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Sloka 10

Text 10



payodhiṁ yena nirmathya
surāṇāṁ sādhitā sudhā
bhramamāṇo ’mbhasi dhṛtaḥ
kūrma-rūpeṇa mandaraḥ
payodhiṁ yena nirmathya
surāṇāṁ sādhitā sudhā
bhramamāṇo ’mbhasi dhṛtaḥ
kūrma-rūpeṇa mandaraḥ



payodhim — oceánu mléka; yena — jímž; nirmathya — stloukáním; surāṇām — polobohů; sādhitā — vytvořený; sudhā — nektar; bhramamāṇaḥ — pohybující se z místa na místo; ambhasi — pod hladinou; dhṛtaḥ — setrvával; kūrma-rūpeṇa — v podobě želvy; mandaraḥ — hora zvaná Mandara.

payodhim — the Ocean of Milk; yena — by whom; nirmathya — by churning; surāṇām — of the demigods; sādhitā — produced; sudhā — nectar; bhramamāṇaḥ — moving here and there; ambhasi — within the water; dhṛtaḥ — was staying; kūrma-rūpeṇa — in the form of a tortoise; mandaraḥ — the mountain known as Mandara.



Stloukáním oceánu mléka vytvořil Ajita nektar pro polobohy. V podobě želvy se pohyboval z místa na místo a nesl na zádech velkou horu zvanou Mandara.

By churning the Ocean of Milk, Ajita produced nectar for the demigods. In the form of a tortoise, He moved here and there, carrying on His back the great mountain known as Mandara.