workers. But here you have no vaiśyas because you have administrative staffs in factories, and you can call them kṣatriyas, and then there are the śūdras, the workers themselves, but no intermediate class.

Prof. Kotovski: Ali tko su vaiśye i śūdre? To je problem. Svi su drugi radnici – radnici u tvornici, radnici na poljoprivrednim dobrima itd. U tom pogledu postoji velika razlika između socijalističkog društva i svih društvenih sustava koji su prethodili socijalizmu jer u suvremenom zapadnom društvu sve društvene skupine i struke možete svrstati u određene staleže – brāhmaṇe, kṣatriye, vaiśye i śūdre: intelektualci, proizvodni stalež, vlasnici proizvodnog sustava (na primjer, vlasnici tvornica) i radnici koji služe. Međutim, ovdje kod nas nemate vaiśye jer u tvornicama radi administrativno osoblje, koje možete nazvati kṣatriyama, i śūdre, sami radnici, ali nema staleža između njih.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That is stated. Kalau śūdra-sambhavaḥ. In this age practically all men are śūdras. But if there are simply śūdras, the social order will be disturbed. In spite of your state of śūdras, the brāhmaṇa is found here, and that is necessary. If you do not divide the social order in such a way, there will be chaos. That is the scientific estimation of the Vedas. You may belong to the śūdra class, but to maintain social order you have to train some of the śūdras to become brāhmaṇas. Society cannot depend on śūdras. Nor can you depend on the brāhmaṇas. To fulfill the necessities of your body, there must be a brain, arms, a stomach, and legs. The legs, the brain, and the arms are all required for cooperation to fulfill the mission of the whole body. So in any society you can see that unless there are these four divisions, there will be chaos. It will not work properly. It will be māyā, and there will be disturbances. The brain must be there, but at the present moment there is a scarcity of brains. I am not talking of your state or my state; I am taking the world as a whole. Formerly the Indian administration was a monarchy. For example, Mahārāja Parīkṣit was a kṣatriya king. Just before his death, he renounced his royal order. He came to the forest to hear about self-realization. If you want to maintain the peace and prosperity of the whole world society, you must create a very intelligent class of men, a class of men expert in administration, a class of men expert in production, and a class of men to work. That is required; you cannot avoid it. That is the Vedic conception, mukha-bāhūru-pāda-jāḥ [Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 11.17.13]. Mukha means “the face,” bāhu means “the arms,” ūru means “the waist,” and pāda, “the legs.” Whether you take this state or that state, unless there is a smooth, systematic establishment of these four orders of life, the state or society will not run very smoothly.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Rečeno je kalau śūdra-sambhavaḥ. U ovom dobu gotovo svi su ljudi śūdre. Ako postoje samo śūdre, društveni će poredak biti poremećen. Usprkos vašoj državi śūdra, postoje brāhmaṇe i to je prijeko potrebno. Ako ne podijelite društvo na takav način, nastat će kaos. To je znanstveno mišljenje Veda. Vi možete pripadati staležu śūdra, ali da biste održali društveni poredak, morate obrazovati neke śūdre kao brāhmaṇe. Društvo ne smije ovisiti ni o śūdrama ni o brāhmaṇama. Tjelesne potrebe mogu se zadovoljiti samo ako su prisutni i mozak i ruke i trbuh i noge. Za ostvarenje misije cijelog tijela, potrebna je suradnja svih udova i organa, nogu, mozga, trbuha i ruku. Primijetit ćete da bez ove podjele na četiri staleža u bilo kojem društvu vlada kaos. Društvo ne može pravilno djelovati. Zavladat će māyā i bit će nemira. Mozak mora postojati, ali u današnje vrijeme vlada nestašica mozgova. Ne govorim o vašoj ili o mojoj državi; govorim o svijetu kao cjelini. Nekoć je indijska vlada bila monarhija. Na primjer, Mahārāja je Parīkṣit bio kralj kṣatriya, ali se pred smrt odrekao kraljevskog položaja. Otišao je u šumu kako bi slušao o samospoznaji. Ako želite održati mir u čitavom svijetu, morate stvoriti stalež vrlo inteligentnih ljudi, stalež stručnih upravitelja, stalež stručnih proizvođača i radnički stalež. To je potrebno; ne možete to izbjeći. To je vedsko shvaćanje, mukha-bāhūru-pāda-jāḥ (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 11.17.13). Mukha znači „lice“, bāhu „ruke“, ūru „struk“, a pāda „noge“. Bez obzira na to o kojoj je državi riječ, bez mirne i sustavne podjele društva na ova četiri staleža, država ili društvo neće nesmetano funkcionirati.

Prof. Kotovsky: Generally it seems to me that this whole varṇāśrama system to some extent created a natural division of labor in the ancient society. But now division of labor among people in any society is much more complicated and sophisticated. So it is very confusing to group them into four classes.

Prof. Kotovski: Čini mi se da je sustav varṇāśrama uzrokovao donekle prirodnu podjelu rada u drevnom društvu, ali suvremena podjela rada u bilo kojem društvu puno je složenija. Zato je vrlo teško svrstati sve ljude u četiri staleža.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Confusion has come to exist because in India, at a later day, the son of a brāhmaṇa, without having the brahminical qualifications, claimed to be a brāhmaṇa; and others, out of superstition or a traditional way, accepted him as a brāhmaṇa. Therefore the Indian social order was disrupted. But in our Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement we are training brāhmaṇas everywhere, because the world needs the brain of a brāhmaṇa. Although Mahārāja Parīkṣit was a monarch, he had a body of brāhmaṇas and learned sages to consult, an advisory body. It is not that the monarchs were independent. In history it is found that if some of the monarchs were not in order, they were dethroned by the brahminical advisory council. Although the brāhmaṇas did not take part in politics, they would advise the monarch how to execute the royal function. This is not too far in the past. How long ago was Aśoka?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Do pomutnje je došlo zato što je u Indiji brāhmaṇin sin bez brahmanskih odlika tvrdio da je brāhmaṇa, a drugi su ga zbog praznovjerja ili tradicije prihvatili kao brāhmaṇu. Tako je došlo do razdora u indijskom društvenom poretku. U našem pokretu za svjesnost Kṛṣṇe mi svuda obrazujemo brāhmaṇe jer je svijetu potrebna inteligencija brāhmaṇa. Iako je Mahārāja Parīkṣit bio kralj, imao je savjetodavno tijelo sastavljeno od brāhmaṇa i učenih mudraca. Kraljevi nisu bili neovisni. Povijest bilježi da je brahmansko savjetodavno vijeće svrgavalo nekvalificirane kraljeve s prijestolja. Premda brāhmaṇe nisu sudjelovali u političkim zbivanjima, poučavali su kralja kako treba izvršavati svoju dužnost. To nije bilo tako davno u prošlosti. Kada je vladao Aśoka?

Prof. Kotovsky: That would be equal to what we call, in our terminology, ancient and medieval India.

Prof. Kotovski: Prema našoj terminologiji, to bi odgovaralo razdoblju drevne i srednjevjekovne Indije.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da.

Prof. Kotovsky: In old and feudal India – you are right – it was very open, and the major part of the high administrative staff in the legislative department were brāhmaṇas. Even in the Mogul era there were brāhmaṇas to advise the Muslim emperors and administrators.

Prof. Kotovski: U pravu ste, u staroj feudalnoj Indiji to je bilo uobičajeno i veći dio visokog administrativnog osoblja u zakonodavstvu bili su brāhmaṇe. Čak i u mogulskoj eri, brāhmaṇe su savjetovali muslimanske careve i upravitelje.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That is a fact – the brāhmaṇas were accepted. They formed the advisory committee of the king. For example, Candragupta, the Hindu king, was in the age of Alexander the Great. Just before Candragupta, Alexander the Great went from Greece into India and conquered a portion. When Candragupta became emperor, he had Cāṇakya as his prime minister. Perhaps you have heard this name Cāṇakya?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To je činjenica, brāhmaṇe se cijenilo. Oni su činili kraljevsko savjetodavno vijeće. Na primjer, indijski kralj Candragupta živio je u doba Aleksandra Velikog. Prije svoga ustoličenja, Aleksandar je Veliki otišao iz Grčke u Indiju i osvojio jedan dio. Kada je Candragupta postao car, njegov je glavni ministar bio Cāṇakya. Možda ste čuli za ime Cāṇakya?

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes.

Prof. Kotovski: Da.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, he was a great brāhmaṇa politician, and it is by his name that the quarter of New Delhi where all the foreign embassies are grouped together is called Cāṇakya Purī. Cāṇakya Paṇḍita was a great politician and brāhmaṇa. He was vastly learned. His moral instructions are still valuable. In India, schoolchildren are taught Cāṇakya Paṇḍita’s instructions. Although he was the prime minister, Cāṇakya Paṇḍita maintained his brāhmaṇa spirit; he did not accept any salary. If a brāhmaṇa accepts a salary, it is understood that he has become a dog. That is stated in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. He can advise, but he cannot accept employment. So Cāṇakya Paṇḍita was living in a cottage, but he was actually the prime minister. This brahminical culture and the brahminical brain is the standard of Vedic civilization. The Manu-smṛti is an example of the standard of brahminical culture. You cannot trace out from history when the Manu-smṛti was written, but it is considered so perfect that it is the Hindu law. There is no need for the legislature to pass a new law daily to adjust social order. The law given by Manu is so perfect that it can be applicable for all time. It is stated in Sanskrit to be tri-kālādau, which means “good for the past, present, and future.”

Śrīla Prabhupāda: On je bio veliki brāhmaṇa i političar, a po njemu se četvrt New Delhija u kojoj se nalaze sva strana veleposlanstva zove Cāṇakya Purī. Cāṇakya Paṇḍita bio je veliki političar i brāhmaṇa. Bio je vrlo učen. Njegove su moralne upute još uvijek dragocjene. U Indiji djeca u školama uče upute Cāṇakye Paṇḍite. Iako je bio glavni ministar, zadržao je brahmanski duh jer nije prihvaćao nikakvu plaću. Ako brāhmaṇa prihvati plaću, smatra se da je postao pas. To je rečeno u Śrīmad-Bhāgavatamu. Može savjetovati, ali ne smije se zaposliti. Cāṇakya Paṇḍita živio je u kolibi iako je bio glavni ministar. Ta brahmanska kultura i brahmanska inteligencija standard su vedske civilizacije. Manu-smṛti primjer je standarda brahmanske kulture. Ne može se povijesno utvrditi kada je Manu-smṛti napisan, ali smatra se tako savršenim da je poznat kao hinduistički zakon. Zakonodavno tijelo ne mora svakodnevno donositi nove zakone kako bi uskladilo društveni poredak. Zakon koji je dao Manu tako je savršen da vrijedi za sva vremena. Na sanskrtu se naziva tri-kālādau, što znači da „vrijedi za prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost“.

Prof. Kotovsky: I am sorry to interrupt you, but to my knowledge all of Indian society in the second half of the eighteenth century was, by order of the British administration, under a law divergent from Hindu law. There was a lot of change. The actual Hindu law that was used by the Hindus was quite different from the original Manu-smṛti.

Prof. Kotovski: Oprostite što vas prekidam, ali koliko ja znam, u indijskom se društvu u drugoj polovici osamnaestog stoljeća, po naredbi britanske uprave, primjenjivao zakon koji se razlikovao od hinduističkog zakona. Dosta se toga promijenilo. Pravi hinduistički zakon kojim su se koristili hinduisti prilično se razlikovao od izvornog Manu-smṛtija.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: They have now made changes. Even our late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru introduced his own Hindu code. He introduced the right of divorce in marriage, but this was not in the Manu-saṁhitā. There are so many things they have changed, but before this modern age the whole human society was governed by the Manu-smṛti. Strictly speaking, modern Hindus are not strictly following the Hindu scriptures.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Nedavno su ga izmijenili. Čak je i naš pokojni Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru uveo vlastiti hinduistički zakonik. Uveo je pravo na rastavu braka, iako ono ne postoji u Manu-saṁhiti. Toliko su toga promijenili, ali prije suvremenog razdoblja ljudsko je društvo slijedilo Manu-smṛti. Strogo govoreći, suvremeni hinduisti ne slijede strogo hinduističke spise.

But our point is not to try to bring back the old type of Hindu society. That is impossible. Our idea is to take the best ideas from the original idea. For example, in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam there is a description of the communist idea. It is described to Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira. If there is something good, a good experience, why shouldn’t you adopt it? That is our point of view. Besides that, modern civilization is missing one all-important point – the aim of human life. Scientifically, the aim of human life is self-realization, ātma-tattva. It is said that unless the members of human society come to the point of self-realization, they are defeated in whatever they do. Actually it is happening in modern society, despite all economic advancement and other advancement: instead of keeping peace and tranquillity, they are fighting – individually, socially, politically, and nationally. If we think about it in a cool-headed way, we can see that in spite of much improvement in many branches of knowledge, we are keeping the same mentality that is visible in the lower animal society. Our conclusion, according to the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, is that this human body is not meant for working hard for sense gratification. But people do not know anything beyond that. They do not know about the next life. There is no scientific department of knowledge to study what happens after this body is finished. That is a great department of knowledge.

Mi ne pokušavamo ponovno uspostaviti stari model hinduističkog društva. To je nemoguće. Mi želimo prihvatiti ono što je najbolje u izvornoj ideji. Na primjer, u Śrīmad-Bhāgavatamu Mahārāji je Yudhiṣṭhiri objašnjena komunistička ideja. Ako postoji nešto dobro, dobro iskustvo, zašto ga ne bismo usvojili? To je naše gledište. Osim toga, suvremenoj civilizaciji nedostaje najvažnija stvar, cilj ljudskog života. Znanstveno gledano, cilj je ljudskog života samospoznaja, ātma-tattva. Rečeno je da će članovi ljudskog društva, ako se ne uzdignu na razinu samospoznaje, biti neuspješni u svemu što čine. Ustvari, to se zbiva u suvremenom društvu unatoč gospodarskom i drugom napretku. Umjesto da održavaju red i mir, oni se sukobljavaju – individualno, društveno, politički i nacionalno. Ako staloženo razmislimo o tome, uvidjet ćemo da smo unatoč napretku u raznim granama znanosti zadržali isti mentalitet koji vlada u nižem, životinjskom društvu. U skladu sa Śrīmad-Bhāgavatamom, zaključujemo da ljudsko tijelo nije stvoreno za težak rad namijenjen zadovoljavanju osjetila, ali ljudi ne znaju ništa više od toga. Ne znaju za sljedeći život. Ne postoji grana znanosti koja proučava što se događa nakon smrti tijela. To je vrlo važna grana znanosti.

In the Bhagavad-gītā [2.13] it is said, dehino ’smin yathā dehe. Deha means “this body.” Dehinaḥ means “the one who owns this body.” Dehino ’smin yathā dehe kaumāraṁ yauvanaṁ jarā. The dehī, the owner of the body, is within, and the body is changing from one form to another. The child has a certain type of body that changes to another type when he is older. But the owner of the body still exists throughout. Similarly, when this body is completely changed, we accept another body. People do not understand this. We are accepting different bodies, even in this life, from babyhood to childhood to boyhood to youth. That is a fact – everyone knows it. I was a child, but that childhood body is no more. I have a different body now. What is the difficulty in understanding that when this body will be no more, then I will have to accept another body? It is a great science.

Bhagavad-gīti (2.13) rečeno je dehino ’smin yathā dehe. Deha znači „ovo tijelo“. Dehinaḥ znači „onaj tko posjeduje ovo tijelo“. Dehino ’smin yathā dehe kaumāraṁ yauvanaṁ jarā. Dehī, vlasnik tijela, nalazi se u tijelu koje se preobražava. Dijete ima određenu vrstu tijela koje se s godinama mijenja, ali vlasnik tijela postoji cijelo vrijeme. Slično tomu, kad se ovo tijelo potpuno izmijeni, prihvaćamo drugo tijelo. Ljudi to ne shvaćaju. Prihvaćamo različita tijela, čak i ovom životu, od djetinjstva do mladosti. To je činjenica. Svatko to zna. Bio sam dijete, ali više nemam dječje tijelo. Sada imam drukčije tijelo. Zašto je teško shvatiti da ću kad ovo tijelo umre morati prihvatiti drugo tijelo? To je vrlo važna znanost.

Prof. Kotovsky: As you know, there are two quite opposite approaches to this problem. The approach is slightly different according to different religions, but at the same time, any religion recognizes and searches for the change-of-place experience, or transmigration of spirit. In Christian religion, in Judaism, in …

Prof. Kotovski: Kao što znate, postoje dva potpuno oprečna pristupa tom problemu. U različitim religijama pristupi se neznatno razlikuju, ali istodobno svaka religija priznaje i istražuje iskustva seljenja duše. U kršćanskoj religiji, u židovskoj religiji, u…

Śrīla Prabhupāda: I am not talking religions with you. I am talking science and philosophy. One religion may accept one way; that is not our concern. We are concerned with the point that if the owner of the body is permanent in spite of different changes of body, there should be no difficulty in understanding that when this body changes entirely, the owner of the body will have another body.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne razgovaram s vama o religijama. Govorim o znanosti i filozofiji. Svaka se religija može držati svoga puta; to se nas ne tiče. Nas zanima sljedeće: ako je vlasnik tijela unatoč različitim promjenama tijela stalan, zar je teško shvatiti da će vlasnik tijela, kad se ovo tijelo potpuno promijeni, dobiti drugo tijelo.

