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Text 12



स यदा दुग्धपूर्वसुकृतस्तदा कारस्करकाकतुण्डाद्यपुण्यद्रुमलताविषोदपानवदुभयार्थशून्यद्रविणान्जीवन्मृतान् स्वयं जीवन्म्रियमाण उपधावति ॥ १२ ॥



sa yadā dugdha-pūrva-sukṛtas tadā kāraskara-kākatuṇḍādy-apuṇya-druma-latā-viṣoda-pānavad ubhayārtha-śūnya-draviṇān jīvan-mṛtān svayaṁ jīvan-mriyamāṇa upadhāvati.
sa yadā dugdha-pūrva-sukṛtas tadā kāraskara-kākatuṇḍādy-apuṇya-druma-latā-viṣoda-pānavad ubhayārtha-śūnya-draviṇān jīvan-mṛtān svayaṁ jīvan-mriyamāṇa upadhāvati.


Palabra por palabra

saḥ — that conditioned soul; yadā — when; dugdha — exhausted; pūrva — previous; sukṛtaḥ — pious activities; tadā — at that time; kāraskara-kākatuṇḍa-ādi — named kāraskara, kākatuṇḍa, etc.; apuṇya-druma-latā — impious trees and creepers; viṣa-uda-pāna-vat — like wells with poisonous water; ubhaya-artha-śūnya — which cannot give happiness either in this life or in the next; draviṇān — those who possess wealth; jīvat-mṛtān — who are dead, although apparently alive; svayam — he himself; jīvat — living; mriyamāṇaḥ — being dead; upadhāvati — approaches for material acquisition.

saḥ — esa alma condicionada; yadā — cuando; dugdha — agotadas; pūrva — anteriores; sukṛtaḥ — actividades piadosas; tadā — en ese entonces; kāraskara-kākatuṇḍa-ādi — que reciben los nombres de kāraskara, kākatuṇḍa, etc.; apuṇya-druma-latā — árboles y enredaderas impíos; viṣa-uda-pāna-vat — como pozos de agua envenenada; ubhaya-artha-śūnya — que no pueden dar felicidad ni en esta vida ni en la siguiente; draviṇān — a aquellos que poseen riquezas; jīvat-mṛtān — que están muertos, aunque en apariencia vivan; svayam — él mismo; jīvat — vivir; mriyamāṇaḥ — estando muerto; upadhāvati — acude en busca de bienes materiales.



Due to his pious activities in previous lives, the conditioned soul attains material facilities in this life, but when they are finished, he takes shelter of wealth and riches, which cannot help him in this life or the next. Because of this, he approaches the living dead who possess these things. Such people are compared to impure trees, creepers and poisonous wells.

Debido a las actividades piadosas de sus vidas anteriores, el alma condicionada obtiene en esta un cierto bienestar material; sin embargo, cuando ese bienestar acaba, se refugia en la riqueza y las posesiones, que no pueden ayudarle ni en esta vida ni en la siguiente. Debido a ello, se relaciona con los muertos vivientes que poseen esas riquezas, a quienes se compara a árboles impuros, enredaderas y pozos envenenados.



The wealth and riches acquired through previous pious activities should not be misused for sense gratification. Enjoying them for sense gratification is like enjoying the fruits of a poisonous tree. Such activities will not help the conditioned soul in any way, neither in this life nor the next. However, if one engages his possessions in the service of the Lord under the guidance of a proper spiritual master, he will attain happiness both in this life and the next. Unless he does so, he eats a forbidden apple and thereby loses his paradise. Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa therefore advises that one’s possessions should be given unto Him.

Las riquezas y posesiones adquiridas gracias a las actividades piadosas anteriores no deben emplearse erróneamente en la complacencia de los sentidos. Disfrutar de ellas de ese modo es como disfrutar de los frutos de un árbol venenoso. Esas actividades no suponen ninguna ayuda para la entidad viviente, ni en esta vida ni en la siguiente. Sin embargo, quien ocupe sus posesiones en el servicio del Señor bajo la guía de un maestro espiritual adecuado, obtendrá felicidad tanto en esta vida como en la siguiente. Quien no actúe así, estará comiendo del fruto prohibido, y debido a ello perderá su paraíso. Por consiguiente, el Señor Śrī Kṛṣṇa nos aconseja que Le ofrezcamos a Él nuestras posesiones.

yat karoṣi yad aśnāsi
yaj juhoṣi dadāsi yat
yat tapasyasi kaunteya
tat kuruṣva mad-arpaṇam
yat karoṣi yad aśnāsi
yaj juhoṣi dadāsi yat
yat tapasyasi kaunteya
tat kuruṣva mad-arpaṇam

“O son of Kuntī, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me.” (Bg. 9.27) Material wealth and opulence attained through previous pious activities can be fully utilized for one’s benefit in this life and the next if one is Kṛṣṇa conscious. One should not try to possess more than he needs for the bare necessities. If one gets more than is needed, the surplus should be fully engaged in the Lord’s service. That will make the conditioned soul, the world and Kṛṣṇa happy, and this is the aim of life.

“O son of Kuntī, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me.” (Bg. 9.27) Material wealth and opulence attained through previous pious activities can be fully utilized for one’s benefit in this life and the next if one is Kṛṣṇa conscious. One should not try to possess more than he needs for the bare necessities. If one gets more than is needed, the surplus should be fully engaged in the Lord’s service. That will make the conditioned soul, the world and Kṛṣṇa happy, and this is the aim of life.