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Text 226



ācārya-prasāde pāila prabhura ucchiṣṭa-pāta
prabhura caraṇa dekhe dina pāṅca-sāta
ācārya-prasāde pāila prabhura ucchiṣṭa-pāta
prabhura caraṇa dekhe dina pāṅca-sāta



ācārya-prasāde — milostí Advaity Ācāryi; pāila — dostal; prabhura — Pána Śrī Caitanyi Mahāprabhua; ucchiṣṭa-pāta — zbytky jídla; prabhura — Śrī Caitanyi Mahāprabhua; caraṇa — lotosové nohy; dekhe — vídá; dina — dnů; pāṅca-sāta — pět až sedm.

ācārya-prasāde — by the mercy of Advaita Ācārya; pāila — got; prabhura — of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; ucchiṣṭa-pāta — remnants of food; prabhura — of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; caraṇa — lotus feet; dekhe — sees; dina — days; pāṅca-sāta — five to seven.



Advaita Ācārya dával Raghunāthovi dāsovi po dobu jeho pobytu zbytky Pánova jídla. Raghunātha dāsa tak pět až sedm dní sloužil Pánovým lotosovým nohám.

When Raghunātha dāsa was there, Advaita Ācārya favored him by giving him the food remnants left by the Lord. Raghunātha dāsa was thus engaged for five or seven days in rendering service to the Lord’s lotus feet.