Prof. Kotovsky: Another approach is that there is no separation. There are no two phenomena – the body and the owner of the body are the same.

Prof. Kotovski: S drugog stajališta, nema razdvajanja. Ne postoje dvije pojave – tijelo i vlasnik tijela isti su.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: [emphatically] No.

Śrīla Prabhupāda [snažno]: Ne.

Prof. Kotovsky: When the body dies, the owner also dies.

Prof. Kotovski: Kad tijelo umre, vlasnik također umire.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, no. But why is there no department of knowledge in the university to study this fact scientifically? That is my proposition – they are lacking. It may be as you say or it may be as I say, but there must be a department of knowledge to study this. Recently a cardiologist in Toronto, a doctor, has accepted that there is a soul. I had some correspondence with him, and he strongly believes that there is a soul. So there is another point of view, but our process is to accept knowledge from authority. We have Kṛṣṇa’s statement on this subject, and He is authoritative. Kṛṣṇa is accepted as the authority by all the ācāryas. The Bhagavad-gītā is accepted by scholarly and philosophical circles all over the world. Kṛṣṇa says:

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, ne. Zašto na sveučilištima ne postoji odjel koji bi znanstveno proučio ovu činjenicu? To je moj prijedlog – to nedostaje. Može biti kako vi kažete ili kako ja kažem, ali mora postojati odjel koji će to proučavati. Nedavno je jedan liječnik, kardiolog u Torontu, priznao da duša postoji. Razmijenio sam s njim nekoliko pisama i on čvrsto vjeruje u postojanje duše. Postoji i drugo gledište, ali mi prihvaćamo znanje od autoriteta. Imamo Kṛṣṇinu izjavu o tome, a On je autoritet. Svi Ga ācārye prihvaćaju kao autoritet. Bhagavad-gītu prihvaćaju učenjaci i filozofi diljem svijeta. Kṛṣṇa kaže:

dehino ’smin yathā dehe
kaumāraṁ yauvanaṁ jarā
tathā dehāntara-prāptir
dhīras tatra na muhyati
dehino ’smin yathā dehe
kaumāraṁ yauvanaṁ jarā
tathā dehāntara-prāptir
dhīras tatra na muhyati

“Just as the soul gives up the childhood body and comes to the boyhood body and then to youth, the soul also gives up this body and accepts another body.” [Bhagavad-gītā 2.13] This statement is given by Kṛṣṇa, the greatest authority according to our tradition of knowledge. We accept such a statement without argument. That is the way of Vedic understanding.

„Kao što duša prelazi iz tijela djeteta u tijelo dječaka, a potom u tijelo mladića, tako napušta ovo tijelo i prihvaća drugo.“ (Bhagavad-gītā 2.13) To je izjavio Kṛṣṇa, najveći autoritet prema našoj tradiciji. Mi prihvaćamo tu izjavu bez raspravljanja. To je proces vedskog razumijevanja.

Prof. Kotovsky: The difficulty is that our approach is that we do not believe in anything without argument. We can believe only things based on argument.

Prof. Kotovski: Problem leži u tome što mi ništa ne prihvaćamo bez raspravljanja. Vjerovat ćemo samo u ono što se temelji na raspravljanju.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, that is allowed. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gītā [4.34]. Tad viddhi praṇipātena paripraśnena sevayā. Paripraśna, argument, is allowed – but not in the challenging spirit, but rather with the spirit to understand. Argument is not denied. But as far as Vedic statements are concerned, they are infallible, and the scholars of the Vedas accept them in that way. For example, cow dung is the stool of an animal. Now, the Vedic statement is that as soon as you touch the stool of any animal – even if you touch your own stool – you are impure and have to purify yourself by taking a bath. According to the Hindu system, after evacuating one has to take a bath.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, to je dopušteno. U Bhagavad-gīti (4.34) rečeno je: tad viddhi praṇipātena paripraśnena sevayā. Rasprava, paripraśna, jest dopuštena, ali ne u duhu izazivanja, već u duhu razumijevanja. Raspravljanje se ne osporava, ali što se tiče vedskih izjava, one su nepogrešive i poznavatelji Veda prihvaćaju ih kao takve. Na primjer, kravlja je balega životinjski izmet. Prema vedskim spisima, čim dodirnete izmet bilo koje životinje, pa čak i vlastiti, nečisti ste i morate se pročistiti kupanjem. Prema hinduističkom običaju, nakon velike nužde morate se okupati.

Prof. Kotovsky: That is quite understandable hygienic knowledge.

Prof. Kotovski: To je sasvim razumljivo pravilo higijene.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da.

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes, that is right.

Prof. Kotovski: Da, to je ispravno.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: But in another place it is stated that cow dung, although the stool of an animal, is pure. Even if you apply it to an impure place, that place becomes purified. This is superficially contradictory. In one place it is said that the stool of an animal is impure and as soon as you touch it you have to be purified, and in another place it says that cow dung is pure. According to our knowledge, it is contradictory – but still it is accepted by those who are followers of the Vedas. And the fact is that if you analyze cow dung, you will find that it contains all antiseptic properties.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No na drugom je mjestu rečeno da je kravlja balega čista premda je životinjski izmet. Ako njome premažete nečisto mjesto, ono će se pročistiti. To je naizgled proturječno. Na jednom se mjestu kaže da je životinjski izmet nečist i čim ga dodirnete morate se pročistiti, a na drugom se mjestu kaže da je kravlja balega čista. Prema našem shvaćanju, to je proturječno, ali sljedbenici Veda to prihvaćaju. Analizirate li kravlju balegu, utvrdit ćete da sadržava sva antiseptična svojstva. To je činjenica.

Prof. Kotovsky: This I don’t know.

Prof. Kotovski: To nisam znao.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, one professor in a medical college analyzed it, and he found it full of antiseptic properties. So Vedic statements, even if found contradictory, if analyzed scrutinizingly will prove correct. There may be an exception. But it is accepted, and when scientifically analyzed and examined, it is found to be correct.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, jedan ju je profesor na medicinskom fakultetu proučio i otkrio da je puna antiseptičnih svojstava. Tako se vedske izjave, čak i ako se smatraju proturječnim, nakon pomne analize pokazuju ispravnim. Dakako, postoje i izuzetci, ali oni se uzimaju u obzir. Međutim, kada se znanstveno analiziraju i ispitaju, otkrivamo da su vedske izjave točne.

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes, if you analyze from the scientific point of view, that is right.

Prof. Kotovski: Da, ako analizirate sa znanstvene točke gledišta, to je u redu.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: There are other instances – for example, the conchshell. The conchshell is the bone of an animal, and according to Vedic instruction if you touch the bone of an animal you become impure and have to take a bath. But this conchshell is kept in the Deity room, because it is accepted as pure by the Vedas. My point is that we accept Vedic laws without argument. That is the principle followed by scholars. If you can substantiate your statements by quotations from the Vedas, then they are accepted. You are not required to substantiate them in other ways. There are different kinds of pramāṇas, or evidences. Proof by Vedic quotation is called śruti-pramāṇa. As in the legal court if you can give statements from the law book your statement is accepted, so all statements you give, if supported by śruti-pramāṇas, are accepted by scholars. I think you know the Vedas are known as śrutis.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Postoje i drugi primjeri kao što je školjka. Školjka je kost životinje. Prema vedskim spisima, dotaknete li životinjsku kost, nečisti ste i morate se okupati, ali školjka se drži u prostoriji za Božanstva jer se na temelju izjava Veda smatra čistom. Mi prihvaćamo vedske zakone bez raspravljanja. Učenjaci slijede to načelo. Ako svoje izjave možete potkrijepiti navodima Veda, one se prihvaćaju. Od vas se ne traži da ih potkrijepite na drugi način. Postoje različite vrste pramāṇa, dokaza. Dokaz koji se temelji na izjavama vedskih spisa naziva se śruti-pramāṇa. Ako na sudu svoje izjave možete potkrijepiti navodima zakonika, one se prihvaćaju. Slično tomu, učeni ljudi prihvaćaju sve izjave koje su potkrijepljene śruti-pramāṇom. Mislim da znate da su Vede poznate kao śruti.

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes.

Prof. Kotovski: Da.

Śrīla Prabhupāda:

Śrīla Prabhupāda:

pañcarātra-vidhiṁ vinā
aikāntikī harer bhaktir
utpātāyaiva kalpate
pañcarātra-vidhiṁ vinā
aikāntikī harer bhaktir
utpātāyaiva kalpate



Any system we accept must be supported by evidences of śruti, smṛti, the Purāṇas, and Pañcarātra. That which is not proved by these pramāṇas is a disturbance.

Svaki sustav koji prihvaćamo mora biti potkrijepljen svjedočanstvima śruti, smṛti, Purāṇa i Pañcarātre. Ono što nije potkrijepljeno tim pramāṇama nije ništa drugo nego uznemirenje.

Prof. Kotovsky: Could I just say one thing? What is in the Vedas could also have been proved in a scientific way. Today, suppose there is a scientific laboratory. What is said by that lab is true. That it is true you accept, without going into the propriety of it. Suppose you have a scientific workshop or institution; if this workshop or scientific institution says, “This is not good,” the general body will take it for granted: “Yes. The scientific body has said so, so it is understood.”

Prof. Kotovski: Mogu li samo nešto reći? Izjave Veda mogle bi se dokazati i znanstvenim putem. Danas postoje znanstveni laboratoriji. Njihove su tvrdnje točne. Smatrate ih istinitim ne sumnjajući u njihovu točnost. Pretpostavimo da imate znanstveni laboratorij ili ustanovu. Ako taj laboratorij ili znanstvena ustanova kaže: „To nije dobro“, javnost će to prihvatiti kao gotovu činjenicu: „Da. Znanstvena se ustanova tako očitovala, stoga je jasno.“

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Similarly, Vedic authoritative statements are accepted by the ācāryas [great teachers]. India is governed by the ācāryas – Rāmānujācārya, Madhvācārya, Śaṅkarācārya. They accept the Vedas, and their followers accept them. The benefit is that I do not waste my time to research whether cow dung is pure or impure; rather, because it is stated in the Vedas to be pure, I accept it. I save my time by accepting the śruti-pramāṇa. In that way there are different statements in the Vedas for sociology and politics or anything, for veda means “knowledge.”

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Slično tomu, ācārye (veliki učitelji) prihvaćaju vjerodostojne vedske izjave. Indijom vladaju ācārye – Rāmānujācārya, Madhvācārya, Śaṅkarācārya. Vede prihvaćaju i oni i njihovi sljedbenici. Prednost je u tome što ne moramo trošiti vrijeme na ispitivanje kravlje balege. Smatramo je čistom jer je tako rečeno u Vedama, stoga prihvaćajući śruti-pramāṇu štedimo svoje vrijeme. Vede obrađuju razne teme poput sociologije ili politike jer veda znači „znanje“.

sarvasya cāhaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭo
mattaḥ smṛtir jñānam apohanaṁ ca
vedaiś ca sarvair aham eva vedyo
vedānta-kṛd veda-vid eva cāham
sarvasya cāhaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭo
mattaḥ smṛtir jñānam apohanaṁ ca
vedaiś ca sarvair aham eva vedyo
vedānta-kṛd veda-vid eva cāham

[Bhagavad-gītā 15.15]

[Bhagavad-gītā 15.15]

Prof. Kotovsky: May I put one question to you? Have you many branches of your society in the world?

Prof. Kotovski: Mogu li vam postaviti jedno pitanje? Ima li vaše društvo puno ogranaka u svijetu?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da.

Prof. Kotovsky: Where is your main center, and where are the branches of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness society?

Prof. Kotovski: Gdje vam je sjedište i gdje se nalaze ogranci društva za svjesnost Kṛṣṇe?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Of course, I have over sixty-five branches.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Naravno, imam preko šezdeset pet ogranaka.

Prof. Kotovsky: Sixty-five branches.

Prof. Kotovski: Šezdeset pet ogranaka.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, and I have made my main center in Los Angeles. And now we are establishing an important center in Māyāpur, the birthplace of Lord Caitanya. Have you been to India?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, moje je glavno sjedište u Los Angelesu. Sada osnivamo važan centar u Māyāpuru, rodnom mjestu Gospodina Caitanye. Jeste li bili u Indiji?

Prof. Kotovsky: Six or seven times. Now there is a very difficult situation in Calcutta because of the influx of refugees from Bangladesh.

Prof. Kotovski: Šest ili sedam puta. U Calcutti je sada stanje vrlo teško zbog priljeva izbjeglica iz Bangladeša.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, but we had our saṅkīrtana there for ten days, and it was very wonderful. The gathering was not less than thirty thousand people daily. They were much interested in hearing our lectures, since we lecture from the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and the Bhagavad-gītā. So people are responding from every part of the world, especially the American boys and girls. They are especially interested, and England, and also Germany and France. From here I plan to go to Paris. What is the name of that place?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, ali mi smo ondje deset dana održavali našu saṅkīrtanu i bilo je vrlo lijepo. Svakodnevno se okupljalo najmanje trideset tisuća ljudi. Jako su ih zanimala naša predavanja jer govorimo o Śrīmad-Bhāgavatamu i Bhagavad-gīti. U svim dijelovima svijeta nailazimo na dobar odaziv, osobito kod američkih mladića i djevojaka. Oni su posebno zainteresirani, kao i u Engleskoj, Njemačkoj i Francuskoj. Nakon Moskve planiram otići u Pariz. Kako se zove ono mjesto?

Disciple: In Paris? Oh, Fontenay-aux-Roses?

Učenik: U Parizu? Fontenay-aux-Roses?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, they have taken a whole house, a nice house. So our process is very simple. We ask our students to observe four prohibitive principles - no illicit sex, no eating of meat, fish, or eggs, no gambling, and no intoxication, including cigarettes, tea, and coffee. One has to obey these four principles and chant the Hare Krsna mahā-mantra, and you will find how, by this process only, these boys and girls are quickly improving. The process is very simple. Besides that, we have books – volumes of books – the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the Bhagavad-gītā. Throughout all these years, I have written about one dozen four-hundred-page books – Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead in two parts, the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam in six parts, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, The Nectar of Devotion. So we are trying to spread this Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Kṛṣṇa is a historical personality, as much as Lenin is a historical personality. Just as you are trying to understand his philosophy, we are trying to understand Kṛṣṇa’s philosophy.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, unajmili su cijelu kuću, lijepu kuću. Naš je proces vrlo jednostavan. Od naših učenika tražimo da slijede četiri načela: ne smiju se upuštati u nedopušteni seks, jesti meso, ribu i jaja, kockati se i uzimati opojna sredstva, uključujući cigarete, čaj i kavu. Moraju slijediti ova četiri načela i pjevati mantru Hare Kṛṣṇa. Primijetit ćete kako zahvaljujući ovom procesu ti mladići i djevojke brzo napreduju. Proces je vrlo jednostavan. Uz to, imamo knjige, puno knjiga, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Bhagavad-gītu. Tijekom svih ovih godina napisao sam oko dvanaest knjiga po četiri stotine stranica – Kṛṣṇa, izvor sveg zadovoljstva u dva sveska, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam u šest svezaka, Učenja Gospodina Caitanye, Nektar posvećenosti. Na taj način nastojimo raširiti svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. Kṛṣṇa je povijesna osoba kao što je to Lenjin. Kao što vi pokušavate shvatiti njegovu filozofiju, mi pokušavamo shvatiti Kṛṣṇinu filozofiju.

Prof. Kotovsky: Are there many participants in your sixty-five branches?

Prof. Kotovski: Imate li puno sljedbenika u vaših šezdeset pet ogranaka?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Oh, yes, more than one thousand initiated, and outside there are many. The one thousand have accepted the principles. Just like these boys. [Śrīla Prabhupāda points to his two secretaries.]

Śrīla Prabhupāda: O, da. Imamo više od tisuću iniciranih učenika i brojne simpatizere. Tisuću njih slijedi načela, baš kao ovi mladići. [Śrīla Prabhupāda pokazuje na svoja dva tajnika.]

Prof. Kotovsky: But does that mean that these students abstain from normal Western, European universities? For instance, can a normal student from one of the various universities who is attending lectures in the normal way also be initiated and admitted to your community?

Prof. Kotovski: Znači li to da ti učenici ne studiraju na nekom redovnom zapadnom, europskom sveučilištu? Na primjer, može li običan student sa sveučilišta koji pohađa predavanja na uobičajen način također primiti inicijaciju i postati članom vaše zajednice?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: If you want to live in our community and be initiated, we welcome you. If not, come and try to understand our philosophy, read our books – there are so many books, magazines, questions, and answers. Try to understand the philosophy. It is not that all of a sudden a student comes and becomes our disciple. He first of all comes, associates, and tries to understand. We do not canvass. He voluntarily says that he wants to be a disciple.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ako želite živjeti u našoj zajednici i primiti inicijaciju, dobrodošli ste. Ako ne želite, pokušajte shvatiti našu filozofiju, čitati naše knjige. Ima puno knjiga, časopisa, pitanja i odgovora. Pokušajte shvatiti filozofiju. Studenti nam se ne pridružuju iznenada niti tako postaju naši učenici. Prvo nas posjećuju, druže se s nama i pokušavaju shvatiti. Ne prisiljavamo ih. Oni dobrovoljno izjavljuju da žele postati učenici.

Prof. Kotovsky: What happens if, for instance, one is not a student but a young worker or the young son of a farmer? Would he renounce his whole life and join your community in a given center? How would he maintain himself in his day-to-day life, in material life?

