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Text 117




vācā sūcita-śarvarī-rati-kalā-prāgalbhyayā rādhikāṁ
vrīḍā-kuñcita-locanāṁ viracayann agre sakhīnām asau
tad-vakṣo-ruha-citra-keli-makarī-pāṇḍitya-pāraṁ gataḥ
kaiśoraṁ saphalī-karoti kalayan kuñje vihāraṁ hariḥ
vācā sūcita-śarvarī-rati-kalā-prāgalbhyayā rādhikāṁ
vrīḍā-kuñcita-locanāṁ viracayann agre sakhīnām asau
tad-vakṣo-ruha-citra-keli-makarī-pāṇḍitya-pāraṁ gataḥ
kaiśoraṁ saphalī-karoti kalayan kuñje vihāraṁ hariḥ



vācā — by speech; sūcita — revealing; śarvarī — of the night; rati — in amorous pastimes; kalā — of the portion; prāgalbhyayā — the impudence; rādhikām — Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī; vrīḍā — from shame; kuñcita-locanām — having Her eyes closed; viracayan — making; agre — before; sakhīnām — Her friends; asau — that one; tat — of Her; vakṣaḥ-ruha — on the breasts; citra-keli — with variegated pastimes; makarī — in drawing dolphins; pāṇḍitya — of cleverness; pāram — the limit; gataḥ — who reached; kaiśoram — adolescence; sa-phalī-karoti — makes successful; kalayan — performing; kuñje — in the bushes; vihāram — pastimes; hariḥ — the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

vācā — com palavras; sūcita — revelando; śarvarī — da noite; rati — em passatempos amorosos; kalā — da porção; prāgalbhyayā — a importância; rādhikām — Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī; vrīḍā — envergonhada; kuñcita-locanām — tendo os olhos cerrados; viracayan — fazendo; agre — diante de; sakhīnām — as amigas dEla; asau — aquela; tat — dEla; vakṣaḥ-ruha — nos seios; citra-keli — com passatempos variados; makarī — ao desenhar golfinhos; pāṇḍitya — de destreza; pāram — o limite; gataḥ — que alcançou; kaiśoram — adolescência; sa-phalī-karoti — coroa de êxito; kalayan — executando; kuñje — nos bosques; vihāram — passatempos; hariḥ — a Suprema Personalidade de Deus.



“Lord Kṛṣṇa made Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī close Her eyes in shame before Her friends by His words relating Their amorous activities on the previous night. Then He showed the highest limit of cleverness in drawing pictures of dolphins in various playful sports on Her breasts. In this way Lord Hari made His youth successful by performing pastimes in the bushes with Śrī Rādhā and Her friends.”

“O Senhor Kṛṣṇa fez Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī cerrar os olhos, envergonhada diante de Suas amigas, ao relatar com as palavras dEle Suas atividades amorosas da noite anterior. Então, Ele demonstrou o limite máximo de destreza ao desenhar nos seios dEla figuras de golfinhos exibindo diversos movimentos esportivos. Dessa maneira, o Senhor Hari coroou de êxito a Sua juventude, executando passatempos nos bosques com Śrī Rādhā e Suas amigas.”



This is a verse from the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (2.1.231) of Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī.

SIGNIFICADO—Este verso é do Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (2.1.231), de Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī.