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सञ्जय उवाच
दृष्ट्वा तु पाण्डवानीकं व्यूढं दुर्योधनस्तदा ।
आचार्यमुपसङ्गम्य राजा वचनमब्रवीत् ॥ २ ॥



sañjaya uvāca
dṛṣṭvā tu pāṇḍavānīkaṁ
vyūḍhaṁ duryodhanas tadā
ācāryam upasaṅgamya
rājā vacanam abravīt
sañjaya uvāca
dṛṣṭvā tu pāṇḍavānīkaṁ
vyūḍhaṁ duryodhanas tadā
ācāryam upasaṅgamya
rājā vacanam abravīt



sañjayaḥ uvāca — Sañjaya said; dṛṣṭvā — after seeing; tu — but; pāṇḍava-anīkam — the soldiers of the Pāṇḍavas; vyūḍham — arranged in a military phalanx; duryodhanaḥ — King Duryodhana; tadā — at that time; ācāryam — the teacher; upasaṅgamya — approaching; rājā — the king; vacanam — words; abravīt — spoke.

sañjayaḥ uvāca: Sañjaya dit; dṛṣṭvā: après avoir vu; tu: mais; pāṇḍava-anīkam: les troupes des Pāṇḍavas; vyūḍham: déployées en formation de combat; duryodhanaḥ: le roi Duryodhana; tadā: à ce moment; ācāryam: le précepteur; upasaṅgamya: s’approchant de; rājā: le roi; vacanam: ces paroles; abravīt: dit.



Sañjaya said: O King, after looking over the army arranged in military formation by the sons of Pāṇḍu, King Duryodhana went to his teacher and spoke the following words.

Sañjaya dit: Ô monarque, après avoir observé l’armée des fils de Pāṇḍu déployée en formation de combat, le roi Duryodhana s’approche de son précepteur et lui tient ces propos.



Dhṛtarāṣṭra was blind from birth. Unfortunately, he was also bereft of spiritual vision. He knew very well that his sons were equally blind in the matter of religion, and he was sure that they could never reach an understanding with the Pāṇḍavas, who were all pious since birth. Still he was doubtful about the influence of the place of pilgrimage, and Sañjaya could understand his motive in asking about the situation on the battlefield. Sañjaya wanted, therefore, to encourage the despondent king and thus assured him that his sons were not going to make any sort of compromise under the influence of the holy place. Sañjaya therefore informed the king that his son, Duryodhana, after seeing the military force of the Pāṇḍavas, at once went to the commander in chief, Droṇācārya, to inform him of the real position. Although Duryodhana is mentioned as the king, he still had to go to the commander on account of the seriousness of the situation. He was therefore quite fit to be a politician. But Duryodhana’s diplomatic veneer could not disguise the fear he felt when he saw the military arrangement of the Pāṇḍavas.

Aveugle de naissance, Dhṛtarāṣṭra souffre malheureusement d’une autre infirmité: il est dépourvu de vision spirituelle. Il sait par ailleurs que ses fils sont spirituellement aussi aveugles que lui et qu’ils n’arriveront jamais à s’entendre avec les Pāṇḍavas dont la piété est native.

Comprenant que le roi déprimé l’interroge parce qu’il craint l’influence de la plaine sacrée sur l’issue de la bataille, Sañjaya lui certifie, pour le rassurer, que ses fils n’accepteront aucun compromis, même sous l’emprise du saint lieu. Duryodhana, lui dit-il, vient d’évaluer les forces militaires des Pāṇḍavas et se dirige à présent vers Droṇācārya, le chef de ses armées, pour lui décrire la situation.

Bien qu’il soit roi, Duryodhana, en habile politicien, va consulter le chef de ses troupes tant les choses sont sérieuses. Son vernis diplomatique ne peut cependant masquer la crainte que lui inspire le déploiement des armées des Pāṇḍavas.