Prof. Kotovski: Što se događa ako netko nije student, već, na primjer, mladi radnik ili sin zemljoradnika? Odriče li se čitavog svog života i pridružuje li se vašoj zajednici u određenom centru? Kako će se izdržavati u svakodnevnom, materijalnom životu?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: As I told you, this propaganda is meant for creating brāhmaṇas all over the world, because the brāhmaṇa element is lacking. One who seriously comes to us has to become a brāhmaṇa, so he should adopt the occupation of a brāhmaṇa and give up the occupation of a kṣatriya or śūdra. But if one wants to keep his profession and also at the same time understand our movement, that is allowed. We have many professors following our movement. There is Howard Wheeler, a professor at Ohio State University. He is my disciple. He is continuing with his professorship, but almost all the money he is getting he is spending for this Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Gṛhasthas, those who are in householder life outside, are expected to contribute fifty percent of their income for our society, keep twenty-five percent for family, and keep twenty-five percent for personal emergencies. But Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu teaches that it does not matter whether one is a gṛhastha [householder], or in the renounced order, or a brāhmaṇa, or a śūdra. Lord Caitanya says, “Anyone who understands the science of Kṛṣṇa becomes My spiritual master.” The actual words in Bengali are kibā vipra, kibā nyāsī, śūdra kene naya. Do you understand a little Bengali?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Kao što sam već rekao, ova promidžba ima za cilj stvoriti brāhmaṇe diljem svijeta jer brāhmaṇe nam nedostaju. Onaj tko nam pristupi s ozbiljnim namjerama mora postati brāhmaṇa, zato treba usvojiti zanimanje brāhmaṇe i napustiti zanimanje kṣatriye i śūdre. Ako tko želi zadržati svoje zanimanje i istodobno shvatiti naš pokret, to je također dopušteno. Među profesorima ima puno sljedbenika našeg pokreta. Tu je Howard Wheeler, profesor na Sveučilištu u Ohiu. On je moj učenik. Zadržao je položaj profesora, ali gotovo sav novac koji dobiva troši na svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. Od gṛhastha, obiteljskih ljudi koji žive vani, očekuje se da daju pedeset posto svojih prihoda našem društvu, dvadeset pet posto zadrže za obitelj, a dvadeset pet posto za osobne potrebe u slučaju nužde. Gospodin Caitanya Mahāprabhu poučava da nije važno je li netko gṛhastha (obiteljski čovjek), sannyāsī, brāhmaṇa ili śūdra. Gospodin Caitanya kaže: „Svatko tko razumije znanost o Kṛṣṇi postaje Moj duhovni učitelj.“ Na bengalskom to doslovce zvuči ovako: kibā vipra, kibā nyāsī, śūdra kene naya. Razumijete li imalo bengalski?

Prof. Kotovsky: A little.

Prof. Kotovski: Malo.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, as a vibration. Yei kṛṣṇa-tattva-vettā, sei ’guru’ haya. “Anyone who understands the science of Kṛṣṇa can become a spiritual master.” [Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya 8.128]

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, kao vibraciju. Yei kṛṣṇa-tattva-vettā, sei ‚guru’ haya. „Svatko tko razumije znanost o Kṛṣṇi može postati duhovni učitelj.“ (Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya 8.128)

Prof. Kotovsky: But by creating brāhmaṇas from different social classes of society, you deny the old prescription of the Hindu scriptures.

Prof. Kotovski: No stvarajući brāhmaṇe iz različitih društvenih staleža, kršite drevni nalog hinduističkih spisa.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, I establish it.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, ja ga ponovno uvodim.

Prof. Kotovsky: According to all scriptures – the Purāṇas, etc. – every member of one of these four classes of varṇas has to be born within it.

Prof. Kotovski: Prema svim spisima, Purāṇama itd., svaki se pripadnik jedne od četiri varṇe mora roditi u njoj.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, no, no, no.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, ne, ne, ne.

Prof. Kotovsky: That is the foundation of all the varṇas …

Prof. Kotovski: To je temelj svih varṇi…

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, no. I am sorry.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, ne. Žao mi je.

Prof. Kotovsky: The foundation of all the varṇas …

Prof. Kotovski: Temelj svih varṇi…

Śrīla Prabhupāda: You have spoken incorrectly. With great respect I beg to submit that you are not speaking correctly. In the Bhagavad-gītā [4.13] it is stated, cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭaṁ guṇa-karma-vibhāgaśaḥ. “These four orders of brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas, and śūdras were created by Me according to quality and work.” There is no mention of birth.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To nije točno. Uz dužno poštovanje, dopustite mi da kažem da ne govorite ispravno. U Bhagavad-gīti (4.13) rečeno je: cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭaṁ guṇa-karma-vibhāgaśaḥ. „Stvorio sam četiri staleža – brāhmaṇe, kṣatriye, vaiśye i śūdre – prema odlikama i djelovanju.“ Rođenje se ne spominje.

Prof. Kotovsky: I agree with you that this is the addition of later brāhmaṇas who tried to perpetuate these qualities.

Prof. Kotovski: Slažem se s vama da su to naknadno dodali brāhmaṇe koji su pokušali održati te odlike.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That has killed the Indian culture. Otherwise there would have been no necessity of the division of part of India into Pakistan. Not only that, but from the historical point of view this whole planet was Bhārata-varṣa, and it was controlled by one flag up to the time of Mahārāja Parīkṣit. Then it gradually separated. This is history. Lately they have separated Pakistan. So Bhārata-varṣa is now crippled into a small piece of land. Otherwise, according to Vedic scripture, this whole planet is called Bhārata-varṣa. Formerly it was named Ilāvṛta-varṣa. But since Emperor Bhārata ruled this planet, it is called Bhārata-varṣa. So this culture, Kṛṣṇa consciousness, was always existent. Consider any religion – Christian, Muhammadan, Jewish. They are at most two to three thousand years old. But you cannot trace out the beginning of this Vedic scripture. It is therefore called sanātana, eternal. This culture is for this whole human society. It is not a religious faith. Religious faith you can change, but real dharma you cannot change. Try to understand Kṛṣṇa. In the Bhagavad-gītā [18.66] He says, sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja: “Give up all other forms of religion and just surrender to Me.” That is real knowledge – to surrender to the Supreme. You or I – anyone – is surrendered to someone. That is a fact. Our life is by surrender, is it not? Do you disagree with this point?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To je ubilo indijsku kulturu. Inače nije bilo potrebno odijeliti Pakistan od Indije. Osim toga, s povijesne točke gledišta, naš je planet bio Bhārata-varṣa, ujedinjen pod jednom zastavom, sve do doba Mahārāje Parīkṣita. Odonda se postupno dijelio. Nedavno se odvojio Pakistan. Tako je Bhārata-varṣa danas mali komad zemlje. To je povijest. Inače, prema vedskim spisima, cijeli se planet naziva Bhārata-varṣa. Nekada se zvao Ilāvṛta-varṣa, ali otkako je kralj Bharata vladao njime, naziva se Bhārata-varṣa. Stoga je ova kultura, svjesnost Kṛṣṇe, oduvijek postojala. Uzmite za prijmer bilo koju religiju – kršćansku, muslimansku, židovsku. Stare su najviše dvije ili tri tisuće godina, ali ne možete utvrditi početak vedskih spisa, koji se zato nazivaju sanātana, vječni. Ova je kultura namijenjena čitavom ljudskom društvu. Ona nije religiozno vjerovanje. Vjeru možete mijenjati, ali pravu dharmu ne možete promijeniti. Pokušajte shvatiti Kṛṣṇu. U Bhagavad-gīti (18.66) Kṛṣṇa kaže: sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja. „Napusti sve vrste religija i predaj se Meni.“ To je pravo znanje – predati se Svevišnjem. Svatko, i vi i ja, predan je nekome. To je činjenica. Naš se život temelji na predanosti, zar ne? Slažete li se s ovim mišljenjem?

Prof. Kotovsky: To some extent you surrender.

Prof. Kotovski: U izvjesnoj se mjeri predajemo.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, to the full extent.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, u potpunosti.

Prof. Kotovsky: You have to surrender to the society, for instance. To the whole people.

Prof. Kotovski: Morate se, na primjer, predati društvu. Čitavom narodu.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, to the whole people, or to the state or to the king or the government or whatever you say. This surrender must be there.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, čitavu narodu ili državi ili kralju ili vladi ili bilo čemu drugome. Morate se predati nečemu.

Prof. Kotovsky: The only difficulty is that we cannot half surrender to a government or a king. The principal difference is of surrender to a king, to a person, or to the society.

Prof. Kotovski: Jedini je problem što se ne možemo napola predati vladi ili kralju. Postoji načelna razlika između predanosti kralju, odnosno osobi, i predanosti društvu.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, that is only a change of color. But the principle of surrender is there. Whether you surrender to monarchy, democracy, aristocracy, or dictatorship, you have to surrender; that is a fact. Without surrender there is no life. It is not possible. So we are educating people to surrender to the Supreme, wherefrom you get all protection, just as Kṛṣṇa says (sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja). No one can say, “No, I am not surrendered to anyone.” Not a single person. The difference is where he surrenders. The ultimate surrendering object is Kṛṣṇa. Therefore in the Bhagavad-gītā [7.19] Kṛṣṇa says, bahūnāṁ janmanām ante jñānavān māṁ prapadyate: “After surrendering to so many things birth after birth, when one is factually wise he surrenders unto Me.” Vāsudevaḥ sarvam iti sa mahātmā su-durlabhaḥ: “Such a mahātmā is very rare.”

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, to je samo izvanjski, ali načelo predanosti svejedno je prisutno. Bilo da se predate monarhiji, demokraciji, aristokraciji ili diktaturi, morate se predati; to je činjenica. Bez predaje nema života. To nije moguće. Zato obrazujemo ljude da se predaju Svevišnjem koji će ih štititi u svim okolnostima, kao što Kṛṣṇa kaže (sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja). Nitko ne može reći: „Ne predajem se nikome.“ Apsolutno nitko. Razlika je samo u tome čemu se predaje. Kṛṣṇa je krajnji cilj predaje, zato u Bhagavad-gīti (7.19) kaže: bahūnāṁ janmanām ante jñānavān māṁ prapadyate. „Nakon što se život za životom predavao raznim stvarima istinski se mudrac predaje Meni.“ Vāsudevaḥ sarvam iti sa mahātmā sudurlabhaḥ: „Takav je mahātmā vrlo rijedak.“

Prof. Kotovsky: But at the same time it seems to me that surrender is to be accompanied by revolt. The history of mankind has proved that mankind has developed only by revolt against some kind of surrender. In the medieval age there was the French Revolution. It was revolt against surrender. But this revolution itself was surrender to the rank and file of the people. You are agreed?

Prof. Kotovski: Pritom mi se čini da predaju prati pobuna. Povijest čovječanstva dokazala je da se čovječanstvo razvijalo samo zahvaljujući pobunama protiv predaje nekomu ili nečemu. Francuska se revolucija zbila u srednjem vijeku. Ona je bila pobuna protiv predaje, ali sama je revolucija bila predanost narodu. Slažete li se?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da.

Prof. Kotovsky: So it is not enough to come to a full stop. Surrender is to be accompanied with revolt against some and surrender to other people.

Prof. Kotovski: Zato potpuna predaja nije dovoljna. Predaja treba biti praćena pobunom protiv nekih i predajom drugim ljudima.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: But the surrender will be fully stopped when it is surrender to Kṛṣṇa.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Predaja će biti potpuno okončana kada se predamo Kṛṣṇi.

Prof. Kotovsky: Ah, ah.

Prof. Kotovski: Aha.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That is full stop – no more surrender. Any other surrender you have to change by revolution. But when you come to Kṛṣṇa, then it is sufficient. You are satisfied. I’ll give you an example: a child is crying, and people move him from one lap to another. Oh, he does not stop. But as soon as the baby comes to the lap of his mother …

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To je potpuno okončanje – nema više predavanja. Svaku drugu predaju morate promijeniti revolucijom, ali kada dođete Kṛṣṇi, to je dovoljno. Zadovoljni ste. Navest ću jedan primjer: dijete plače i ljudi ga stavljaju iz jednog krila u drugo, ali ono ne prestaje sve dok ne dođe u krilo svoje majke…

Prof. Kotovsky: It stops.

Prof. Kotovski: Tada prestaje plakati.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, full satisfaction. So this surrender, these changes, will go on in different categories. But the sum total of all this surrender is surrender to māyā. Therefore, in the Bhagavad-gītā it is said that this surrender, neglecting Kṛṣṇa, is all māyā. Either you surrender to this or to that, but final surrender is surrender to Kṛṣṇa; then you will be happy. The process of surrender is there, but surrender to Kṛṣṇa keeps one quite satisfied, transcendentally.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, osjeća potpuno zadovoljstvo. Tako će se predavanje, to mijenjanje, nastaviti u različitim kategorijama, ali predaja māyi suština je predanosti svemu što smo naveli. Zato je u Bhagavad-gīti rečeno da bilo koja predaja, bilo koje zanemarivanje Kṛṣṇe, nije ništa drugo nego māyā. Možete se predati ovome ili onome, ali predaja Kṛṣṇi konačna je predaja; onda ćete biti sretni. Proces predavanja stalno se odvija, ali predaja Kṛṣṇi pruža veliko transcendentalno zadovoljstvo.

Prof. Kotovsky: Haven’t you come across hostile attitudes to your teachings from orthodox Hindus or brāhmaṇas in India?

Prof. Kotovski: Jeste li kad doživjeli da se ortodoksni hinduisti ili brāhmaṇe u Indiji protive vašim učenjima?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: We have subdued them.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Mi smo ih porazili.

Prof. Kotovsky: Ah.

Prof. Kotovski: Aha.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Any orthodox Hindu may come and challenge, but we have our weapon – the Vedic literature. So no one has come. Even Christian priests in America love me. They say, “These boys are American, Christian, Jewish, and now they are so much after God. But we could not deliver them.” They are admitting it. Their fathers and their parents come to me, offer their obeisances, and say, “Swamiji, it is our great fortune that you have come here to teach God consciousness.” So on the contrary, I have been well received. In India also, since you inquired of India, all other sects are admitting that before me many kinds of swamis went to the Western countries, but they could not convert even a single person to Kṛṣṇa consciousness. They are admitting that. As far as I am concerned, I don’t take any credit, but I am confident that because I am presenting the Vedic knowledge as it is, without adulteration, it is being effective. That is my confidence. If you have the right medicine and you administer it to a patient, you must be sure that he will be cured.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Neka nam bilo koji ortodoksni hinduist priđe i izazove nas. Mi imamo naše oružje, vedske spise, zato nam nitko ne prilazi. Čak me i kršćanski svećenici u Americi vole. Kažu: „Ovi su mladići Amerikanci, kršćani i židovi, a sada tragaju za Bogom, no mi ih nismo mogli izbaviti.“ Priznaju to. Dolaze mi njihovi očevi i roditelji, odaju poštovanje i kažu: „Svamiji, vrlo smo sretni što ste došli ovdje poučavati svijest o Bogu.“ Tako sam dobro primljen. I u Indiji, budući da pitate za Indiju, sve druge sekte priznaju da su prije mene razni svāmīji otišli na zapad, ali nisu uspjeli obratiti ni jednu jedinu osobu na svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. Priznaju to. Što se mene tiče, ne pripisujem si nikakve zasluge, ali sam uvjeren da je vedsko znanje djelotvorno jer ga predstavljam takvo kakvo jest, bez izmjena. To je moje uvjerenje. Ako imate pravi lijek i date ga bolesniku, morate biti sigurni da će ozdraviti.

Prof. Kotovsky: How many out of your one thousand disciples do you have in India itself? How many of your community do you have in India?

Prof. Kotovski: Koliko učenika imate u samoj Indiji? Koliko zajednica imate u Indiji?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: In India?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: U Indiji?

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes.

Prof. Kotovski: Da.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: In India there are many Kṛṣṇa conscious persons – hundreds, thousands, millions. In India there is no question. There is not a single Hindu who is not Kṛṣṇa conscious.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: U Indiji su mnogi svjesni Kṛṣṇe – stotine, tisuće, milijuni. O Indiji nema govora. Nema ni jednog hinduista koji nije svjestan Kṛṣṇe.

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes, I understand.

Prof. Kotovski: Da, razumijem.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Vaiṣṇavas. This is called the Vaiṣṇava cult. You have been in India, so as it is commonly known, there are many millions of Vaiṣṇavas. For example, this gentleman [an Indian gentleman present] is the commander of Air India airlines. He is not my disciple, but he is a Vaiṣṇava, Kṛṣṇa conscious. Similarly, in India there are millions of Kṛṣṇa conscious persons. There are even Muhammadans who are Kṛṣṇa conscious. At Gorakhpur University there is a Muhammadan professor who is a great devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa. So this is natural. It is said in the Caitanya-caritāmṛta that Kṛṣṇa consciousness is everywhere, in everyone’s heart. It simply has to be awakened by this process. That is all. It is there in your heart also. It is not that it is foreign to you. In everyone’s heart there is Kṛṣṇa consciousness. By this process we have to awaken it. It is just like the way the sun rises. It is not that all of a sudden the sun comes from nowhere. It is there, but it rises in the morning. Similarly, this Kṛṣṇa consciousness is everywhere, but some way or another it is now covered. By this process it is reawakened and aroused by association.

