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Sloka 11

Text 11



śrī-śuka uvāca
iti te kṣvelitais tasyā
āśvasta-manaso ’surāḥ
jahasur bhāva-gambhīraṁ
daduś cāmṛta-bhājanam
śrī-śuka uvāca
iti te kṣvelitais tasyā
āśvasta-manaso ’surāḥ
jahasur bhāva-gambhīraṁ
daduś cāmṛta-bhājanam



śrī-śukaḥ uvāca — Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī řekl; iti — tímto způsobem; te — oni démoni; kṣvelitaiḥ — jakoby žertem; tasyāḥ — Mohinī-mūrti; āśvasta — vděčné, s důvěrou; manasaḥ — jejich mysli; asurāḥ — všichni démoni; jahasuḥ — zasmáli se; bhāva-gambhīram — i když Mohinī-mūrti byla zcela vážná; daduḥ — dali; ca — také; amṛta-bhājanam — nádobu s nektarem.

śrī-śukaḥ uvāca — Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said; iti — thus; te — those demons; kṣvelitaiḥ — by speaking as if jokingly; tasyāḥ — of Mohinī-mūrti; āśvasta — grateful, with faith; manasaḥ — their minds; asurāḥ — all the demons; jahasuḥ — laughed; bhāva-gambhīram — although Mohinī-mūrti was full of gravity; daduḥ — delivered; ca — also; amṛta-bhājanam — the container of nectar.



Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī pokračoval: Poté, co démoni vyslechli slova Mohinī-mūrti, která mluvila jakoby žertem, všechny naplnila důvěra. Zasmáli se Její vážnosti a nakonec předali nádobu s nektarem do Jejích rukou.

Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: After the demons heard the words of Mohinī-mūrti, who had spoken as if jokingly, they were all very confident. They laughed with gravity, and ultimately they delivered the container of nectar into Her hands.



Osobnost Božství ve své podobě Mohinī nežertovala, ale mluvila naprosto vážně. Démoni však byli zaujatí Jejími tělesnými rysy, a proto vzali Její slova jako žert a s důvěrou svěřili nádobu nektaru do Jejích rukou. Mohinī-mūrti tak připomíná Pána Buddhu, který se zjevil, aby podvedl asury — sammohāya sura-dviṣām. Slovo sura-dviṣām označuje ty, kdo zaujímají nepřátelský postoj vůči polobohům či oddaným. Někdy se stává, že inkarnace Nejvyšší Osobnosti Božství podvede ateisty. Zde vidíme, že asurové pokládali slova Mohinī-mūrti za vtip, i když jim říkala pravdu. Měli takovou důvěru v Její čestnost, že Jí ihned předali nádobu s nektarem, jako kdyby chtěli dovolit, ať si s nektarem dělá co chce — rozdá ho, vylije nebo ho všechen vypije sama, aniž by dala jim.

The Personality of Godhead in His form of Mohinī was certainly not joking but talking seriously, with gravity. The demons, however, being captivated by Mohinī-mūrti’s bodily features, took Her words as a joke and confidently delivered the container of nectar into Her hands. Thus Mohinī-mūrti resembles Lord Buddha, who appeared sammohāya sura-dviṣām — to cheat the asuras. The word sura-dviṣām refers to those who are envious of the demigods or devotees. Sometimes an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead cheats the atheists. Thus we see here that although Mohinī-mūrti was speaking factually to the asuras, the asuras took Her words to be facetious. Indeed, they were so confident of Mohinī-mūrti’s honesty that they immediately delivered the container of nectar into Her hands, as if they would allow Her to do with the nectar whatever She liked, whether She distributed it, threw it away or drank it Herself without giving it to them.