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Text 117



sandhyāte calibe prabhu, — nṛpati śunila
hastī-upara tāmbu-gṛhe strī-gaṇe caḍāila
sandhyāte calibe prabhu, — nṛpati śunila
hastī-upara tāmbu-gṛhe strī-gaṇe caḍāila



sandhyāte — in the evening; calibe prabhu — the Lord will start; nṛpati śunila — the King heard; hastī-upara — upon the backs of elephants; tāmbu-gṛhe — in tents; strī-gaṇe — all the ladies; caḍāila — made get up.

sandhyāte — večer; calibe prabhu — Pán se vydá na cestu; nṛpati śunila — král slyšel; hastī-upara — na hřbetech slonů; tāmbu-gṛhe — do stanů; strī-gaṇe — všechny ženy; caḍāila — nechal nastoupit.



When the King heard that the Lord was leaving that evening, he immediately made arrangements for some elephants with small tents on their backs to be brought there. Then all the ladies of the palace got on the elephants.

Když se král dozvěděl, že ten večer Pán odchází, nechal okamžitě přivést několik slonů s malými stany na zádech, do kterých nastoupily všechny dámy z paláce.