Śrīla PrabhupādaVaiṣṇave. To je vaiṣṇavski kult. Bili ste u Indiji. Kao što je poznato, ondje ima mnogo milijuna vaiṣṇava. Na primjer, ovaj gospodin [pokazuje na nazočnog Indijca] zapovjednik je zrakoplovne kompanije Air India. Nije moj učenik, ali je vaiṣṇava, svjestan Kṛṣṇe. Slično tomu, u Indiji su milijuni ljudi svjesni Kṛṣṇe. Čak su i neki muslimani svjesni Kṛṣṇe. Na sveučilištu u Gorakhpuru predaje muslimanski profesor koji je veliki bhakta Gospodina Kṛṣṇe. To je prirodno. U Caitanya-caritāmṛti rečeno je da je svjesnost Kṛṣṇe prisutna svuda, u svačijem srcu. Trebamo je samo probuditi ovim procesom. To je sve. Prisutna je i u vašem srcu. Nije vam strana. Svjesnost Kṛṣṇe prisutna je u svačijem srcu, a ovim je procesom moramo probuditi. To je poput izlaska Sunca. Ono se ne pojavljuje iznenada, niotkuda. Postoji, ali ujutro izlazi. Slično tomu, svjesnost Kṛṣṇe prisutna je svuda iako je trenutačno na neki način prekrivena. Ovim se procesom ponovno budi.

Prof. Kotovsky: You came yesterday to Moscow. Have you seen something here in Moscow?

Prof. Kotovski: Jučer ste došli u Moskvu. Jeste li malo razgledali Moskvu?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, I am not very much interested in sightseeing.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, ne zanima me previše razgledanje.

Prof. Kotovsky: But in any case, just to stay in an old-style hotel is not interesting – not many people to see. And you are leaving the day after tomorrow?

Prof. Kotovski: U svakom slučaju, nije zanimljivo odsjesti u starom hotelu – ne vidite puno ljudi. Odlazite li prekosutra?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That is my program.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To mi je plan.

Prof. Kotovsky: You are leaving for the United States or for Europe?

Prof. Kotovski: Odlazite u Sjedinjene Države ili u Europu?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, for Europe. Paris. And we have two very big ceremonies in London and San Francisco. They are making arrangements for the Ratha-yātrā Car Festival. This car festival is observed in Jagannātha Purī. You have been to Jagannātha Purī?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, u Europu, Pariz. Održavamo dvije velike svečanosti u Londonu i San Franciscu. Pripremamo festival kočija, Ratha-yātru. Taj festival kočija obilježava se u Jagannātha Purīju. Jeste li kad bili u Jagannātha Purīju?

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes, the car festival has been held from immemorial times. A very old tradition. Huge cars.

Prof. Kotovski: Da, festival kočija održava se od pradavnih vremena. Vrlo stara tradicija. Ogromne kočije.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, and it has now been introduced in the Western countries in London and San Francisco, and gradually maybe we will introduce it in other countries also.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, sada ga održavamo u zapadnim zemljama, u Londonu i San Franciscu. Možda ćemo ga postupno uvesti i u druge zemlje.

Prof. Kotovsky: In London there is a large Indian community.

Prof. Kotovski: U Londonu postoji velika indijska zajednica.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No, no. This is organized by the Englishmen and Americans. The Indian communities in London and San Francisco are trying to become – you know the word? Sahib?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne, ne. To su organizirali Englezi i Amerikanci. Indijske zajednice u Londonu i San Franciscu pokušavaju… Je li vam poznata riječ sahīb?

Prof. Kotovsky: [Laughs.] Westernized. [They both laugh.] A very great social anthropologist at the university has written something very interesting. He says there are two processes – the process of Westernization among brāhmaṇas, mainly the upper class, and the process called Sanskritization, which is the process of adopting brāhmaṇa rituals, etc., by so-called lower classes, even untouchables. It is a very interesting process in India just now. But India’s position, unfortunately, is problematic.

Prof. Kotovski: [Smije se.] Uvesti zapadnjačke nazore. [Obojica se smiju.] Jedan veliki društveni antropolog na sveučilištu napisao je nešto vrlo zanimljivo. On kaže da postoje dva procesa – proces uvođenja zapadnjačkih običaja među brāhmaṇe, uglavnom više slojeve, i proces zvan sanskrtizacija, proces usvajanja brahmanskih obreda, među takozvanim nižim staležima, čak i nedodirljivima. To je vrlo zanimljiv proces koji se sada odvija u Indiji, ali položaj je Indije, na žalost, problematičan.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: The difficulty is that India is nowhere. They are trying to imitate Western life, but from a materialistic or technical point of view, they are one hundred years back.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Problem je što je Indija „ni na nebu ni na zemlji“. Pokušavaju oponašati zapadnjački život, ali s materijalističke ili tehničke točke gledišta, zaostaju stotinu godina.

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes, that is right. But what to do for India?

Prof. Kotovski: Da, u pravu ste, ali što se može učiniti za Indiju?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: There is one thing I am experiencing. If India’s spiritual asset is distributed, that will increase India’s honor. Because everywhere I go, people still adore Indian culture. If this treasure house of India’s spiritual knowledge is properly distributed, at least people outside of India will understand that they are getting something from India.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Iz osobnog iskustva mogu reći da će promidžba duhovnog blaga Indije povećati njezinu slavu. Kamo god idem, ljudi se još uvijek dive indijskoj kulturi. Bude li se ovo blago iz riznice duhovnog znanja Indije pravilno dijelilo, barem će ljudi izvan Indije shvatiti da imaju neku korist od Indije.

Prof. Kotovsky: Of course, you’re right. The Indian cultural heritage is to be made known everywhere. But at the same time, in what way would this benefit the Indian masses themselves? They are sitting in India, and they have nothing to gain from the spreading of the Indian cultural heritage all over the world. Indian villages have to have fertilizers, tractors, etc.

Prof. Kotovski: Naravno, u pravu ste. Indijsko kulturno naslijeđe treba se svugdje predstaviti, ali kako će to pomoći samom indijskom narodu? Žive u Indiji i nemaju ništa od promidžbe indijskog kulturnog naslijeđa u svijetu. Indijska sela moraju imati gnojiva, traktore itd.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, we do not object to that.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, mi se ne protivimo tomu.

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes, I don’t think you can object, but at the same time, something has to be done in India. One may call it Westernization, but this introduction to an industrial technological revolution is needed in all fields of Indian life – agriculture, industry, etc.

Prof. Kotovski: Da. Ne mislim da se možete protiviti, ali istodobno, nešto se mora učiniti u Indiji. Možemo to nazvati zapadnjačenjem, ali industrijsko-tehnološka revolucija potrebna je na svim poljima indijskog života: poljoprivredi, industriji itd.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Arjuna, before understanding the Bhagavad-gītā, was a fighter, and after understanding the Bhagavad-gītā he remained a fighter. So we don’t want to change the position. For example, you are a respectable professor, a teacher. We don’t say that you must change your position. We have come to convince you about our philosophy. That is all. Arjuna was refusing to fight. “Kṛṣṇa, I don’t want to kill my relatives. I do not want this kingdom.” But he was taught the Bhagavad-gītā, and at the end when Kṛṣṇa inquired, “What is your decision now?” he said, kariṣye vacanaṁ tava – “Yes, I shall act as You say.” [Bhagavad-gītā 18.73] That means that his consciousness changed. He was a fighter, and he remained a fighter, but he changed his consciousness. We want that. We don’t want to disturb the present condition of society. We are not against technology. No, but we try to make one understand this Kṛṣṇa consciousness. That is our program.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Prije nego što je shvatio Bhagavad-gītu, Arjuna je bio ratnik i nakon što je shvatio Bhagavad-gītu ostao je ratnik. Mi stoga ne želimo mijenjati svoj položaj. Na primjer, vi ste ugledan profesor. Mi ne kažemo da morate promijeniti svoj položaj. Došli smo vas uvjeriti u našu filozofiju. To je sve. Arjuna je odbio da se bori. „Kṛṣṇa, ne želim ubijati svoje rođake. Ne želim ovo kraljevstvo.“ Kṛṣṇa mu je izložio Bhagavad-gītu, a kad ga je naposljetku upitao što je odlučio, Arjuna je rekao: kariṣye vacanaṁ tava. „Da, postupit ću po Tvojim riječima.“ (Bhagavad-gītā 18.72) To znači da mu se svjesnost promijenila. Bio je ratnik i ostao je ratnik, ali svjesnost mu se promijenila. Mi želimo to. Ne želimo uznemiriti sadašnje stanje društva. Ne, nismo protiv tehnologije, ali pokušavamo pomoći ljudima da shvate svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. To je naš plan.

Prof. Kotovsky: Of course, at the same time the final goal of any consciousness is to change the society – to make it a better society.

Prof. Kotovski: Naravno, krajnji je cilj bilo koje svjesnosti promijeniti društvo, poboljšati ga.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That is automatic.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To se zbiva automatski.

Prof. Kotovsky: I am not really so happy that the ultimate goal is not to disturb society, because in modern society there are many things to be changed through consciousness.

Prof. Kotovski: Nisam sretan što je krajnji cilj neuznemiravanje društva jer u suvremenom društvu ima puno toga što bi se trebalo promijeniti svjesnošću.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That preliminary change is to follow rules and regulations of austerity. For example, don’t take intoxicants.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Promjenu možete započeti slijeđenjem pravila askeze. Na primjer, nemojte uzimati opojna sredstva.

Prof. Kotovsky: No indulging in intoxicants – simplicity, etc.

Prof. Kotovski: Uzdržavanje od uzimanja opojnih sredstava, jednostavnost itd.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: So if one takes to this process …

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ako netko prihvati ovaj proces…

Prof. Kotovsky: Then the others will come automatically.

Prof. Kotovski: Drugi će sami slijediti.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: One’s whole life will change, because these four things – illicit sex life, intoxicants, meat-eating, and gambling – are very great impediments to social improvement.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Čitav će vam se život promijeniti jer su četiri djelatnosti – nedopušteni seks, uzimanje opojnih sredstava, jedenje mesa i kockanje – velike zapreke za društveni napredak.

Prof. Kotovsky: That will automatically make life simpler, because a person who does not indulge in illicit sex, intoxicants, and such other things has to lead a comparatively simple life.

Prof. Kotovski: To će automatski pojednostaviti život jer onaj tko se ne upušta u nedopušteni seks i ne uzima opojna sredstva mora živjeti jednostavno.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: The other day I was speaking in Bombay with a respectable gentleman. I was telling him that Kṛṣṇa says:

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Neki dan u Bombaju razgovarao sam s jednim uglednim gospodinom. Rekao sam mu da je Kṛṣṇa izjavio:

māṁ hi pārtha vyapāśritya
ye ’pi syuḥ pāpa-yonayaḥ
striyo vaiśyās tathā śūdrās
te ’pi yānti parāṁ gatim
māṁ hi pārtha vyapāśritya
ye ’pi syuḥ pāpa-yonayaḥ
striyo vaiśyās tathā śūdrās
te ’pi yānti parāṁ gatim

“Even those who are lowborn [pāpa-yonayaḥ] – strī, vaiśyas, and śūdras – are also included by accepting Me. By accepting My shelter they are also elevated to the transcendental position.” [Bhagavad-gītā 9.32] Now why have the higher classes of Hindu society neglected this injunction of the Bhagavad-gītā? Suppose one is pāpa-yonayaḥ, lowborn. Kṛṣṇa says that he can be “elevated to the transcendental position if he accepts Me.” Why wasn’t this message propagated by the higher class of people so that the so-called lowborn could be elevated? Why did they reject them? The result was that instead of accepting the Muhammadans, the Indians rejected them, and now they are partitioned off. They have become eternal enemies of India. So for the first time we are trying to elevate persons to the higher position of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, even if one is lowborn. Because the soul is pure. In the Vedas it is said that the soul is untouched by any material contamination; it is simply temporarily covered. This covering should be removed. Then one becomes pure. That is the mission of human life – to uncover ourselves from this material environment, come to spiritual understanding, and surrender to Kṛṣṇa. Then life is perfect.

„Čak se i osobe niska roda (pāpa-yonayaḥ) – strī, vaiśye i śūdre – mogu uzdići na transcendentalnu razinu ako stanu pod Moje okrilje.“ (Bhagavad-gītā 9.32) Zašto danas viši staleži hinduističkog društva zanemaruju ovu pouku Bhagavad-gīte? Recimo da je netko pāpa-yonayaḥ, niska roda. Kṛṣṇa kaže da se može „uzdignuti na transcendentalnu razinu ako Me prihvati“. Zašto viši staleži nisu širili ovu poruku kako bi takozvani ljudi niska roda mogli napredovati? Zašto su ih odbacili? Umjesto da prihvate muslimane, Indijci su ih odbacili i sada su se muslimani odvojili. Postali su vječni neprijatelji Indije. Tako po prvi put pokušavamo uzdignuti ljude na viši položaj svjesnosti Kṛṣṇe, čak i ako su niska roda, jer duša je čista. U Vedama je rečeno da je duša nedirnuta materijalnom zagađenošću; samo je privremeno prekrivena. Taj prekrivač trebamo ukloniti i ponovno će postati čista. To je misija ljudskog života – ukloniti prekrivač materijalnog okruženja, doći do duhovnog razumijevanja i predati se Kṛṣṇi. Onda je život savršen.

The Tiny World of Modern Science

Maleni svijet suvremene znanosti

During a morning walk in April of 1973, at Venice Beach, Los Angeles, Śrīla Prabhupāda discusses modern science and its high priests: “They claim to have millions of dollars’ worth of knowledge, but if you ask them a question, they simply give you a postdated check. Why should we accept it? They cannot even produce a spear of grass through their biological or chemical experiments. Nonetheless, they are claiming that the creation is produced by some chemical or biological method. Why does no one question all this nonsense?”

U travnju 1973. godine, za vrijeme duge jutarnje šetnje Venecijanskom obalom u blizini Los Angelesa, Prabhupāda se osvrnuo na suvremenu znanost i njezine pobornike: Ako su biologija i kemija tako napredne, zašto ne stvore nešto? Tvrde da će možda stvoriti život u budućnosti, ali zašto u budućnosti? Život je već stvoren. Temelji li se znanost na budućnosti? Ne smijemo vjerovati budućnosti koliko god lijepo izgledala. Svatko misli da će budućnost biti vrlo lijepa, ali tko nam to jamči? Moraju priznati da ne znaju što je istina. Svojim biološkim ili kemijskim eksperimentima ne mogu proizvesti čak ni vlat trave, a ipak tvrde da je svijet nastao zahvaljujući kemijskim ili biološkim procesima.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: The whole world of science and technology is running on the false idea that life is born from matter. We cannot allow this nonsensical theory to go unchallenged. Life does not come from matter. Matter is generated from life. This is not theory; it is fact. Science is based on an incorrect theory; therefore all its calculations and conclusions are wrong, and people are suffering because of this. When all these mistaken modern scientific theories are corrected, people will become happy. So we must challenge the scientists and defeat them. Otherwise they will mislead the entire society.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Čitav svijet znanosti i tehnologije temelji se na zabludi da život nastaje iz materije. Ne možemo dopustiti da ova besmislena teorija prođe bez izazova. Život ne nastaje iz materije. Materija nastaje iz života. To nije teorija, nego činjenica. Znanost se temelji na neispravnoj teoriji, stoga su svi njezini proračuni i zaključci pogrešni te ljudi zbog toga pate. Kad se ove pogrešne teorije suvremene znanosti isprave, ljudi će biti sretni. Zato znanstvenike moramo izazvati i poraziti, inače će zavesti cijelo društvo.

Matter changes in six phases: birth, growth, maintenance, production of by-products, dwindling, and death. But the life within matter, the spirit soul, is eternal; it goes through no such changes. Life appears to be developing and decaying, but actually it is simply passing through each of these six phases until the material body can no longer be maintained. Then the old body dies, and the soul enters a new body. When our clothing is old and worn, we change it. Similarly, one day our bodies become old and useless, and we pass on to a new body.

Materija prolazi kroz šest stadija promjene: rađa se, raste, održava, stvara popratne proizvode, slabi i umire. No život unutar materije, duhovna duša, vječan je i ne podliježe takvim promjenama. Život se naizgled razvija i nestaje, ali ustvari samo prolazi kroz ovih šest stadija, sve dok ne postane nemoguće održavati materijalno tijelo. Tada staro tijelo umire i duša ulazi u novo tijelo. Kad odjeća postane stara i iznošena, mijenjamo je. Slično tomu, kada jednog dana naše tijelo postane staro i beskorisno, prijeći ćemo u novo tijelo.

As Kṛṣṇa says in the Bhagavad-gītā [2.13], dehino ’smin yathā dehe kaumāraṁ yauvanaṁ jarā / tathā dehāntara-prāptiḥ: “As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death.” And a little later [2.18]: antavanta ime dehā nityasyoktāḥ śarīriṇaḥ. This means that only the material body of the indestructible and eternal entity is subject to destruction. This material body is perishable, but the life within the body is nitya, eternal.

Kṛṣṇa izjavljuje u Bhagavad-gīti (2.13): dehino ’smin yathā dehe kaumāraṁ yauvanaṁ jarā / tathā dehāntara-prāptiḥ. „Kao što utjelovljena duša u ovom tijelu neprestano prolazi kroz dječaštvo, mladost i starost, tako u trenutku smrti prelazi u drugo tijelo.“ Na drugom mjestu kaže (2.18): antavanta ime dehā nityasyoktāḥ śarīriṇaḥ. To znači da je samo materijalno tijelo neuništivog i vječnog bića podložno uništenju. Materijalno je tijelo prolazno, ali život unutar tijela vječan je, nitya.

According to the Vedas, the measurement of the soul within the body is one ten-thousandth part of the tip of a hair. This is very small; in fact, it is atomic. Yet because of that atomic spiritual energy, my body is working. Is it so difficult to understand? Suppose a man thinks himself very stout and strong. Why is he stout and strong? Only because within his body is a small spiritual spark. But as soon as the spiritual spark is gone, his body dies, and his strength and vigor become void. If scientists say that matter is the cause and origin of life, then let them bring just one dead man back to life by injecting him with chemicals. But this they cannot do.

Prema Vedama, utjelovljena je duša deset tisuća puta manja od vrha vlasi kose. To znači da je sićušna poput atoma, moje tijelo funkcionira zahvaljujući toj duhovnoj energiji atomske veličine. Je li to tako teško shvatiti? Pretpostavimo da čovjek smatra sebe vrlo snažnim. Zašto je snažan? Samo zato što se u njemu nalazi duhovna iskra. Čim duhovna iskra ode, njegovo tijelo umire, a njegova snaga i vitalnost nestaju. Ako znanstvenici tvrde da je materija uzrok i izvor života, neka vrate samo jednog mrtvog čovjeka u život ubrizgavajući mu kemikalije, ali to ne mogu učiniti.

Dr. Singh: Since scientists cannot see the spirit soul, they say its existence is very doubtful.

Dr. Singh: Znanstvenici ne mogu vidjeti duhovnu dušu, stoga sumnjaju u njezino postojanje.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: How can they see it? It is too small to see. Where is such seeing power?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Kako je mogu vidjeti? Premala je da bi se mogla vidjeti. Tko ima takvu moć opažanja?

Dr. Singh: Still, they want to sense it by some means.

Dr. Singh: Ipak, žele je opaziti na neki način.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: If you inject just one grain of deadly poison into someone, he immediately dies. No one can see the poison or how it acts. But the poison is acting nevertheless. In the same way, the Vedas say that because the minute particle called the soul is within the body, the whole body is working nicely. If I pinch myself, I immediately feel it, because I am conscious all over my skin. But as soon as the soul is absent, which is the case when my body dies, you can take this same skin and cut it and chop it, and no one will protest. Why is this simple thing so hard to understand? Is this not detecting spirit?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ako nekome daš zrnce smrtonosnog otrova, odmah će umrijeti. Nitko ne može vidjeti otrov niti opaziti kako djeluje, ali otrov ipak djeluje. Isto tako, Vede kažu da cijelo tijelo funkcionira zato što se u njemu nalazi sićušna čestica zvana duša. Ako se uštipnem, odmah ću to osjetiti jer se moja svjesnost širi po čitavoj koži, ali čim duša izađe iz tijela, kad moje tijelo umre, možeš uzeti tu istu kožu, rezati je i sjeckati, ali nitko neće protestirati. Zašto je tako teško shvatiti ovu jednostavnu činjenicu? Zar to nije otkrivanje duha?

Dr. Singh: That is the soul. But what about God?

Dr. Singh: To je duša, ali što je s Bogom?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: First of all let us understand the soul. The soul is a small God. If you understand the sample, then you can understand the whole.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Prije svega, shvatimo dušu. Duša je uzorak Boga. Ako shvatiš uzorak, shvatit ćeš cjelinu.

Now here is matter. [Śrīla Prabhupāda points at a dead tree with his cane.] Formerly leaves and twigs were growing from this tree. Why are they not growing now? Can the scientists answer this question?

Ovo je materija [Śrīla Prabhupāda svojim štapom pokazuje na mrtvo drvo]. Nekad su iz ovog stabla rasli listovi i grančice. Zašto sada ne rastu? Mogu li znanstvenici odgovoriti na to pitanje?

Karāndhara dāsa: They would say the chemical composition has changed.

Karandhara dāsa: Rekli bi da se promijenio kemijski sastav stabla.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: All right, then if they are so advanced in knowledge of chemistry, they must supply the proper chemicals to make branches and leaves grow again.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: U redu, ako posjeduju tako napredno znanje o kemiji, moraju pribaviti odgovarajuće kemikalije kako bi izazvali ponovni rast grana i listova.

Brahmānanda Swami: Knowledge means that one must be able to demonstrate his theory. They should be able to show in their laboratories that life is caused by a combination of chemicals.

Brahmānanda Swami: Učen čovjek mora dokazati svoju teoriju. Trebaju laboratorijski dokazati da život nastaje iz spoja kemikalija.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, the scientific method means first observation, then hypothesis, and then demonstration. But these scientists cannot demonstrate their hypothesis. They simply observe and then speak nonsense.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, znanstvena se metoda sastoji od promatranja, iznošenja pretpostavki i dokazivanja, ali znanstvenici ne mogu dokazati svoje pretpostavke. Jednostavno promatraju i govore besmislice.

Scientists say that the chemicals are the cause of life. But all the chemicals that were there when the tree was living are still present. And life energy is also there. There are thousands of microbes in the tree, and they are all living entities. No one can claim that life energy is lacking in the body of this tree.

Znanstvenici kažu da su kemijske tvari uzrok života, ali sve kemijske tvari koje su bile prisutne kad je drvo bilo živo još uvijek su prisutne. Životna je energija također prisutna. Postoje tisuće mikroba u drvetu i svi su oni živa bića. Nitko ne može tvrditi da u tijelu drveta nije prisutna životna energija.

Dr. Singh: But what about the life energy of the tree itself?

Dr. Singh: Što je sa životnom energijom samog drveta?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, that is the difference. The living force is individual, and the particular individual living entity which was the tree has left. This must be the case, since all the chemicals that are necessary to support life are still there yet the tree is dead.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, to je nešto drugo. Životna je sila individualna. Individualno živo biće koje je bilo drvo otišlo je. Mora biti tako jer su sve kemijske tvari potrebne za održavanje života još uvijek prisutne, a drvo je ipak mrtvo.

Here is another example: suppose I am living in an apartment and then I leave it. I am gone, but many other living entities remain there – ants, spiders, and so forth. It is not true that simply because I have left the apartment, it can no longer accommodate life. Other living entities are still living there. It is simply that I – an individual living being – have left. The chemicals in the tree are like the apartment; they are simply the environment for the individual living force – the soul – to act through. Thus the scientists will never be able to produce life in the chemical laboratory.

Možemo navesti još jedan primjer. Pretpostavimo da živim u stanu i zatim ga napustim. Ja sam otišao, ali ostala su brojna druga živa bića – mravi, pauci itd. Ako odem iz stana, to ne znači da u njemu nitko više ne može živjeti. Druga živa bića i dalje žive ondje. Otišao sam samo ja, individualno živo biće. Kemijske su tvari u drvetu poput stana, samo su sredina u kojoj djeluje individualna sila, duša. Prema tomu, znanstvenici nikada neće proizvesti život u kemijskom laboratoriju.

The so-called scientists say that life begins from chemicals. But the real question is, “Where have the chemicals come from?” The chemicals come from life, and this means that life has mystic power. For example, an orange tree contains many oranges, and each orange contains chemicals – citric acid and others. So where have these chemicals come from? Obviously they have come from the life within the tree. The scientists are missing the origin of the chemicals. They have started their investigation from the chemicals, but they cannot identify the origin of the chemicals. Chemicals come from the supreme life – God. Just as the living body of a man produces many chemicals, the supreme life (the Supreme Lord) is producing all the chemicals found in the atmosphere, in the water, in humans, in animals, and in the earth. And that is called mystic power. Unless the mystic power of the Supreme Lord is accepted, there is no solution to the problem of the origin of life.

Znanstvenici kažu da život nastaje iz kemijskih tvari, ali pravo pitanje glasi: „Iz čega su nastale kemijske tvari?“ One nastaju iz života, a to znači da život posjeduje mistične moći. Na primjer, drvo naranče ima mnogo plodova i svaki od njih sadrži kemijske tvari poput limunske kiseline itd. Iz čega su one nastale? Očito su nastale iz života unutar stabla. Znanstvenicima nije poznato podrijetlo kemijskih tvari. Istraživanje su započeli proučavajući kemijske tvari, ali ne mogu utvrditi njihovo podrijetlo. Kemijske tvari nastaju iz vrhovnog života, Boga. Kao što tijelo živog čovjeka stvara razne kemijske tvari, vrhovni život (Svevišnji Gospodin) stvara sve kemijske tvari koje nalazimo u atmosferi, vodi, ljudima, životinjama i zemlji. To je mistična moć. Ako ne prihvatimo postojanje Gospodinove mistične moći, ne možemo riješiti problem podrijetla života.

Dr. Singh: The scientists will reply that they cannot believe in mystic power.

Dr. Singh: Znanstvenici će odgovoriti da ne mogu vjerovati u mističnu moć.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: But they must explain the origin of the chemicals. Anyone can see that an ordinary tree is producing many chemicals; they cannot deny it. But how does it produce them? Since they cannot answer this, they must accept that the living force has mystic power. I cannot explain how my fingernail is growing out of my finger; it is beyond the power of my brain. In other words, it is growing by inconceivable potency, or acintya-śakti. So if acintya-śakti exists in an ordinary being, imagine how much acintya-śakti God possesses.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Onda moraju objasniti podrijetlo kemijskih tvari. Svatko primjećuje da obično drvo stvara puno kemijskih tvari, ne može to poreći, ali kako ih stvara? Budući da znanstvenici ne mogu na to odgovoriti, moraju prihvatiti da životna sila posjeduje mističnu moć. Ne mogu objasniti čak ni kako mi iz prsta raste nokat. To je iznad dosega moga uma. Drugim riječima, nokat raste zahvaljujući nepojmljivoj moći, acintya-śakti. Ako obično ljudsko biće posjeduje acintya-śakti, možemo samo zamisliti kakvu acintya-śakti posjeduje Bog.

The difference between God and me is that although I have the same potencies as God, I can produce only a small quantity of chemicals, whereas He can produce enormous quantities. I can produce a little water in the form of perspiration, but God can produce the seas. Analysis of one drop of seawater gives you the qualitative analysis of the sea, without any mistake. Similarly, the ordinary living being is part and parcel of God, so by analyzing the living beings we can begin to understand God. In God there is great mystic potency. God’s mystic potency is working swiftly, exactly like an electric machine. Machines operate by certain energy, and they are so nicely made that all the work is done simply by pushing a button. Similarly, God said, “Let there be creation,” and there was creation. Considered in this way, the workings of nature are not very difficult to understand. God has such wonderful potencies that the creation, on His order alone, immediately takes place.

Iako posjedujem iste moći kao Bog, mogu stvoriti samo malu količinu kemijskih tvari, dok On može stvoriti ogromnu količinu. Po tome se Bog razlikuje od mene. Mogu stvoriti malo vode u obliku znoja, ali Bog može stvoriti mora. Analizirajući jednu kapljicu morske vode otkrit ćemo kakvoću mora. Živo je biće sastavni djelić Boga, zato analizirajući živa bića možemo početi shvaćati Boga. Bog posjeduje veliku mističnu moć. Njegova mistična moć djeluje brzo poput električnog stroja. Neki su električni strojevi tako dobro osmišljeni da sav posao obavljaju jednostavno pritiskom na prekidač. Slično tomu, Bog je rekao: „Neka nastane kreacija“ i kreacija je bila stvorena. S tog stajališta, prirodne procese nije teško shvatiti. Bog posjeduje tako čudesne moći da samom Svojom naredbom može odmah stvoriti kreaciju.

Brahmānanda Swami: Scientists don’t accept God or acintya-śakti.

Brahmānanda Swami: Znanstvenici ne prihvaćaju Boga ili acintya-śakti.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That is their rascaldom. God exists, and His acintya-śakti also exists.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To je njihov nitkovluk. Bog postoji, kao i Njegova acintya-śakti.

Karāndhara dāsa: Scientists say that life was created biochemically.

Karandhara dāsa: Znanstvenici kažu da je život stvoren biokemijskim putem.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: And I say to them: “Why don’t you create life? Your biology and chemistry are very advanced, so why don’t you create life?”

Śrīla Prabhupāda: A ja im odgovaram: „Zašto vi ne stvorite život? Ako su vaša biologija i kemija tako napredne, zašto onda ne stvorite život?“

Karāndhara dāsa: They say they will create life in the future.

Karandhara dāsa: Kažu da će u budućnosti stvoriti život.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: When in the future? If the scientists know the creative process, why can’t they create life now? If life has a biochemical origin, and if biologists and chemists are so advanced, then why can’t they create life in their laboratories? When this crucial point is raised, they say, “We shall do it in the future.” Why in the future? That is nonsense. Trust no future, however pleasant. What is the meaning of their advancement? They are talking nonsense.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Kad u budućnosti? Ako su znanstvenici upoznati s procesom stvaranja, zašto sada ne mogu stvoriti život? Ako je život biokemijskog podrijetla i ako su biolozi i kemičari tako napredni, zašto ne mogu stvoriti život u svojim laboratorijima? Čim se postavi ovo presudno pitanje, oni odgovaraju: „Učinit ćemo to u budućnosti.“ Zašto u budućnosti? To je besmislica. Ne uzdaj se u budućnost, koliko god lijepo izgledala. Ima li njihov napredak ikakva smisla? Govore besmislice.

Karāndhara dāsa: They say that they are right on the verge of creating life.

Karandhara dāsa: Oni tvrde da su pred samim stvaranjem života.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: But that is also the future, in a different way. They must accept that they still do not know the truth about the origin of life. Since they are expecting to be able to create life in the future, presently their knowledge must be imperfect. Their proposal is something like giving someone a postdated check. Suppose I owe you ten thousand dollars and I say, “Yes, I will pay you the entire sum with this postdated check. Is that all right?” If you are intelligent, you will reply, “At present, give me at least five dollars in cash so I can see something tangible.“ Similarly, the scientists cannot produce even a single blade of grass by biochemistry, yet still they claim that life is produced from matter. What is this nonsense? Is no one questioning this? We can prove that life began from life. Here is the proof: when a father begets a child, the father is living, and the child is living. But where is the scientist’s proof that life comes from matter? We can prove that life begins from life, and we can also prove that the original life is Kṛṣṇa. But what evidence exists that a child is ever born out of a dead stone? The scientists cannot prove that life comes from matter. They are leaving that aside for the future.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Time samo na drukčiji način kažu isto, u budućnosti... Moraju priznati da im još uvijek nije poznato podrijetlo života. Budući da očekuju da će u budućnosti stvoriti život, znanje koje im je sada dostupno zacijelo je nesavršeno. Njihova je tvrdnja poput čeka s odgodom plaćanja. Pretpostavimo da ti dugujem deset tisuća dolara i kažem: „Da, vratit ću ti cijeli iznos čekom s odgodom plaćanja. Je li to u redu?“ Ako si inteligentan, odgovorit ćeš mi: „Daj mi sada barem pet dolara u gotovini tako da mogu vidjeti nešto opipljivo.“ Slično tomu, znanstvenici ne mogu biokemijskim putem proizvesti čak ni vlat trave, a ipak tvrde da je život nastao iz materije. Koja besmislica! Zar nitko u to ne sumnja? Mi možemo dokazati da život nastaje iz života. Na primjer, otac začne dijete. Otac je živ i dijete je živo. Gdje im je dokaz da život nastaje iz materije? Možemo dokazati da život nastaje iz života i da je izvorni život Kṛṣṇa. Postoji li dokaz da mrtav kamen rađa dijete? Znanstvenici ne mogu dokazati da život nastaje iz materije. To ostavljaju po strani, za budućnost.

Karāndhara dāsa: The basis of what the scientists call “scientific integrity” is that they talk only about what they can experience through their senses.

Karandhara dāsa: Njihov se znanstveni integritet temelji na onome što mogu iskusiti vlastitim osjetilima.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Then they are suffering from what we call “Doctor Frog’s philosophy.” There was once a frog who had lived all his life in a well. One day a friend visited him and informed him of the existence of the Atlantic Ocean.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Onda pate od onoga što mi nazivamo „filozofija doktora žapca“. Bio jednom jedan žabac koji je sav svoj život proveo u bunaru. Jednog dana posjetio ga je prijatelj i obavijestio o postojanju Atlantskog oceana.

“Oh, what is this Atlantic Ocean?” asked the frog in the well.

„Što je Atlantski ocean?“ upitao je žabac iz bunara.

“It is a vast body of water,” his friend replied.

„Velika vodena površina“, odgovorio je njegov prijatelj.

“How vast? Is it double the size of this well?”

„Koliko velika? Dvaput veća od mog bunara?“

“Oh, no, much larger,” his friend replied.

„O, ne. Puno, puno veća“, odgovorio je njegov prijatelj.

“How much larger? Ten times the size?”

„Koliko veća? Deset puta?“

In this way the frog went on calculating. But what was the possibility of his ever understanding the depths and far reaches of the great ocean? Our faculties, experience, and powers of speculation are always limited. The frog was always thinking in terms relative to his well. He had no power to think otherwise. Similarly, the scientists are estimating the Absolute Truth, the cause of all causes, with their imperfect senses and minds, and thus they are bound to be bewildered. The essential fault of the so-called scientists is that they have adopted the inductive process to arrive at their conclusions. For example, if a scientist wants to determine whether or not man is mortal by the inductive process, he must study every man to try to discover if some or one of them may be immortal. The scientist says, “I cannot accept the proposition that all men are mortal. There may be some men who are immortal. I have not yet seen every man. Therefore how can I accept that man is mortal?” This is called the inductive process. And the deductive process means that your father, your teacher, or your guru says that man is mortal, and you accept it.

Tako je žabac nastavio računati, ali kako je mogao na taj način shvatiti veličinu ogromnog oceana? Naše sposobnosti, iskustvo i moć spekulacije uvijek su ograničeni. Žabac je stalno razmišljao u okvirima svog bunara. Nije mogao drukčije razmišljati. Slično tomu, znanstvenici procjenjuju Apsolutnu Istinu, uzrok svih uzroka, svojim nesavršenim osjetilima i umovima te zbog toga moraju biti zbunjeni. Znanstvenici su počinili najveću grešku izabravši induktivni proces kako bi došli do zaključka. Na primjer, ako znanstvenik želi induktivnim procesom utvrditi je li čovjek smrtan ili ne, mora proučiti svakog čovjeka kako bi otkrio je li jedan od njih možda besmrtan. Znanstvenik kaže: „Ne mogu prihvatiti pretpostavku da su svi ljudi smrtni. Možda su neki ljudi besmrtni. Još nisam vidio sve ljude. Kako ću onda zaključiti da je čovjek smrtan?“ To je induktivni proces. U deduktivnom procesu, vaš otac, učitelj ili guru kažu vam da je čovjek smrtan i vi to prihvaćate.

Dr. Singh: So there is an ascending process of gaining knowledge and a descending process?

Dr. Singh: Znači, postoji uzlazni i silazni proces stjecanja znanja?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes. The ascending process will never be successful, because it relies on information gathered through the senses, and the senses are imperfect. So we accept the descending process.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da. Uzlazni proces neće nikada biti uspješan jer se temelji na podatcima do kojih smo došli pomoću osjetila, a ona su nesavršena, zato prihvaćamo silazni proces.

God cannot be known by the inductive process. Therefore He is called adhokṣaja, which means “unknowable by direct perception.” The scientists say there is no God because they are trying to understand by direct perception. But He is adhokṣaja; therefore the scientists are ignorant of God because they are missing the method of knowing Him. In order to understand transcendental science, one must approach a bona fide spiritual master, hear from him submissively, and render service to him. Lord Kṛṣṇa explains this in the Bhagavad-gītā [4.34]: tad viddhi praṇipātena paripraśnena sevayā.

Budući da Ga ne možemo spoznati induktivnim procesom, Bog se naziva adhokṣaja, „onaj koga ne možemo spoznati izravnim opažanjem“. Znanstvenici kažu da nema Boga jer Ga pokušavaju shvatiti neposrednim opažanjem, ali On je adhokṣaja. Ne mogu Ga spoznati jer ne poznaju pravu metodu kojom Ga mogu spoznati. Da bi shvatila transcendentalnu znanost, osoba mora prići vjerodostojnu duhovnom učitelju, ponizno ga slušati i služiti. Gospodin Kṛṣṇa to objašnjava u Bhagavad-gīti (4.34): tad viddhi praṇipātena paripraśnena sevayā.

Dr. Singh: There is a scientific journal called Nature. It contains articles concerning natural products like plants and animals, but it does not mention God – only nature.

Dr. Singh: Znanstveni časopis po imenu Priroda objavljuje članke o darovima prirode poput biljaka, cvijeća i minerala, ali u njima se ne spominje Bog – samo priroda.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: We may correctly observe that plants are being produced by nature, but we must ask, “What has produced nature?” To ask this question is intelligence.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Možemo pravilno primijetiti da priroda stvara biljke, ali moramo se upitati: „Tko je stvorio prirodu?“ To je prava inteligencija.

Dr. Singh: The scientists don’t think about that.

Dr. Singh: Znanstvenici ne razmišljaju o tome.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: So they are fools. As soon as we speak of nature, the next question should be, “Whose nature?” For instance, I speak of my nature, and you speak of your nature. Therefore, as soon as nature is mentioned, the next inquiry should be, “Whose nature?”

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Onda su budalasti. Čim govorimo o prirodi, trebamo se upitati čija priroda. Na primjer, ja govorim o mojoj prirodi, a vi o vašoj prirodi. Stoga čim se spomene priroda, trebamo se upitati čija priroda.

Nature means energy, and as soon as you speak of energy, you must accept that there is a source of that energy. For example, the source of electric energy is the electric powerhouse. Electricity is not produced automatically. We must install a powerhouse and a generator. Similarly, in the Vedas it is said that material nature is working under Kṛṣṇa’s direction.

Priroda znači energija. Čim govorimo o energiji, moramo prihvatiti postojanje izvora energije. Na primjer, izvor je električne energije elektrana. Struja ne nastaje automatski. Moramo izgraditi elektranu i generator. Slično tomu, u Vedama je rečeno da materijalna priroda djeluje po Kṛṣṇinu nalogu.

Dr. Singh: So do you mean to say that science has started from an intermediate point – not from the original point?

Dr. Singh: Znači li to da je znanost počela svoje istraživanje od sredine, a ne od početka?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, that is it exactly. They are ignorant of the origin. The scientists start from one point – but where does that point come from? That they do not know, in spite of vast research. One has to accept that the original source is God, who is full of all mystic powers and from whom everything emanates. He Himself says in the Bhagavad-gītā [10.8]: ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate, “I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me.” Our conclusions are not based on blind faith; they are most scientific. Matter comes from life. In life – in the origin – there are unlimited material resources; that is the great mystery of creation.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, upravo to. Nije im poznat početak. Znanstvenici započinju svoje istraživanje od jedne točke, ali odakle potječe ta točka? To ne znaju, unatoč velikom istraživanju. Moramo prihvatiti da je prvobitni izvor Bog, koji u potpunosti posjeduje sve mistične moći i iz koga sve emanira. On izjavljuje u Bhagavad-gīti (10.8): ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate. „Ja sam izvor svih duhovnih i materijalnih svjetova. Sve emanira iz Mene.“ Naši se zaključci ne temelje na slijepom vjerovanju, oni su potpuno znanstveni. Materija nastaje iz života. U životu, u izvoru, postoje neograničena materijalna bogatstva. To je velika tajna kreacije.

Modern scientific research is just like Sāṅkhya philosophy, which analyzes material elements. Sāṅkhya means “to count.” We are also Sāṅkhya philosophers to some extent, because we count and analyze the material elements; this is land, this is water, this is air, this is sunshine, this is fire. Furthermore, I can count my mind, my intelligence, and my ego. Beyond my ego, however, I cannot count. But Kṛṣṇa says that there is existence beyond the ego, and that existence is the living force – the spirit soul. This is what the scientists do not know. They think that life is merely a combination of material elements, but Kṛṣṇa denies this in the Bhagavad-gītā [7.5]. Apareyam itas tv anyāṁ prakṛtiṁ viddhi me parām: “Besides this inferior nature there is a superior energy of Mine.” The inferior energy is the material elements, and the superior energy is the living entity.

Suvremeno znanstveno istraživanje nalikuje filozofiji sāṅkhyi koja analizira materijalne elemente. Sāṅkhya znači „brojati“. Mi smo u izvjesnoj mjeri također pobornici te filozofije jer nabrajamo i analiziramo materijalne elemente; ovo je zemlja, ovo je voda, ovo je zrak, ovo je sunce, ovo je vatra. Tomu mogu pribrojiti svoj um, inteligenciju i ego, ali nakon ega ne mogu nastaviti nabrajati. No Kṛṣṇa kaže da iznad ega postoji životna sila, duhovna duša. To je ono što znanstvenici ne znaju. Misle da je život samo spoj materijalnih elemenata, ali Kṛṣṇa to poriče u Bhagavad-gīti (7.5). Apareyam itas tv anyāṁ prakṛtiṁ viddhi me parām: „Osim ove niže energije, postoji Moja viša energija.“ Materijalni su elementi niža energija, a živo je biće viša energija.

bhūmir āpo ’nalo vāyuḥ
khaṁ mano buddhir eva ca
ahaṅkāra itīyaṁ me
bhinnā prakṛtir aṣṭadhā
bhūmir āpo ’nalo vāyuḥ
khaṁ mano buddhir eva ca
ahaṅkāra itīyaṁ me
bhinnā prakṛtir aṣṭadhā

“Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence, and false ego – all together these eight comprise My separated material energies.” [Bhagavad-gītā 7.4] Kṛṣṇa explains here in the Bhagavad-gītā that vāyu (gas) comes from Him, and that finer than the gases is kham (ether). Finer than ether is the mind, finer than the mind is intelligence, and finer than the intelligence is the soul. But the scientists do not know this. They can perceive only gross things. They mention vāyu, but where does the vāyu come from? Where does the gas come from?

„Zemlja, voda, vatra, zrak, eter, um, inteligencija i lažni ego Moje su odvojene materijalne energije.“ (Bhagavad-gītā 7.4) Kṛṣṇa u ovoj strofi objašnjava da vāyu (zrak) nastaje iz Njega. Kham (eter) suptilniji je od vāyua, um je suptilniji od etera, inteligencija je suptilnija od uma, a duša je suptilnija od inteligencije, ali znanstvenici to ne znaju. Mogu opaziti samo grubu materiju. Spominju vāyua, ali iz čega on nastaje? Iz čega nastaje zrak?

Dr. Singh: That they cannot answer.

Dr. Singh: Na to ne mogu odgovoriti.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: But we can answer. We have the knowledge that gas comes from kham, or ether, and ether comes from mind, mind comes from intelligence, and intelligence comes from Kṛṣṇa’s superior energy, the spirit soul.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ali mi možemo odgovoriti. Mi znamo da zrak nastaje iz khama (etera), eter iz uma, um iz inteligencije, a inteligencija iz Kṛṣṇine više energije, duhovne duše.

Dr. Singh: Are both inferior and superior energies studied in Sāṅkhya philosophy?

Dr. Singh: Proučava li suvremena filozofija sāṅkhya i nižu i višu energiju?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: No. Sāṅkhya philosophers do not know of superior energy. They simply analyze the material elements, just as the scientists do. Neither the scientists nor the Sāṅkhya philosophers know anything of the spirit soul. They are simply analyzing Kṛṣṇa’s material energy.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ne. Suvremeni pobornici filozofije sāṅkhye ne proučavaju višu energiju. Samo analiziraju materijalne elemente, isto kao znanstvenici. Ni znanstvenici ni filozofi sāṅkhye ne znaju za postojanje duhovne duše. Samo analiziraju Kṛṣṇinu materijalnu energiju.

Dr. Singh: They are analyzing the creative material elements?

Dr. Singh: Analiziraju kreativne materijalne elemente?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Material elements are not creative! The soul is creative. No one can create life with only matter, and matter cannot create itself. You, a living entity, can mix hydrogen and oxygen to create water. But matter itself has no creative energy. If you place a bottle of hydrogen near a bottle of oxygen, will they automatically combine, without your help?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Materijalni elementi nisu kreativni! Samo je duša kreativna. Život ne može nastati iz materije niti materija može stvoriti samu sebe. Ti, živo biće, možeš pomiješati vodik i kisik kako bi stvorio vodu, ali sama materija nema stvaralačku moć. Ako bocu vodika staviš pored boce kisika, hoće li se automatski pomiješati, bez tvoje pomoći?

Dr. Singh: No. They must be mixed.

Dr. Singh: Neće. Netko ih mora pomiješati.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes, the superior energy – the living entity – is required. Oxygen and hydrogen are inferior energy, but when the superior energy mixes them, then they can become water.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, potrebna je viša energija, živo biće. Kisik i vodik niža su energija, a pomiješa li ih viša energija, postaju voda.

Inferior energy has no power unless superior energy is involved. This sea [indicating the Pacific Ocean] is calm and quiet. But when superior force – air – pushes it, high waves are created. The sea has no power without the superior force. Similarly, there is another force superior to the air, and another, and another, until we arrive at Kṛṣṇa, the most superior force. This is real research. Suppose a railroad train is just starting to move. The engine pushes one car, which pushes another, and so on, until the entire train is moving. And the whole motion originates with the engineer, a living entity. Similarly, in the cosmic creation, Kṛṣṇa gives the first push, and then, by means of many successive pushes, the entire cosmic manifestation comes into being. This is explained in the Bhagavad-gītā [9.10]: mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sa-carācaram. “This material nature is working under My direction, O son of Kuntī, and is producing all moving and unmoving beings.” And a little later:

Niža energija ne posjeduje moć ako nije prisutna viša energija. Ovo more [pokazuje na Tihi ocean] mirno je i tiho. Kada ga uzburka viša sila, zrak, nastaju veliki valovi. More se ne može uzburkati bez više sile. Slično tomu, postoji druga sila koja je viša od zraka i treća, četvrta, sve dok naposljetku ne dođemo do Kṛṣṇe, najviše sile. To je pravo istraživanje. Pretpostavimo da vlak upravo kreće. Lokomotiva vuče za sobom jedan vagon koji vuče drugi vagon itd., sve dok čitav vlak ne krene. Međutim, lokomotivu je prvobitno pokrenuo strojovođa, živo biće. Slično tomu, prvi poticaj prilikom stvaranja potječe od Kṛṣṇe. Potom, kroz niz uzastopnih poticaja, nastaje i održava se cjelokupno kozmičko očitovanje. To je objašnjeno u Bhagavad-gīti (9.10): mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sa-carācaram. „O, Kuntīn sine, materijalna priroda djeluje po Mojoj naredbi i stvara sva pokretna i nepokretna bića.“ U četrnaestom poglavlju (14.4) Kṛṣṇa kaže:

sarva-yoniṣu kaunteya
mūrtayaḥ sambhavanti yāḥ
tāsāṁ brahma mahad yonir
ahaṁ bīja-pradaḥ pitā
sarva-yoniṣu kaunteya
mūrtayaḥ sambhavanti yāḥ
tāsāṁ brahma mahad yonir
ahaṁ bīja-pradaḥ pitā

“All species of life are made possible by birth in material nature, and I am the seed-giving father.” [Bhagavad-gītā 14.4] For example, if we sow a banyan seed, a huge tree eventually grows up and produces millions of new seeds. Each of these seeds, in turn, produces another tree with millions of new seeds, and so on. So Kṛṣṇa is the original seed-giving father.

„Sve vrste života nastaju rađanjem u ovoj materijalnoj prirodi, a Ja sam otac koji daje sjeme.“ Na primjer, ako posijemo sjeme banjana, naposljetku će izrasti ogromno drvo, a s njim mnoštvo novog sjemenja. Iz svakog sjemena može izrasti drugo drvo s mnoštvom novog sjemenja itd. Prema tomu, Kṛṣṇa je prvobitni otac koji daje sjeme.

Unfortunately, the scientists only observe the immediate cause; they do not perceive the remote cause. There are two causes – the immediate cause and the remote cause. Kṛṣṇa is described in the Vedas as sarva- kāraṇa-kāraṇam, the cause of all causes. If you understand the cause of all causes, then you understand everything. Kasmin nu bhagavo vijñāte sarvam idaṁ vijñātaṁ bhavati: “If you know the original cause, the later, subordinate causes are automatically known.” Although the scientists are searching after the original cause, when the Vedas, which contain perfect knowledge, give the original cause, they won’t accept. They keep to their partial, imperfect knowledge.

Na žalost, znanstvenici opažaju samo izravni uzrok, ne mogu opaziti udaljeni uzrok. Postoje dvije vrste uzroka – izravni i neizravni. Kṛṣṇa je opisan u Vedama kao sarva-kāraṇa-kāraṇam, uzrok svih uzroka. Onaj tko shvaća uzrok svih uzroka shvaća sve. Yasmin vijñāte sarvam evaṁ vijñātaṁ bhavati: „Onaj tko poznaje prvobitni uzrok samim tim poznaje podređene uzroke koji slijede.“ Iako tragaju za prvobitnim uzrokom, kada Vede koje sadržavaju savršeno znanje otkriju izvorni uzrok, znanstvenici ga ne žele prihvatiti. Drže se svoga nepotpunog, nesavršenog znanja.

Dr. Singh: Scientists are worried about energy sources, and now they are working to utilize solar energy for cooking, lighting, and various other purposes. They are hoping that when they exhaust all other energy sources, they will be able to use solar energy.

Dr. Singh: Znanstvenici su zabrinuti za izvore energije i sada nastoje iskoristiti sunčevu energiju za kuhanje, rasvjetu i razne druge svrhe. Nadaju se da će, kada iscrpe sve druge izvore energije, prijeći na sunčevu energiju.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: This is not a very new theory. Everyone knows that because the roots of trees store the sun’s energy, it is possible to get fire from a tree. These scientists are tiny creatures, but they are very proud. We don’t give them credit, because they are simply stating what everyone knows. As soon as you cut a tree, you cannot get fire from it. It has to be dried in the sun. When the energy is gathered from the sun, the tree can be utilized for fire. Actually everything is being maintained by the sun’s energy, but the scientists don’t know where the sun’s energy comes from. In the Bhagavad-gītā [15.12] Kṛṣṇa says:

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To nije nova teorija. Svatko zna da se iz drveća može dobiti vatra jer drveće upija sunčevu energiju. Ti su znanstvenici sićušna stvorenja, ali vrlo ponosna. Ne vjerujemo im jer govore ono što svi znaju. Iz drveta ne možete dobiti vatru čim ga posiječete. Mora se osušiti na suncu. Kada upije sunčevu energiju, drvo se može upotrijebiti za loženje. Ustvari, sunčeva energija sve održava, ali znanstvenici ne znaju odakle potječe sunčeva energija. U Bhagavad-gīti (15.12) Kṛṣṇa kaže:

yad āditya-gataṁ tejo
jagad bhāsayate ’khilam
yac candramasi yac cāgnau
tat tejo viddhi māmakam
yad āditya-gataṁ tejo
jagad bhāsayate ’khilam
yac candramasi yac cāgnau
tat tejo viddhi māmakam

“The splendor of the sun, which dissipates the darkness of this whole world, comes from Me. And the splendor of the moon and the splendor of fire are also from Me.”

„Svjetlost Sunca, koja raspršuje tamu čitavog svijeta, potječe od Mene. Svjetlost Mjeseca i vatre također potječu od Mene.“

Again, Kṛṣṇa says, jyotiṣāṁ ravir aṁśumān: “Of lights I am the radiant sun.” [Bhagavad-gītā 10.21] Also, in the eleventh chapter of the Bhagavad-gītā Arjuna tells Kṛṣṇa, śaśi-sūrya-netram: “The sun and moon are among Your great, unlimited eyes.” This knowledge is contained in the Bhagavad-gītā, but scientists cannot attain this knowledge by their speculation. Can they?

Nadalje, Kṛṣṇa kaže: jyotiṣāṁ ravir aṁśumān. „Među svjetlećim nebeskim tijelima Ja sam blistavo Sunce.“ (Bhagavad-gītā 10.21) U jedanaestom poglavlju Bhagavad-gīte Arjuna kaže Kṛṣṇi: śaśi-sūrya-netram. „Sunce i Mjesec Tvoje su velike, neograničene oči.“ To se znanje nalazi u Bhagavad-gīti, ali znanstvenici ga ne mogu steći spekulacijom. Mogu li?

Dr. Singh: It is not possible.

Dr. Singh: To nije moguće.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: And what is their knowledge? The scriptures say that even if you counted all the grains of sand on earth, you still would not be able to understand God. All this material counting does not mean that you have the capacity to understand the unlimited. But it is even beyond their capacity to count all the material things. Why are the scientists so proud of their energy and capacities? They do not even know of the material things, and what to speak of the spiritual. As far as scientists and other living entities are concerned, their knowledge is limited. But this is not so for Kṛṣṇa. If we receive knowledge from Kṛṣṇa, that knowledge is perfect. In the scriptures we receive information that there are nine hundred thousand species of life existing within the ocean. The information given in the scriptures is exact, because it comes from Kṛṣṇa, and as Kṛṣṇa Himself says: “As the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I know everything that has happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, and all things that are yet to come.” [Bhagavad-gītā 7.26]

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Kakvo je njihovo znanje? Spisi kažu da Boga ne biste mogli shvatiti čak ni kad biste izbrojili sva zrnca pijeska na Zemlji. Svi ti materijalni proračuni ne znače da možete shvatiti ono što je neograničeno, no oni ne mogu potpuno izbrojiti čak ni materijalne stvari. Zašto su znanstvenici tako ponosni na svoju energiju i sposobnosti? Ne poznaju čak ni materijalne stvari, a da ne govorimo o duhovnim. Što se tiče znanstvenika i drugih živih bića, njihovo je znanje ograničeno, ali Kṛṣṇino nije. Ako učimo od Kṛṣṇe, znanje koje primamo savršeno je. Iz spisa doznajemo da u oceanu postoji 900 000 vrsta života. Podatci iz spisa točni su jer potječu od Kṛṣṇe. Kṛṣṇa kaže: „Kao Svevišnja Božanska Osoba, znam sve što se dogodilo u prošlosti, sve što se događa u sadašnjosti i sve što će se dogoditi u budućnosti.“ (Bhagavad-gītā 7.26)

Dr. Singh: We have to take knowledge from the supreme knower.

Dr. Singh: Znanje moramo primiti od vrhovnog poznavatelja.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: For perfect knowledge we have to approach a superior person, a guru. One may try to learn a subject by reading books at home, but he can learn much better by going to college and approaching a professor. In the same way, we have to approach a guru. Of course, if we encounter a false guru, our knowledge is false. But if our guru is perfect, our knowledge is perfect. We accept Kṛṣṇa as our guru. If He is perfect in knowledge, our knowledge is also perfect. As far as we’re concerned, we do not have to be perfect in ourselves, but if we receive knowledge from the perfect, our knowledge is perfect. We cannot say that we understand that there are nine hundred thousand species of life in the ocean because we have studied the entire ocean. Rather, we say that we take this information from scriptures, and therefore it is perfect. This is the Vedic process.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da bismo stekli savršeno znanje, moramo prići nadređenoj osobi, guruu. Možemo pokušati učiti o nečemu čitajući knjige kod kuće, ali ako odemo na sveučilište i priđemo profesoru, bolje ćemo naučiti taj predmet. Na sličan način moramo prići guruu. Naravno, ako naiđemo na lažnoga gurua, naše će znanje biti lažno, ali ako nam je guru savršen, i znanje će nam biti savršeno. Mi prihvaćamo Kṛṣṇu za gurua. Ako je Njegovo znanje savršeno, onda je naše znanje također savršeno. Što se nas tiče, mi ne moramo biti savršeni, ali ako učimo od savršenog bića, znanje nam je savršeno. Ne možemo reći da smo na temelju proučavanja cijelog oceana došli do zaključka da u njemu živi 900 000 vrsta života. Ne, mi tvrdimo da smo prihvatili taj podatak iz spisa i da je zato savršen. To je vedski proces.

Scientists may carry out much research work, but however great a scientist may be, his senses are imperfect. Therefore he cannot have perfect knowledge. What is the value of our eyes? We cannot see without sunlight, nor can we see small things without a microscope. Our eyes are imperfect, and the instruments our eyes have discovered are also imperfect. How, then, is it possible to get perfect knowledge? Because the living entity is limited, his knowledge is limited. A child may know that two plus two equals four, but when he speaks of higher mathematics, we do not take him seriously. The senses through which a scientist acquires knowledge are limited and imperfect; therefore his knowledge is limited and imperfect. In his ignorance he may claim to know everything, but that is simply nonsense.

Znanstvenik može istraživati, ali koliko god da je stručan, osjetila su mu nesavršena. Zato ništa ne može savršeno znati. Kakva je vrijednost naših očiju? Ne možemo vidjeti bez sunčeve svjetlosti niti možemo vidjeti sićušne stvari bez mikroskopa. Oči su nam nesavršene i instrumenti koje su naše oči izumile također su nesavršeni. Kako onda možemo išta savršeno znati? Budući da je živo biće ograničeno, znanje mu je također ograničeno. Dijete možda zna da su dva i dva četiri, ali kad govori o višoj matematici, ne shvaćamo ga ozbiljno. Osjetila kojima znanstvenici proučavaju ograničena su i nesavršena, zato je njihovo znanje ograničeno i nesavršeno. U svom neznanju mogu tvrditi da znaju sve, ali to je besmislica.

A blind man may lead another blind man, but what does it avail them when they both fall into a ditch? The laws of nature bind us hand and foot, yet we think we are free to speculate. This is illusion. Although conditioned by so many of nature’s laws, the rascals think they are free. Yet if there is a cloud, they cannot see the sun. What power have we to see? Only when nature’s laws give us some facility are we able to see. Indeed, we can only experiment under certain conditions, and if the conditions are not favorable, our experiments fail. Why then are we so proud of experimental knowledge?

Slijepac može voditi drugog slijepca, ali što im to vrijedi kad obojica padaju u jarak? Zakoni prirode vezuju nam ruke i noge, a mi i dalje mislimo da možemo slobodno spekulirati. To je iluzija. Premda su uvjetovani brojnim zakonima prirode, nitkovi misle da su slobodni, ali čim se pojavi oblak, ne mogu vidjeti Sunce. Što uopće možemo vidjeti? Vidimo samo kad nam zakoni prirode to omoguće. Pokuse možemo izvoditi samo pod određenim uvjetima, a ako oni nisu povoljni, naši pokusi ne uspijevaju. Zašto smo onda tako ponosni na eksperimentalno znanje?

Why experiment? Things are already there. The sun’s energy is there, given by God for us to use. What else is there to know? So many apples fall from trees. What further need is there to explain the law of gravity? Actually the scientists are lacking in common sense. They are simply concerned with “scientific” explanations. They say the law of gravity works only under certain conditions, but who has made these conditions? When Kṛṣṇa appeared as Lord Rāmacandra, He threw stones on the water and the stones floated. The law of gravity did not work in that case. Therefore the law of gravity works only under the direction of the Supreme Lord. The law in itself is not final. A king may give a law, but he can change that law immediately. The ultimate law-giver is Kṛṣṇa, and a law will only work by His will. Scientists try to explain God’s will in so many ways, but because they are conditioned by māyā, illusion, they can only talk like a person haunted by ghosts. Tell me, what is the scientific explanation that accounts for all the varieties of trees?

Zašto eksperimentirati? Sve je već tu. Sunčeva energija koju nam je Bog dao već je tu. Što još trebamo znati? Mnoštvo jabuka pada sa stabla. Čemu dalje objašnjavati zakon gravitacije? Ustvari, znanstvenicima nedostaje zdrav razum. Zanimaju ih samo „znanstvena“ objašnjenja. Tvrde da zakon gravitacije djeluje samo pod određenim uvjetima, ali tko je stvorio te uvjete? Kad se Kṛṣṇa pojavio kao Gospodin Rāmacandra, bacio je kamenje u vodu i ono je plutalo. Zakon gravitacije nije djelovao u tom slučaju. Prema tomu, zakon gravitacije djeluje samo po naredbi Svevišnjega Gospodina. Sam po sebi nije konačan. Kralj može donijeti zakon, ali ga odmah može i promijeniti. Konačni je zakonodavac Kṛṣṇa i zakon će djelovati samo po Njegovoj volji. Znanstvenici pokušavaju objasniti Božju volju na različite načine, ali budući da su uvjetovani māyom, iluzijom, samo govore kao da ih proganjaju duhovi. Recite mi kako znanstvenici objašnjavaju raznolikost drveća?

Karāndhara dāsa: They say that nature mutates and makes these varieties.

Karandhara dāsa: Kažu da priroda mutira i stvara te raznolikosti.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Then it must be nature’s will. And what is that will? Does the land have any will?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To onda mora biti volja prirode, ali kakva je to volja? Ima li zemlja ikakvu volju?

Karāndhara dāsa: Well, they are very vague on that point.

Karandhara dāsa: Jako su neodređeni kad je to u pitanju.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That means that they do not have perfect knowledge. They do not know that behind nature is the will of Kṛṣṇa.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To znači da nisu savršeno upućeni. Ne znaju da iza prirode stoji Kṛṣṇina volja.

Dr. Singh: They explain that the chemical composition of these different plants is different.

Dr. Singh: Oni objašnjavaju da je kemijski sastav različitih biljaka različit.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That’s all right, but who made these chemical compositions? As soon as you say “chemical composition,” you immediately require a God.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To je u redu, ali tko je stvorio sve te kemijske sastojke? Čim kažete „kemijski sastav“, potreban vam je Bog.

Karāndhara dāsa: They say there is no need for a God, because if you mix two chemicals together …

Karandhara dāsa: Oni kažu da nema potrebe za Bogom jer pomiješate li dvije tvari…

Śrīla Prabhupāda: God or not, there must be some will. There must be some consciousness. Two chemicals mix and produce such and such. Who mixes them? Consciousness is there. Well, that consciousness is Kṛṣṇa. There is consciousness everywhere, and as soon as you accept that consciousness, you must accept consciousness as a person. Therefore, we speak of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. In the Bhagavad-gītā it is stated that consciousness is all-pervading. You may have consciousness, and I may have consciousness, but there is another consciousness, which is all-pervading. My consciousness is limited to my body, and your consciousness is limited to yours, but there is another consciousness, which is within you, me, and everyone. That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Bog ili nešto drugo, mora postojati neka volja. Mora postojati neka svijest. Dvije se kemikalije spoje i stvore to i to. Tko ih je pomiješao? Svijest je bila prisutna, a ta je svijest Kṛṣṇa. Svijest je prisutna svuda i čim je prihvatite, morate je prihvatiti kao osobu. Zato govorimo o svjesnosti Kṛṣṇe. Bhagavad-gītā izjavljuje da je svijest sveprožimajuća. I vi i ja imamo svijest, ali postoji drukčija, sveprožimajuća svijest. Moja je svijest ograničena na moje tijelo, a vaša na vaše tijelo, ali postoji drukčija svijest koja je u vama, u meni, u svima. To je svjesnost Kṛṣṇe.

Actually everything in the world is relative. That is a scientific fact. Our bodies, lives, intelligence, and everything else are all relative. To us an ant may seem to have a very short life, but for the ant his life is about a hundred years in duration. That hundred years is relative to the body. Similarly, Brahmā, who lives fantastically long from our point of view, only lives a hundred years from his point of view. This is relativity.

Ustvari, sve je u svijetu relativno. To je znanstvena činjenica. Naše tijelo, život, inteligencija i sve drugo relativno je. Čini nam se da je vijek mrava vrlo kratak, ali njemu traje oko sto godina. Tih stotinu godina relativno je u odnosu na tijelo. Slično tomu, Brahmā, koji s naše točke gledišta živi neobično dugo, živi samo sto godina s njegove točke gledišta. To je relativnost.

Karāndhara dāsa: Then the relativity is based upon our individual situation.

Karandhara dāsa: To znači da se relativnost temelji na našem položaju.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes. Therefore it is said that what is food for one is poison for another. People are thinking that because they cannot survive on the moon, no other living entities can. Everyone thinks of things in a relative way, in his own terms. This is the meaning of “frog philosophy.” The frog is always thinking of things in relation to his well. He has no power to conceive of the Atlantic Ocean, because his well is his only experience. God is great, but we are thinking of God’s greatness in our own terms, in terms of relative greatness. Some insects are born at night; they grow at night, have their children at night, and die at night. They never see the sun; therefore they conclude that there is no such thing as day. If you asked the insect about the morning, he would say, “There cannot be any morning.” Similarly, when people hear of Brahmā’s long duration of life from the scriptures, they do not believe it. They say, “How can anyone live for such a long time?” In the Bhagavad-gītā [8.17] Kṛṣṇa states:

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da, zato se kaže da je hrana za jednoga otrov za drugoga. Samo zato što ljudi ne mogu živjeti na Mjesecu, zaključuju da nijedno drugo živo biće ne može živjeti na Mjesecu. Svatko razmišlja na relativan način, u svojim okvirima. To je smisao „žablje filozofije“. Žabac uvijek razmišlja o svemu u odnosu na svoj bunar. Ne može zamisliti Atlantski ocean jer je iskusio jedino svoj bunar. Bog je velik, a mi razmišljamo o Njegovoj veličini u svojim okvirima, u okvirima relativne veličine. Neki se kukci rađaju noću, odrastaju noću, rađaju djecu noću i umiru noću. Nikad ne vide sunce, zato zaključuju da dan ne postoji. Kad biste kukca zapitali postoji li jutro, on bi rekao: „Jutro ne može postojati.“ Slično tomu, kad ljudi pročitaju u spisima podatak o Brahminu vijeku, ne vjeruju. Kažu: „Kako itko može živjeti tako dugo?“ U Bhagavad-gīti (8.17) Kṛṣṇa kaže:

ahar yad brahmaṇo viduḥ
rātriṁ yuga-sahasrāntāṁ
te ’ho-rātra-vido janāḥ
ahar yad brahmaṇo viduḥ
rātriṁ yuga-sahasrāntāṁ
te ’ho-rātra-vido janāḥ

“By human calculation, a thousand ages taken together is the duration of Brahmā’s one day. And such also is the duration of his night.”

„Po ljudskom proračunu, Brahmin dan traje tisuću milenija, a toliko traje i njegova noć.“

Thus Brahmā, by these calculations, lives for so many millions and trillions of years. We cannot believe this, although evidence is given in the scriptures. In other words, we conclude that Kṛṣṇa talks nonsensically, while we speak as authorities. Even great scholars say that these scriptural statements are all mental speculations. Although these men are nothing but rascals, they pass for reputable scholars. They place themselves above God’s position by attempting to refute or deny the statements of God in the revealed scriptures. In this way so many fools in the guise of scholars, scientists, and philosophers are misguiding the whole world.

Po ovim proračunima, Brahmā živi mnogo trilijuna godina. Ne možemo vjerovati u to iako nam spisi pružaju dokaze. Drugim riječima, zaključujemo da su Kṛṣṇine tvrdnje besmislene, a naše mjerodavne. Čak i veliki učenjaci kažu da su sve izjave spisa spekulacije. Iako nisu ništa drugo doli nitkovi, predstavljaju se kao veliki učenjaci. Pokušavaju opovrgnuti ili poreći Božje izjave u razotkrivenim spisima tako što sebe stavljaju iznad Boga. Na taj način mnoštvo budala prerušenih u učenjake, znanstvenike i filozofe zavodi čitav svijet.

Dr. Singh: Of course, so much is being written about Darwin’s theory. In any library there are hundreds of books on his theories.

Dr. Singh: Naravno, toliko se piše o Darwinovoj teoriji. U svakoj knjižnici postoje stotine knjiga o njegovim teorijama.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Do they accept or reject them?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Prihvaćaju li ih ili odbacuju?

Dr. Singh: Generally they accept him, but there are some who are very critical.

Dr. Singh: Uglavnom ih prihvaćaju, ali neki ih jako kritiziraju.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Darwin speaks about the evolution of the species of life, but he has no real information about spiritual evolution. He knows nothing about the progress of the spirit soul from lower forms of life to higher forms. He claims that man has evolved from monkeys, but we can see that the monkey is not extinct. If the monkey is the immediate forefather of man, why is the monkey still existing?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Darwin govori o evoluciji životnih vrsta, a ustvari ne poznaje duhovnu evoluciju. Ne zna ništa o napredovanju duhovne duše od nižih do viših životnih oblika. Tvrdi da je čovjek nastao od majmuna, ali primjećujemo da majmuni nisu izumrli. Ako je majmun čovjekov neposredni predak, zašto majmuni još uvijek postoje?

Dr. Singh: Darwin says that the species are not created independently but are descended from one another.

Dr. Singh: Darwin kaže da vrste nisu stvorene neovisno, već potječu jedna od druge.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: If there is no question of independence, how can he abruptly begin with a certain species? He must explain how the original species came into existence.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ako nema govora o neovisnosti, kako može nesuvislo početi s određenom vrstom? Mora objasniti kako su nastale prvobitne vrste.

Karāndhara dāsa: Scientists claim that the earth was created by biological chemistry, and they refuse to teach that God created the earth, because they think everyone will consider them fools.

Karandhara dāsa: Znanstvenici tvrde da je Zemlja stvorena biološko-kemijskim procesom. Ne žele poučavati da je Bog stvorio Zemlju jer misle da će ih svi smatrati budalama.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: If their biology and chemistry are so advanced, why don’t they create something? They claim they may be able to create life in the future, but why in the future? Life is already created. Is science based on the future? We should trust no future, however pleasant we may think it will be. Everyone is thinking the future will be very pleasant, but what assurance do we have of this? They have to accept that they do not know what the truth actually is. They cannot even produce a spear of grass through their biological or chemical experiments. Nonetheless they are claiming that the creation is produced by some chemical or biological method. Why does no one question all this nonsense?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Ako su biologija i kemija tako napredne, zašto ne stvore nešto? Tvrde da će možda stvoriti život u budućnosti, ali zašto u budućnosti? Život je već stvoren. Temelji li se znanost na budućnosti? Ne smijemo vjerovati budućnosti koliko god lijepo izgledala. Svatko misli da će budućnost biti vrlo lijepa, ali tko nam to jamči? Moraju priznati da ne znaju što je istina. Svojim biološkim ili kemijskim eksperimentima ne mogu proizvesti čak ni vlat trave, a ipak tvrde da je svijet nastao zahvaljujući kemijskim ili biološkim procesima. Zašto nitko ne dovodi u pitanje sve te besmislice?

Dr. Singh: In the ultimate analysis, when they consider the origin of life, they say that everything started from matter. In other words, living matter comes from nonliving matter.

Dr. Singh: Analizirajući podrijetlo života, zaključuju da je sve nastalo iz materije. Drugim riječima, živa materija nastaje iz nežive materije.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: From where is this living matter coming now? Did it come from nonliving matter in the past and not at the present? How is the ant coming? Is it materializing from dirt? Even an ant does not come from inert matter. What proof do they have of such a theory? Darwin claims that in the distant past no really intelligent man existed, that man simply evolved from the apes. If there was no intelligent brain in the past, how is it that these Vedic scriptures were written thousands and thousands of years ago? How do they explain a sage like Vyāsadeva?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Iz čega sada nastaje živa materija? Je li u prošlosti nastala iz nežive materije, a danas ne nastaje? Iz čega nastaje mrav? Materijalizira li se iz zemlje? Čak ni mrav ne nastaje iz nepokretne materije. Imaju li kakav dokaz za tu teoriju? Darwin tvrdi da u dalekoj prošlosti nije postojao ni jedan inteligentan čovjek i da je čovjek jednostavno nastao od majmuna. Ako u prošlosti nije postojao nijedan inteligentan mozak, kako su onda vedski spisi zapisani prije mnogo tisuća godina? Kako objašnjavaju postojanje mudraca poput Vyāsadeve?

Dr. Singh: They have no explanation. They simply say these are unknown forest sages.

Dr. Singh: Nemaju nikakvo objašnjenje. Jednostavno kažu da su to nepoznati šumski mudraci.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Vyāsadeva may be unknown to them, but nonetheless he was there. How is it he got such a brain? He may be unknown to you or to me, but nonetheless his brain-work is there, his philosophy is there, his language, linguistics, poetic arrangements, and verbal strength. You may not know the person, but you can understand the brain.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Vyāsadeva im je možda nepoznat, ali je ipak postojao. Odakle mu takva inteligencija? Možda je vama ili meni nepoznat, ali postoji njegovo djelo, njegova filozofija, njegov jezik, pjesništvo i izražajna snaga. Ne morate ga osobno poznavati, ali možete shvatiti njegovu inteligenciju.

Dr. Singh: Weren’t all the varieties of animals existing from the beginning?

Dr. Singh: Zar različite vrste životinja ne postoje od početka?

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Yes. Simultaneous creation is verified by the Bhagavad-gītā. All the varieties of animals and men as well as demigods were existing from the beginning. A living entity wants a certain type of body, and Kṛṣṇa gives it to him. Because he desires things in a certain way, he associates with certain qualities of nature in matter. According to his association, he receives a particular type of body. The psychological forces – the mind, thinking, feeling, and willing – determine the particular type of situation and body the living entity receives. The evolutionary process is there, but it is not an evolution of species. It is not that one species of life develops from another, for, as Kṛṣṇa states:

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Da. Bhagavad-gītā potvrđuje istodobno stvaranje. Različite vrste životinja, ljudi i polubogova postoje od početka. Živo biće želi određenu vrstu tijela i Kṛṣṇa mu ga daje. Ima određene želje, druži se s određenim svojstvima materijalne prirode i u skladu s tim dobiva određenu vrstu tijela. Psihološke funkcije uma, mišljenje, osjećanje i htijenje, određuju u kakvom ćemo tijelu i okolnostima živjeti. Proces evolucije postoji, ali to nije evolucija životnih vrsta. Jedna se vrsta života ne razvija iz druge jer Kṛṣṇa kaže:

bhūta-grāmaḥ sa evāyaṁ
bhūtva bhūtva pralīyate
rātry-āgame ’vaśaḥ pārtha
prabhavaty ahar-āgame
bhūta-grāmaḥ sa evāyaṁ
bhūtva bhūtva pralīyate
rātry-āgame ’vaśaḥ pārtha
prabhavaty ahar-āgame

“Again and again, when Brahmā’s day arrives, all living entities come into being, and with the arrival of Brahmā’s night they are helplessly annihilated.” [Bhagavad-gītā 8.19]

„Na početku svakog Brahmina dana iznova nastaju sva živa bića, a potom ponovno neizbježno stradavaju kada padne Brahmina noć.“ (Bhagavad-gītā 8.18)

The evolution is the spiritual evolution of the individual living entity through the various species of life. If one enters into the body of a fish, he has to undergo the evolutionary process step by step. If one is on the top of the stairs and somehow falls down, he again has to go up the evolutionary staircase step by step. Of course, the scientists are busy making so much research that they cannot understand this. If you tell them they are going to be trees in their next life, they think you are speaking nonsense. After all, what can we learn by research? When the cause of all causes is known, then everything knowable becomes known, and nothing remains unknown. As the Vedas state: kasmin nu bhagavo vijñāte sarvam idaṁ vijñātaṁ bhavati. If we know the Absolute Truth, all other truths become known, but if we don’t know the Absolute Truth, we are in ignorance. One may not be an official scientist or philosopher, but he may challenge anyone and talk boldly if he only knows one thing – Kṛṣṇa.

Evolucija je duhovna evolucija individualnog živog bića kroz različite vrste života. Uđe li u tijelo ribe, mora proći kroz proces postupne evolucije. Ako netko padne s vrha stubišta, mora se ponovno popeti evolucijskim stubištem korak po korak. Naravno, znanstvenici su toliko zauzeti svojim istraživanjima da to ne mogu shvatiti. Kad im kažete da će u sljedećem životu postati drvo, misle da govorite gluposti. Uostalom, što možemo naučiti istraživanjem? Kada upoznamo uzrok svih uzroka, sve nam se razotkriva i ništa nam ne ostaje nepoznato. U Vedama je rečeno: yasmin vijñāte sarvam evaṁ vijñātaṁ bhavati. Ako spoznamo Apsolutnu Istinu spoznat ćemo i sve druge istine, ali ako ne spoznamo Apsolutnu Istinu, ostat ćemo u neznanju. Ne moramo biti znanstvenik ili filozof, ali možemo izazvati svakoga te smiono govoriti ako znamo samo jedno, Kṛṣṇu.

This contemporary civilization is so proud of its independence, but actually it is so much dependent on oil. If the oil supply is stopped, then what will these rascal scientists do? They cannot do anything. Let them try to manufacture oil in their test tubes, enough oil to run their civilization on. At present there is a scarcity of water in India. What can the scientists do about this? They may know the chemical composition of water, but they cannot produce it when there is a great scarcity. They require the help of clouds, and all that is God’s manipulation. Actually they cannot do anything. They have gone to the moon, but for all their labor they have simply taken away some dust and rocks. The rascal government exacts taxes and spends money unnecessarily. This is their intelligence. It is a state of asses, that’s all. The politicians have no sympathy or compassion. They do not consider that the hard-earned money is coming from the public and that they are spending it by shooting big rockets off to other planets. All they do is promise to bring back more dust. First they may get a handful of dust, then they promise to bring back tons of dust. What is the meaning of all this?

Suvremena je civilizacija toliko ponosna na svoju neovisnost iako jako puno ovisi o nafti. Kad iscrpe izvore nafte, što će onda učiniti ti lupeški znanstvenici? Ne mogu ništa učiniti. Neka pokušaju stvoriti naftu u svojim epruvetama, dovoljno nafte za održavanje svoje civilizacije. Danas u Indiji vlada nestašica vode. Što znanstvenici mogu poduzeti? Znaju kemijski sastav vode, ali je ne mogu proizvesti za vrijeme velike suše. Potrebna im je pomoć oblaka kojima upravlja Bog. Ustvari, ne mogu učiniti ništa. Otišli su na Mjesec, ali uza sav svoj napor donijeli su malo prašine i kamenja. Nitkovska vlada nameće poreze i nepotrebno troši novac. To je njihova inteligencija. Država magaraca, to je sve. Političari nisu suosjećajni niti samilosni. Ne razmišljaju da se mukom zarađeni novac ubire od ljudi pa ga troše šaljući velike rakete na druge planete. Samo obećavaju da će donijeti još više prašine. Prvo donesu šaku prašine i potom obećavaju da će donijeti tone prašine. Ima li to ikakva smisla?

Karāndhara dāsa: They believe that there may be life on Mars.

Karandhara dāsa: Vjeruju da na Marsu ima života.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: They may believe or not believe – what is the gain? What we do know is that life is here. They know this, yet they are engaged in fighting and in killing life. Here is life. Here is a human being. Life is here undoubtedly. But they are busy trying to destroy it with their big bombs. This is their scientific advancement.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: Vjerovali ili ne, kakva je korist od toga? Ono što znamo jest da ovdje ima života. Znaju to, ali ipak ratuju i ubijaju život. Ovdje je život, ovdje je ljudsko biće. Život nedvojbeno postoji ovdje, ali oni uporno pokušavaju uništiti život velikim bombama. To je njihov znanstveni napredak.

Dr. Singh: They are very curious to know what is going on on other planets.

Dr. Singh: Iz radoznalosti žele doznati što se događa na drugim planetima.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: That means that for their childish curiosity they are spending so much money. They can spend so much to satisfy their curiosity, but when so many poverty-stricken countries ask them for help, they say there is no money. They are very proud to go to the moon, but why don’t they take information how to go to Kṛṣṇa’s Goloka Vṛndāvana? If they go there, all their curiosity will be satisfied. They will learn that beyond this inferior energy there is indeed a superior, spiritual energy. This material energy cannot work independently. The spiritual energy has to join it. Material elements are not created of themselves. It is the soul that is creative. We may try to make something with matter, but matter does not create itself. Hydrogen and oxygen will come in contact only when moved by the superior energy. Only fools can expect the entire cosmic manifestation, which is only matter, to come into being automatically. We may have a nice car, but if there is no driver, what is its use? Unless a man knows how to work a machine, unless a man pushes a button, the machine does not work. Similarly, without the superior energy, the material energy cannot act. Behind this wonderful cosmic manifestation is the direction of a superior energy. All this information is given in the scriptures, but still people will not believe it.

Śrīla Prabhupāda: To znači da iz djetinjaste radoznalosti troše jako puno novca. Troše toliko novca da bi zadovoljili svoju radoznalost, a kad ih siromašne zemlje zamole za pomoć, kažu da nemaju novaca. Ponose se svojim odlaskom na Mjesec, ali zašto ih ne zanima kako se ide na Kṛṣṇin planet, Goloku Vṛndāvanu? Kad bi dospjeli ondje, njihova bi radoznalost bila potpuno zadovoljena. Otkrili bi da iznad ove niže energije postoji viša, duhovna energija. Materijalna energija ne može djelovati neovisno. Mora joj se pridružiti duhovna energija. Materijalni elementi ne nastaju sami. Duša je ta koja stvara. Možemo pokušati napraviti nešto od materije, ali materija ne stvara sama sebe. Vodik i kisik spojit će se samo kad ih pokrene viša energija. Samo će budale očekivati da cijelo kozmičko očitovanje, koje nije ništa drugo doli materija, nastane samo od sebe. Možemo imati lijep automobil, ali bez vozača, kakva je korist od njega? Stroj neće raditi sve dok ga čovjek koji zna na njemu raditi ne pokrene, sve dok ne pritisne gumb. Slično tomu, bez više energije, materijalna energija ne može djelovati. Ovim čudesnim kozmičkim očitovanjem upravlja viša energija. To je znanje izloženo u spisima, ali ljudi u njega ne vjeruju.

Actually everything is God’s property, but people are claiming this property to be theirs or their country’s. Now they are talking about the problem of overpopulation, but the fact is that God has supplied enough. Actually there is enough land and enough food if it is properly used. People are artificially creating problems, and the scientists are helping them by giving them so many destructive devices. They simply encourage the rascals and rogues who are trying to use up God’s property. If you help a murderer or a thief, you also become a criminal. Is that not so? There is so much trouble in the world because the scientists are helping all the thieves and rogues. Thus they are all criminals. Stena eva saḥ. One who does not recognize the proprietorship of the Supreme Lord is a thief.

Sve je Božje vlasništvo, ali ljudi tvrde da pripada njima ili njihovoj zemlji. Sada govore o problemu prenapučenosti, ali činjenica je da nas Bog opskrbljuje u dovoljnoj mjeri. Ima dovoljno zemlje i dovoljno hrane, samo ih treba pravilno iskoristiti. Ljudi umjetno stvaraju probleme, a znanstvenici im pomažu dajući im brojna sredstva za uništavanje. Jednostavno ohrabruju nitkove i lupeže koji pokušavaju iskoristiti Božju imovinu. Ako pomognete ubojici ili lopovu, i sami postajete kriminalac. Zar nije tako? U svijetu ima puno problema jer znanstvenici pomažu lopovima i nitkovima. Zato su svi oni kriminalci. Stena eva saḥ. Onaj tko ne priznaje Gospodinovo vlasništvo nije ništa drugo nego lopov.

Our mission is to bring these rascals to their senses. Now one must find out the means to do this. The rascals are suffering, but because they are sons of God they should not suffer. They do not know that there is God or that there is happiness. They know nothing of bliss or of eternal life. They are carrying on so much research and living for fifty, sixty, or seventy years. After that they do not know what is going to happen. They have no knowledge that life is eternal. Actually their position is like that of an animal. An animal does not know what is after death, nor does he actually contemplate death. He does not know why he is here, nor does he know the value of life. Under the influence of māyā, the animal simply goes on eating, sleeping, defending, mating, and dying. That’s all. People are endeavoring so hard, but for what purpose? They say that they are struggling so hard to make provisions for the next generation, but what are the provisions for? They cannot reply to that. This Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is meant to give real purpose to life by establishing Kṛṣṇa, God, as the center of everything. It is therefore to the scientists’ benefit to understand this important movement.

Mi pokušavamo urazumiti sve te nitkove. To je naša misija. Sada moramo pronaći pravi način. Nitkovi pate, ali kao Božja djeca ne bi trebali patiti. Ne znaju da postoji Bog ili sreća. Ne znaju ništa o blaženstvu ili vječnom životu. Puno istražuju, a žive pedeset, šezdeset ili sedamdeset godina. Ne znaju što će se nakon toga dogoditi. Ne znaju da je život vječan. Ustvari, njihov je položaj poput položaja životinje. Životinja niti zna što se događa nakon smrti niti razmišlja o smrti. Ne zna zašto je ovdje niti zna vrijednost života. Pod utjecajem māye, jednostavno jede, spava, brani se, razmnožava i umire. To je sve. Ljudi naporno rade, ali radi čega? Kažu da se teško bore kako bi opskrbili sljedeće pokoljenje, ali opskrbili za što? Na to ne znaju odgovoriti. Moramo im otkriti pravi smisao života stavljajući Kṛṣṇu, Boga, u središte svega. To je svrha ovoga pokreta za svjesnost Kṛṣṇe. Prema tomu, znanstvenici bi za vlastito dobro trebali shvatiti ovaj vrlo važan pokret.